Levi Leipheimer busted for doping.



  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    I would have thought that it was highly significant that Leipheimer already had a 'doper's head' when he was an amateur riding 'crappy' criteriums. Can we really believe that such a rider would go from being a doper to being clean after turning pro, fighting to get results in 'the biggest events' and surrounded by riders from 'Mafia European nations' for whom doping was regarded as being a mark of 'professionalism'?
    As I was saying. :wink:

    2005: I had learned at this point how to do most of the transfusion technicals and other things on my own so I hired Allen Lim as my assistant to help with details and logistics. He helped Levi Leipheimer and I prepare the transfusions for Levi and I and made sure they were kept at the proper temperature. We both did two seperate transfusions that Tour however my hematocrit was too low at the start so I did my first one a few days before the start so as to not start with a deficit.

    Floyd Landis.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Let's hope all the American dopers *don't* get busted out of the sport. Heaven forbid, Howard, you might have to start going after riders from "Mafia European nations"!
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    DaveyL wrote:
    Let's hope all the American dopers *don't* get busted out of the sport. Heaven forbid, Howard, you might have to start going after riders from "Mafia European nations"!
    Why? Apart from riders like Chavendish and Wiggins, everyone seems quite prepared to accept any doping claims leveled at 'European' riders at face value, so what is there to argue about?
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    DaveyL wrote:
    Let's hope all the American dopers *don't* get busted out of the sport. Heaven forbid, Howard, you might have to start going after riders from "Mafia European nations"!
    Why? Apart from riders like Chavendish and Wiggins, everyone seems quite prepared to accept any doping claims leveled at 'European' riders at face value, so what is there to argue about?

    They do? You haven't read any of FF's posts then, have you? But then again he hates Lance, so my enemy's enemy is my friend.

    Funnily enough, I haven't seen a lot of people on the 16 pages of the Landis thread who are not accepting things. Still, I guess pushing at an open door doesn't really require much skill, does it?
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    DaveyL wrote:
    I haven't seen a lot of people on the 16 pages of the Landis thread who are not accepting things. Still, I guess pushing at an open door doesn't really require much skill, does it?
    Yes, perhaps in their own way the Landis revelations will prove to be a small miracle, allowing many who have been 'blind' for years to see at last. :wink:

    By the way, have you actually looked at the flak I received on here for pointing out Leipheimer's doping history? :roll:
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Yes, I can see why you might not want to cop more flak by joining the Valverde and Pelizotti threads...
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • SunWuKong
    SunWuKong Posts: 364
    I would have thought that it was highly significant that Leipheimer already had a 'doper's head' when he was an amateur riding 'crappy' criteriums. Can we really believe that such a rider would go from being a doper to being clean after turning pro, fighting to get results in 'the biggest events' and surrounded by riders from 'Mafia European nations' for whom doping was regarded as being a mark of 'professionalism'?
    As I was saying. :wink:

    2005: I had learned at this point how to do most of the transfusion technicals and other things on my own so I hired Allen Lim as my assistant to help with details and logistics. He helped Levi Leipheimer and I prepare the transfusions for Levi and I and made sure they were kept at the proper temperature. We both did two seperate transfusions that Tour however my hematocrit was too low at the start so I did my first one a few days before the start so as to not start with a deficit.

    Floyd Landis.

    On the Lim point specifically. I did a physiology degree with a strong lean to exercise physiology, taking many modules in it. Our main lecturer did his post-doc in Belgium working with cycling teams, his main tasks were performance testing and doping. He got very sick of it, left and is incredibly cynical about any excellent sporting performance. So it would be entirely possible that an experienced physiologist like Lim would be involved in such practices.