Quad cramps

rokkala Posts: 649

Was doing a road race yesterday which was about 56miles, and for the last 9-10miles my quads just started cramping all over the shop and wouldn't quit it. Would seize entirely if i got out the saddle or even when trying to put down the power seated.

I took care in couple of days beforehand to make sure i had drank a lot, and had plenty of carbs, otherwise i felt fine. Drank about 1.25litres of hi5 4:1 during it and had 3 SIS Smart gels too.

Was first time i've ever had to be at that intensity for that length of time, so is it likely just to have been because the muscles weren't used to it, but shouldn't now happen again, or another cause?

Only ever had a bit of calf cramp before when i started out cycling, and thats ok because you can stretch it a bit. No idea how to try and alleviate quads cramping unless you get off the bike?

Other thing was that when i was sprinting out of corners, i could feel some muscles down the front of my shin feeling weird, like they were maybe going to cramp or pull, but never actually did. Whats that about?


  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Intensity in a race is much different to training.
    I had exactly the same as you in a race last year which I did and had been off the bike for couple of weeks and had just not prepared for it properly but I was too tight to miss it as I had paid I decided to ride it :)
  • rokkala
    rokkala Posts: 649
    Hopefully thats all it was then. Got another race in 2 weeks so i'll see if i get same probs or not
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    I think you've pretty much answered your own question with the 3rd paragraph.
  • Most cyclists are too quad dominant -- move your saddle rearward and get that posterior chain better engaged.
    Bill Black
  • celbianchi
    celbianchi Posts: 854
    I usually get cramp in the first RR of the season (Saturday just gone, for me). Had done 4 TT's before first RR of the season, but I do get cramp in first RR.
    Doesn't tend to happen again in subsequent races. I put it down to reminding the legs as to what race intensity is.