Nicole Cooke's 2010 Bike???



  • Speed_King
    Speed_King Posts: 510
    Only messin'.
    Although for the record, I don't agree it's "erroneus nonsense".
    We (the UK) don't make enough stuff.
    Especially bike stuff!
    The only thing we appear good at manufacturing is debt. :(

    Erroneus yes... But even the debt and financial crisis we are in atm is from USA lol
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,231
    If British Cycling are so into getting the British into cycling or whatever crap they're trying to spin, shouldn't they be using a British bike maker rather than an Italian (or wherever Pinarellos come from) bike maker?

    Makes no sense

    What your post? Do you really think more Brits will cycle because a pro team uses a British made bike? They're nearly all made in SE Asia no matter what paint job and lables are on them so it's pretty irrelevant really.