Overtaking a roadie....

nstevo Posts: 42
edited April 2010 in Commuting chat
I'm a newbie to this biking thing and recently bought a Trek 7.5FX for my 11 mile commute to work. I'm reasonably fit, so can pelt along at a fair whack. I'm assuming that there must be some etiquette for people on hybrids overtaking lycra clad people on roadbikes - as I did it yesterday and the comment I got at the next set of red lights was 'don't ever have the disrespect to overtake me on that piece of sh1t again'. Should I not overtake other bikes?


  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563

    You should definitely overtake other bikes. Especially ones ridden by pillocks like that!

    Refer yourself to the 'Silly Commuting Racing' thread. Do read from the beginning :P
  • Rich158
    Rich158 Posts: 2,348
    Tell the w****** that he obviously isn't good enough to get dressed up in Lycra and get on a road bike. What a tosser!!!!!!

    There's no etiquette, I always give maximum respect to anyone who scalps me whatever they're riding
    pain is temporary, the glory of beating your mates to the top of the hill lasts forever.....................

    Revised FCN - 2
  • I hope someone does that to me one day, they will have an spd moment shortly after :twisted:

    £1.25 for sign up http://www.quidco.com/user/491172/42301

    Cashback on wiggle,CRC,evans follow the link
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    Sorry but he sounds like a prize knob, end of story...
  • HebdenBiker
    HebdenBiker Posts: 787
    Errr, are there no allowances to be made for irony here?

    I would assume the roadie was making a joke; one that acknowledged his own shortcomings and, by implication, tipping his hat to the fitness of the overtaker.
  • andyxm
    andyxm Posts: 132
    Errr, are there no allowances to be made for irony here?

    I would assume the roadie was making a joke; one that acknowledged his own shortcomings and, by implication, tipping his hat to the fitness of the overtaker.

    Roadie. Joke. Irony. Seems unlikely.
  • nstevo
    nstevo Posts: 42
    He wasn't joking - trust me!
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    I'd be tempted to drop back behind him, and overtake him again, and do it again and again and again just to rub it in :D
  • Aidy
    Aidy Posts: 2,015
    What's your route?

    I imagine there's one or two of us with ratty hack bikes kicking about... :)
  • I agree with Paul E.
    May I suggest that the next time you "disrespect" this knob, get far enough ahead to jump off your bike, hide in a hedge and shove a big stick through his front wheel when the tw@t passes! He can't spout that b#llocks at you with a wired up jaw! :wink:
    Espresso, not EPO.
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    You should just have replied "Well don't show me the disrespect of holding me up by going so slowly"
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,973
    iain_j wrote:
    I'd be tempted to drop back behind him, and overtake him again, and do it again and again and again just to rub it in :D

    +1.... I like your style
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    What a prize kn@b that guy sound,s if you don't want to be overtaken, ride faster than the other guy - simplez!

    I've been passed by roadies, passed roadies, passed much more expensive mtbs and vice versa, also when commuting you never know who's travelled further to that spot and who has further to go either making actual speed somewhat irrelevant.

    Of course if he bike was really so much 'better' (somewhat subjective when it comes to commuting anyway) then he should have easily been able to keep you at bay!

    Etiquette is simple, if a bike is slower you pass it when it's safe to do so, if you've been caught and are being passed, don't make it unsafe for the other guy, he's travelling quicker than you! (or she!)......for that reason I rarely pass downhill as most people can stretch it out and I'll spend longer passing him.....exposing myself and the other cyclist to more damger.

    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,973
    nstevo wrote:
    I'm a newbie to this biking thing and recently bought a Trek 7.5FX for my 11 mile commute to work. I'm reasonably fit, so can pelt along at a fair whack. I'm assuming that there must be some etiquette for people on hybrids overtaking lycra clad people on roadbikes - as I did it yesterday and the comment I got at the next set of red lights was 'don't ever have the disrespect to overtake me on that piece of sh1t again'. Should I not overtake other bikes?

    This is what SCR is all about;
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    You scalped a roadie. That roadie happened to be a plank.
    Chapeau. Don't let his arrant plankitude detract from your basking.
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • gaz545
    gaz545 Posts: 493
    You should make the wanker sign with your hand by your crotch..

    From memory the trek 7.5fx is no heap of crap..
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    Sounds like a humiliation response to me.


    Had he just overtaken you? Got to remember that its about 20% easier to be behind, and overtaking is one thing and pulling away another. If you overtake someone, even if you don't ease up, you could find that you are actually going slower than they had been going.

    Like I say, sounds like the dude was a bit humiliated. Good effort. :D:D
  • ince
    ince Posts: 289
    Middle of last week on my way into work I stopped at a t-junction as I waited for a gap in the traffic a girl on some exotic bike, head down on aero bars goes past heading in my direction. I pull out thinking no way am I going to get past her loaded up for work, not having had enough sleep (new baby) so I don't bother pushing to gain on her. Only I am.

    As I catch up I can see she is working hard and not knowing how far she had been etc I decided not to pass. I just thought how disheartening it would be if I come past loaded with rack and bags and riding on the hoods.

    Honest it wasn't because of the view :twisted:
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,973
    gaz545 wrote:
    From memory the trek 7.5fx is no heap of crap..

    From memory a £600 bike, well it was when I was looking at it last year
  • nstevo
    nstevo Posts: 42
    I hadn't just overtaken him. Just reeled him in on a longish straight stretch - kept in front and he only caught up at the lights.....and yes...it was £625.
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    If I'm ever on a certain stretch of road at the correct time mr misery guts will no doubt manage to fly past me again. He's already done so once back when I was riding my hybrid and I suspect he'll manage again despite me being on a road bike now.
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    nstevo wrote:
    I hadn't just overtaken him. Just reeled him in on a longish straight stretch - kept in front and he only caught up at the lights.....and yes...it was £625.
    To make matters worse for the roadie, I bet you have hairy legs as well.

    Oh the shame.
  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    Go on do it again - as LiT says refer to the rules of SCR - anyone is fair game :wink:
  • nstevo
    nstevo Posts: 42
    Monkey legs and baggy (albeit very padded) shorts.....does that make it worse?
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    nstevo wrote:
    Monkey legs and baggy (albeit very padded) shorts.....does that make it worse?
    :lol: If it had happened to me I'd quit cycling.
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,973
    There's one guy on a crappy mountain bike in civvies who overtakes me on a stretch of road if I leave at a certain time, which is 10 miles into my ride and it really irritates me but fair play to the guy, as he's passing me at 23; wouldn't dream of passing comment like the roadie you encountered.

    Haven't seen him since I've been on the CX though.......
  • nstevo
    nstevo Posts: 42
    No idea how far into his ride he was. I was 9 miles into an 11 miler, and very grateful for a flat bit after a demon hill. My lungs were actually melting!!!
  • Oddjob62
    Oddjob62 Posts: 1,056
    That guy sounds like an ideal candidate for the "Brompton Armarda" idea we were discussing in the Morpeth last night. :lol:
    As yet unnamed (Dolan Seta)
    Joelle (Focus Expert SRAM)
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    gbsahne wrote:
    There's one guy on a crappy mountain bike in civvies who overtakes me on a stretch of road if I leave at a certain time, which is 10 miles into my ride and it really irritates me but fair play to the guy, as he's passing me at 23; wouldn't dream of passing comment like the roadie you encountered.

    Likewise, I've been passed once or twice recently by a bloke in tatty jeans and trainers on a BSO, and it's a WTF moment, but if he's riding faster than me then fair play to him. Anyway it's only cos I'm taking it easy lately with my dodgy knee again :wink:
  • fnegroni
    fnegroni Posts: 794
    nstevo wrote:
    He wasn't joking - trust me!

    Now, that sounds to me like the kind of thing that calls for a 'let's do it again!' :-)

    So, is he a regular on your commute? Is there any chance you can get him to actually get off his bike? Like proper angry? That would be cool!