What level of rain stops you riding?



  • piker
    piker Posts: 353
    The rain has to be torrential,wind i dont like.
  • Richie63
    Richie63 Posts: 2,132
    I'm with the less wind the better but rain ain't an issue, cause as soon as you're wet you don't get more wet, whereas cycling into ahead wind for any amount of time is pants.
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  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 4,069
    Depends, it hasn't got to be particularly wet to keep me in but once I'm out it has to get pretty torrential before I'll cut a ride short.
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  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    Will never say no to a ride unless it is to deep to ride in like a couple of feet and even then I will try my best :wink:

    Strong wind isn't to bad either, going the right way anyway :roll:
  • Elliot Ross
    Elliot Ross Posts: 182
    Dont really mind the rain, the only thing that will stop me is if there is a strong cold wind!
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    I like wet muddy riding so I'll tend to be more keen if anything!