
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    C'mon Speedking, MTFU and tell us what happened or we will never leave you alone...........................ever. :evil:
  • oscarbudgie
    oscarbudgie Posts: 850
    I left my bike in the back garden for a month and now the chain's gone rusty. I originally found the bike in a skip but Wiggle say they won't replace it for me. BE WARNED!!!
    Cannondale Supersix / CAAD9 / Boardman 9.0 / Benotto 3000
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    One of the tyres on my car needs replacing - I called Wiggle to complain about this and they keep on saying it has nothing to do with warned....
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    I bought some tomatoes 2 weeks ago, used 2 and put the rest in the fridge, this morning they're going mouldy, Wiggle say they won't replace them... be warned...
  • Photos that are in focus (sic) would have been a good start!
  • oscarbudgie
    oscarbudgie Posts: 850
    Photos that are in focus (sic) would have been a good start!

    I see what you did there - very good 8)
    Cannondale Supersix / CAAD9 / Boardman 9.0 / Benotto 3000
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    If wiggle have being made to look like crooks and forked out for new bits then the OP is a crook now.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Speed_King wrote:
    i am NOT going to publicly give the answer just to satisfy curiousity sorry

    Then why post all of the p*ssing and whining in the first place ?

    Havig read the entire thread (and very entertaining it is too, thanks fellas :D ) I'm of the opinion that there are a number of numpties involved in the scenario, none of which are Wiggle.

    Come on Speedking, you posted the complaint/moan/warning or whatever it was, tell us how it was resolved........

    Must go, I've got to complain to Wiggle about the siezed seatpost on my 17 year old Kona, neither of which Wiggle sold to me, fitted or maintained....... blah bla, bla, bluh, blaaahhhhh........... :lol:
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • How strange. I've just noticed that pictures of speed_kings Focus, which he posted on this forum when he first purchased it have dissapeared. :roll:
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Obviously, you've got one of those "Sleeper Cell" bikes...the ones that stay low, until the right Key or Trigger word is spoken.

    THEN, they spring into action, strip off their "cunning disguise" and tend to try to burn, bomb or destroy anything they find. ( The CIA, FBI and DEA all deny they exist...but then they would, wouldn't they? )

    Just be careful what you say around it.

    You just NEVER know what the Key/Trigger word may be...
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    This thread was a pretty good read :P
  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    edited May 2010
    I have been unable to reach anywhere near the hour record on my Boardman bike. There is obviously a fault with the bike that Wiggle are responsible for. So-far they have had the temerity to suggest that they have not even sold these bikes ever, even though I saw a picture of a Boarman bike once on the interweb or maybe in a magazine.
    Clearly they are to blame.
    Be Warned!

    <edit> I didn't even get any Haribos. :cry:
    Cycling weakly
  • afcbian
    afcbian Posts: 424
    I ordered some new discs and pads for my wife's Peugeot last week and when they turned up they didn't fit.
    I contacted Euro Car parts who agreed to replace the parts imediately, even though I had simply ordered the wrong ones and it was completely my fault :oops:
    Like the other posters on here I think this kind of brilliant customer service is completely out of order and should not be tolerated..........I will be writing to Wiggle to complain about Euro Car Parts as soon as I can be arsed :roll: :roll:

    Honestly though................possibly the funiest thread I have read on here in ages.

    Please can we have some more numpties posting drivel, it's just plain funny :lol::lol:
    I ride therefore I am
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    I'm p1553d off with wiggle, my Garmin 605 keeps randomly turning off, I contacted wiggle and they said they could do nothing, well it's clearly faulty I'd expect them to bloody replace it :evil:

    Not happy at all, STAY AWAY FROM THE WIGGLE, they wriggle out of everything they get into.
  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
    This just has to be done as a link...

    Meanwhile at wiggle despatch. ... re=related
  • bluefoam
    bluefoam Posts: 102
    Have I missed something?
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    freehub wrote:
    I'm p1553d off with wiggle, my Garmin 605 keeps randomly turning off, I contacted wiggle and they said they could do nothing, well it's clearly faulty I'd expect them to bloody replace it :evil:

    Not happy at all, STAY AWAY FROM THE WIGGLE, they wriggle out of everything they get into.
    Known problem, send it to garmin under warranty and they will replace it.
    If out of warranty they charge £50.
    I have had 3 305's!!
  • afcbian
    afcbian Posts: 424
    freehub wrote:
    I'm p1553d off with wiggle, my Garmin 605 keeps randomly turning off, I contacted wiggle and they said they could do nothing, well it's clearly faulty I'd expect them to bloody replace it :evil:

    Not happy at all, STAY AWAY FROM THE WIGGLE, they wriggle out of everything they get into.
    Known problem, send it to garmin under warranty and they will replace it.
    If out of warranty they charge £50.
    I have had 3 305's!!

    I think you need to read the whole thread :roll:
    I ride therefore I am
  • oscarbudgie
    oscarbudgie Posts: 850
    I love this thread.
    Cannondale Supersix / CAAD9 / Boardman 9.0 / Benotto 3000
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    I placed two orders over the weekend, one with Wiggle and one with Pro Bike Kit. I have so far only recieved one parcel. Any guesses who I got it from?

    Yes, you got it, it was from PBK. What's going on Wiggle, this just isn't good enough! I think they're just too busy there reading this thread and rolling round the floor with laughter to process my order.

    I can see now I should have paid the extra £4 and ordered the QS shorts from Pro Bike Kit. Instead I'll have to go for a ride this evening in un-matching kit. I'm gonna look so stupid, small children will point at me and laugh as I ride past.

    You have been warned...
  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I got my computer back last night from repair and was having trouble connecting to my wireless router so I could look at the Wiggle website.

    I rang Wiggle customer services, they were no help whatsoever. They even refused to send me complimentary Haribo for my inconvenience. They also refused to confirm for me the pronounciation of 'Vaio'. In fact, the lazy fops left shouldered my issue to my Internet Service Provider stating "This is a freaking on-line bike retailer you freaking idiot, now stop harassing me and my friend before we call the Police. Don't you know I've got 12 1998 carbon fibre frames to rebadge as Focus and 3 sets of gearing to pre-wear?!?"*

    *The above didn't actually happen. I've found Wiggle customer service to be excellent.
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    Now you all mention it, I ordered 2 tyres from Wiggle which their website clearly pointed out were NOT IN STOCK. They havent taken my money yet but at the weekend I got flu FFS :evil:
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    I sent my Focus back to Wiggle (cost a fortune but Wiggle did say they would reimburse my P&P).

    They are now claiming the Focus is not one of theirs and won't reimburse me for P&P!!!

    They told me to contact my local Ford Dealership - what's that all about!!!

    None of the above is true - Wiggle are great!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Wiggle will wriggle out of anything...............groan.

    Not really, thay are top notch, if not abit pricey nowadays................... :cry:
  • mingmong
    mingmong Posts: 542
    Gratuity to

    (The above has no truth to it whatsoever)
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,477
    My wife had twins last year.

    We were only planning for 1 more child.

    Wiggle have point blank refused to take back even the smallest one.

    I even offered to cover the postage and packaging as a comprise

    They haven't even had the courtesy to reply

    They can stick their Haribos

    BE WARNED!!!!
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
    Percy Vera wrote:
    I sent my Focus back to Wiggle (cost a fortune but Wiggle did say they would reimburse my P&P).

    They are now claiming the Focus is not one of theirs and won't reimburse me for P&P!!!

    They told me to contact my local Ford Dealership - what's that all about!!!


    None of the above is true - Wiggle are great!
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    edited May 2010
    I emailed Wiggle to order one of those Bike Radars I've heard so much about. They 'claim' they didn't have any in stock and 'pretended' they didn't know what I was on about.

    Eventually, after months of badgering them, they finally sent me one for FREE. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box, and found out that not only did it weigh nothing, but it was also completely invisible too. Fortunately, they accidentally sent me the more expensive solar powered version, so I don't need to keep charging it up.

    Top work Wiggle. Now I'll order some of those 'Face Plants' I've heard so much about.