To joplin or not?



  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    D-Cyph3r wrote:
    So excuse me for being ignorant, but why would anyone need a remotely/on-the-fly adjustable seatpost? Unless you have legs that shrink and grow throughout your ride theres only 1 height needed with most frames and there dropped top tubes surely. :?

    Have you never dropped your seatpost to ride a technical or steep section? It does depend on your riding- a lot of people genuinely won't ever do much that would make one of these things useful- but on a mixed-up trail with steep descents or drops but also pedally sections they're fantastic. Kirroughtree black could have been built as a sales pitch for the things :lol:
    Uncompromising extremist
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    I live in essex, we dont have anything steep here, thats probably why I dont see the point in them. :P
  • Well just to let you know i talked my self out of it couldnt justify spending money again will probably regret it sunday :oops:
    (unless some one wants to meet me at llandegla and lend me one :D ).
    But saying that come pay day maybe tempted yet again, this mtb lark is supposed to be cheaper than other things i enjoy but the buying fairys are addictive lol.