Do you repair your punctures?

projectsome Posts: 4,010
edited April 2010 in MTB general

having got a puncture on the weekend for the first time in 8 months I realised although I always carry a repair kit I never seem to use it.

I used to repair them on the spot but nowadays I just change the innertube.
FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!


  • mrfmilo
    mrfmilo Posts: 2,250
    When i'm out I just replace the tube and fix it when I get home. But I always take instant patches incase I run out of tubes or if someone else needs them :)
  • weeksy59
    weeksy59 Posts: 2,606
    Bit of both to be honest.

    Tescos were doing them for 49p so i have loads, but i bought some slime scabs and repaired a few at the weekend.
  • asdfhjkl
    asdfhjkl Posts: 333
    If it isn't raining or I'm in no rush, patch the tube and put it back in. Otherwise, swap the tube and repair it when I get home. Inner tubes might be dirt cheap from places like Tesco, but patches are even cheaper :P
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Yup. Got one tube with about 9 patches on it.
  • mrfmilo
    mrfmilo Posts: 2,250
    supersonic wrote:
    Yup. Got one tube with about 9 patches on it.

    :shock: :lol::lol: I've got one with 3 and it keeps going down so i've given up :lol:
  • Pork Sword
    Pork Sword Posts: 213
    I used to make the effort, but then (unlike my ex-girlfriend) they'd end up going down most of the time so I don't bother any more - just put a new tube in and throw the old one away...
    let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 4,909
    I replace the tube at the trail side but fix it when I get back home or when I am eating lunch.

    Don't have a spare tube at the moment though so will need to buy one before this weekend. Some kids were in the FR park at Glentress and one of them pinched their tube hard on the box and didn't have a spare tube so nicked my brand new continental (I gave him it actually but...)
  • Just this second finished patching a tube as the tyre went down overnight. However, if I'm out on the bike I always swap tubes and repair them later from the comfort of my couch.
  • until recently i always binned them. changed my mind when i saw the ridiculous price of inners for pram tubes, now i fix them :)
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    I never used to have much faith in patch kits until a few years ago when I repaired a tube in some really sh*tty conditions and just prayed it would get me back. Not only did it get me home, it stayed stuck for months and months until I got another puncture so I patched it again :)
  • boneyjoe
    boneyjoe Posts: 369
    Repair standard tubes, but throw them away on the 6th puncture.

    For superlight race tubes, just replace - tried fixing one, but it got very bulbous around the patch and looked quite suspect, so decided to bin them.
    Scott Scale 20 (for xc racing)
    Gary Fisher HKEK (for commuting)
  • cgarossi
    cgarossi Posts: 729
    This might sound odd, but I like repairing punctures! :shock:
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    change tube out on trails, repair tube once back home and use repaired tube as spare for next time.
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • change tube out on trails, repair tube once back home and use repaired tube as spare for next time.

    + potato
  • tsenior
    tsenior Posts: 664
    i store the punctured tubes up then when i have about 6 do a mass repair session, I have some that are more patch than tube but then i am tight!
  • CarbonCopy
    CarbonCopy Posts: 492
    Hell no i get my butler to do that. :lol:
  • anton1r
    anton1r Posts: 272
    peter413 wrote:
    I replace the tube at the trail side but fix it when I get back home or when I am eating lunch.

    I'll usually patch a tube 3 or 4 times until i don't trust it any more. I'd never throw a tube out after its first puncture, just seems wasteful.
    "I have a plan, a plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a fox." (from the Blackadder TV series)
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    i will eventually have a tube with just just patches 8)
  • I use tubeless but still carry 2 spare tubes. Have had a bonty UST tyre die with a big hole in it on a ride and a Maxxis high roller split side wall against the rim

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  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    change tube out on trails, repair tube once back home and use repaired tube as spare for next time.

    + potato

  • fletch8928
    fletch8928 Posts: 756
    I double checked my puncture repair box this morning. All correct. Last puncture fix was a sham, tyre was free from debris but tube just kept getting little holes. New tube in , no problems? I have thrown a tyre and tube away this year. So I will fix but usually after at home.
    fly like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!
  • Thread8
    Thread8 Posts: 479
    change tube out on trails, repair tube once back home and use repaired tube as spare for next time.

    + potato


    Haro Thread 8
    Please help!

    "It's like parkour, on a bike"
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    Thread8 wrote:
    change tube out on trails, repair tube once back home and use repaired tube as spare for next time.

    + potato



    + a little mayonnaise
  • bbug
    bbug Posts: 83
    I replace the tube, then repair the punctured one when I get home.

    On several occasions, I've found tubes at the side of the trail, that someone has taken out and dumped. I can't find any justification for this :x Take it home FFS. If you've had room to bring a spare tube, then you've got room to take the old one home and throw it away there.

    I hate littering, especially in some of the beautiful countryside we have to ride in.
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    I just replace tube(s) - always have spare in my pack and some cheapy MBUK giveaway kit in case they both go.

    This is just to get me home, the punctured/repaired tube gets binned.
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    change tube out on trails, repair tube once back home and use repaired tube as spare for next time.

    + potato

    + Broccoli!

    It's better to do it that way IMO and carry the repaired tube as a spare.
    The other day I removed the tyre from my FS bike and discovered the tube was patched! Then I recall doing a tube swap at Leigh Woods in Bristol. The tube hasn't ever lost pressure so I did a good job! :P
  • rubins4
    rubins4 Posts: 563
    Daft question: I've just repaired a tube after a puncture, but is goes down over a few days, but no sign of leaking air when under water :? :x

    Whats going on?? ... t=12613038
    Anyway, fk dis, I iz off 4 a ride innit. l8rz peepz
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    rubins4 wrote:
    Daft question: I've just repaired a tube after a puncture, but is goes down over a few days, but no sign of leaking air when under water :? :x

    Whats going on??

    It could be a valve or.. another small puncture?

    More than likely a slow puncture for sure.. but under higher pressures. When you test the tube for leaks there's not enough pressure to reveal the source of air loss.
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    i always just repair the thing, i'm never in a rush to go anywhere :D

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,400
    mrfmilo wrote:
    When i'm out I just replace the tube and fix it when I get home. But I always take instant patches incase I run out of tubes or if someone else needs them :)
