Anyone hit a pedestrian. or a dog?



  • If you think there's a fair chance you're going to plough into someone because you can't see what's coming the other way, you should probably slow down. Common sense really.

    Same with kids and dogs. There's a good chance they're going to jump out in front of you, and since you're the only one aware of the consequences at the time, you ultimately hold responsibility.
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    Yesterday I was riding on the Eildons and there was a tiny little dog and a pretty big one.

    They were way ahead of their owners without a lead :x I found it really funny though that the big one went flying when it saw me coming but the little one stood its ground, it only moved when it was about 2 inches from my tyre (I had slowed down though)

    That was fine since I found it funny but then the owners were walking up the track (2 old guys) and wouldn't let me past :evil: They made me wait and trackstand while they finished walking up and passed me and nearly knocked me off the bike they went so close.

    I got it all on camera though so may put it on youtube to shame them :twisted:
  • manc1
    manc1 Posts: 24
    I hit a sheep a few years ago. There alot more solid than they look! My mate who was with me still laughs about it now :oops:
    Will swap family and friends for a 1993 Klien Attitude.
  • fredy
    fredy Posts: 308
    If you think there's a fair chance you're going to plough into someone because you can't see what's coming the other way, you should probably slow down. Common sense really.

    well thats the problem, even with brakes on, its still hard to go much less than 30mph without losing your pads. Though if its narrow and im coming up to a corner i do slow down as much as i can get away with.
  • armymankin
    armymankin Posts: 213
    i once came across the zibra crossing... yea, i know i meant to stop and let the pedes walk pass. you guessed it, i did not.... BECAUSE, i saw this guy walking on it when i was like 100m away. he almost finished crossing the road to my left, so i steered to my right to pass him. this mada fker jumped back on the road and collide with me... he then swore at me as expected. hate these kinda people looking for touble. :evil: :evil:
  • kaytronika
    kaytronika Posts: 580
    I recall turning up to Rivington for (I think) the UK's first four man downhill organised race.

    The route started about half way up the pike and made it's way past the pigeon tower, down the pretty steep technical route to the car park. We made our home the grass by the fence out of the way of the track about half way up. Between runs, people were using the road and they were moving off to the side when they were warned that a race was on.

    One gent decided he wasn't going to listen to peoples requests for him to stand aside and proudly walked right up the middle of the run proclaiming it to be a public right of way and stating that people had no right to make him get out of the way.

    Dangerous enough in a regular race, but when four bikers come haring down on the latest mid 90s DH technology, things had the potential to get messy.
    '09 Carrera Fury
    '94 GT Timberline FS
    '89 Saracen Tufftrax
  • timpop
    timpop Posts: 394
    If you think there's a fair chance you're going to plough into someone because you can't see what's coming the other way, you should probably slow down. Common sense really.

    Same with kids and dogs. There's a good chance they're going to jump out in front of you, and since you're the only one aware of the consequences at the time, you ultimately hold responsibility.

    Truth! Also important for other people to respect each other a bit more. No need to be stubborn and rude.

    I've never hit anyone, I'm an angel.
    Many happy trails!
  • I know this is a few months old but yes, my friend hit a small girl on a cycle path the other day. She walked straight out in front of him on the Southend-on-Sea cycle path not looking where she was going. He locked up and hit her straight on.

    He went over the handlebars and fractured his elbow, sprained his wrist and fingers. The kid seemed shook up but ok.

    Wouldn't have been so bad but he was going on holiday to Prague 2 days later.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I ran over some doggers once. Does that count as pedestrians and dog in one fell swoop?
  • dava13
    dava13 Posts: 28
    It's teenage girls who are the worst! At least the lads eyeball you then move out of the way at the last minute.

    The other day on the way back to work on our local, wide cycle path, a group of four girls were walking 4 wide across the path and kept looking at me approaching from about 200 yrds away. You'll never guess that they didn't move an inch when i got up to them and almost forced me off the path into the traffic.

    On the way back two of the original four were coming back the same way trying to own all of the path. Did the honourable thing and headed straight for them only to come to grinding halt at the last minute and tell them 'politely' to be careful....

    Frustrating thing is they just seem to think they have no need to share the cycle path :roll:
    Trek Fuel EX8 2010

    Carrera Fury 2001
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    If you run into a Caernarfon female, after 10pm in the Town Square...

    It's the same thing.
  • wordnumb
    wordnumb Posts: 847
    Yeah, I unfortuately hit a chap on Dartmoor about a year ago, I just didn't have time to stop, he came out of nowhere. Oldish guy, maybe late 60s, he didn't appear to be with a group. Must've hit his head on a rock as he went down. Initially I assumed he was unconscious, but then I realised he wasn't breathing. I checked for a pulse; nothing. I suppose I should've contacted the Police, but he did have an awfully nice GPS unit and several 50s in his wallet. It's easier to bury a body than Hollywood will have you believe, though I guess it depends on the type of earth.

    I have a rucksack, a pair of walking boots and two bars of Kendal Mint Cake for sale in the classified section, and none of this is true.
  • Duggan13
    Duggan13 Posts: 75
    As a child me and my mate were walking down a canal towpath, my mate with fishing rods and poles sticking out his backpack- he turned around to say something to me and knocked a woman off her bike and into the canal with the fishing poles- she surfaced and first thing she shouted was 'You've wet me fags!' :lol:

    Our faces were like this :shock:
  • When me and the boys are out on our crossers we regularly wipe out whole groups of mountain bikers. who the fark do they think they are ? Wobbling about in the middle of the trails at 15 mph, getting in our way, twats ! Does this count? :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Duggan13 wrote:
    As a child me and my mate were walking down a canal towpath, my mate with fishing rods and poles sticking out his backpack- he turned around to say something to me and knocked a woman off her bike and into the canal with the fishing poles- she surfaced and first thing she shouted was 'You've wet me fags!' :lol:

    Our faces were like this :shock:
    ^^EPIC! :lol:

    Are you sure she wasn't saying something like

    "I'm wet, fags" though?
  • not yet. but rats, yes.
  • Yep I hit a drunk tramp about 4 years ago on the way to work (me not the tramp)...
    A cycle path went from the road to the pavement and there was a bus shelter the guy just popped out and wham my upper body hit his at about 18mph, he wobbled around a few times then carried on walking he didn't even realise what happened he was so drunk 8)

    Also had a FCUKin dog take me out big time in Epping on the single track the owner was a stupid idiot didn't give a damn, bike ended up a mess.. Still do not understand why people are even near the singletrack routes in Epping if you aint on a bike!!! walk your mutt on the main tracks like most people do........
  • Raphe
    Raphe Posts: 48
    A kid from my school took out a woman on the pavement with his (showing my age here) Raleigh Grifter. Unfortunately she hit her head and died. I’m fairly sure nothing happened to the kid other than he was moved to another class because he shared it with the woman’s nephew.
  • CanalRider
    CanalRider Posts: 194
    One squirrel, one rabbit, one rat and one drunk. Near miss with two girls on towpath, got that on vid somewhere...
    Saw a sign on a restaurant that said Breakfast, any time -- so I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance.