Do you repair your punctures?



  • rubins4
    rubins4 Posts: 563
    rubins4 wrote:
    Daft question: I've just repaired a tube after a puncture, but is goes down over a few days, but no sign of leaking air when under water :? :x

    Whats going on??

    It could be a valve or.. another small puncture?

    More than likely a slow puncture for sure.. but under higher pressures. When you test the tube for leaks there's not enough pressure to reveal the source of air loss.

    Well, this is what i thought, so I've tried squeezing the air round the tube to increase the pressure, and also had a look at the valve. Its a bit of a head scrathcher :lol:

    Ah well, I'm chancing up to 26'' wheels soon so its no real problem. ... t=12613038
    Anyway, fk dis, I iz off 4 a ride innit. l8rz peepz
  • myopic
    myopic Posts: 692
    mrfmilo wrote:
    When i'm out I just replace the tube and fix it when I get home. But I always take instant patches incase I run out of tubes or if someone else needs them :)


    You don't need eyes to see, you need vision
  • Mickey Eye
    Mickey Eye Posts: 590
    I do that thing that everyone is quoting.
  • bomberesque
    bomberesque Posts: 1,701
    I replace the tube. I do carry a patch kit, but that's in case I run out of spare tubes (don't laugh ... it's happened :oops:

    mostly I have switched to tubeless, but I still carry a spare tube in case I trash the rimstrip (happened 2 weeks ago on a rocky Spanish descent)
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    If riding an XC race bike is like touching the trail,
    then riding a rigid singlespeed is like licking it
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