Police issuing fines for riding on pavement?



  • Docsavage
    Docsavage Posts: 58
    redvee wrote:
    The PCSO's were out in force in Old Market today, along with some real coppers both on foot and tyre. The sight of the cycle coppers started a small discussion in the van: Would we stop for a cyclecopper? No. Would we enter into a chase with a cyclecopper, 100% yes :lol:

    But the Old Market road design (coming into town) is appalling and unsafe for bikes who might not be so sure on the road. it narrows past Midland Rd and you end up with busy traffic and high kerbs in two very tight lanes. consequently people come down the pavement to avoid the bottlenecking.

    Bristol wants to increase cyclist numbers but not increase protection for them. adding lots of new cyclists will only increase this problem. Maybe if they increased the level of protection and the qualities of facilities on offer the problem would diminish.
    better downhill
  • wrx
    wrx Posts: 27
    scotto wrote:
    trying to ride the roads in Reading is so dangerous it's unreal,

    Totally agree.

    Its also a pet hate of mine, I try and stick to the roads as much as possible when I commute to work in Reading.

    But..... St Peters hill on the way into Reading is pretty scary stuff, I stuck to the road last week and saw loads of guys using the pavement instead, really difficult in rush hour, gotta have your wits about you 100% !

    I still try and stick to the road though as the pavements are really narrow there.
  • Giant Jon
    Giant Jon Posts: 49
    I've yet to meet a police officer who could actually be bothered to write out a ticket for riding on a pavement - I'm guessing there've been a lot of complaints so the bobbies in Bristol are doing it as an operation...

    Besides, up here in Bradford you're more likely to get mugged riding your bike on a pavement than see a police officer to write a ticket!

    I'd love to be chased by a police bicycle - gotta be as good as scalping a roadie on my mtb commute :D
  • biff55
    biff55 Posts: 1,404
    better off riding on the road , less dogsh*t.
    think folk riding on the pavements look like chavs , one day gonna clothes-line one of these f*ckers who come racing down the footpath whle i'm walking along.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Further to my earlier posts in his topic, I was sat at the OM roundabout with a 5-0 car behind me and a MTB comes up beside me, through the RL and onto the pavenment. Mr Plod sat there admiring the female commuters crossing the road as did I.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • wordnumb
    wordnumb Posts: 847
    Right lads, Avon and Somerset Constabulary Annual Summer Picnic is looming. Suggestions to raise beer funds?

    £50 for riding bikes on the pavement should cover it. Schedule a couple of cannabis factory raids the weekend before and we're laughing.
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,781
    Hercule Q wrote:
    its the kids on bmx's that annoy me they go around in swarms down here and dont move for anybody and now they've started using our trails and jumps in the woods as their jump spot looks more like a landfill now

    Do you use Pine Ridge? I used to go up there loads years ago, but the jumps are mahoosive these days, some of it looks like MX stuff to me...

    nah its a landfill all the kids have spoiled the jumps they just send you straight up and now theyre trying to ride some of the jumps in our local wooded spot but they bring litter with them! :evil:

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!