Losing weight - the dogfood diet

RedJohn Posts: 272
edited June 2010 in The bottom bracket
OK I have a few pounds to shed and a habit of dipping my fingers in the biscuit box when no-one's looking. The two might be connected.
So ... I've just signed up, in front of my family, to the dogfood diet

No, I don't have to eat dog food. I hope.
The deal is ... I have three and a half months to shed two stone.

If I don't - then I have to eat a can of dog food :shock:

I was all confident I coud do it three days ago, but having lost precisely zero since then, I'm a touch worried :(

Just thought I'd share this, anyway!


  • If you find a method soon, please let me know - I need to do the same for a forthcoming wedding - mine!
    GT I-Drive 5 XCR '09
    Trek 6500 '01
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Prepare to eat DOG FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
    3 days is nothing,don't base it on that,it's easy with such a challenge to beat yourself up over it,just relax and keep at it,talk on here,ride the bike if possible with the weather as is,and say "no,pedigree chum is not for me".
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Dry dog food or canned???? I once tried to eat a dry dog biscuit on a bet. Aside from tasting a bit like dirt and not much of anything it was no problem. Now canned food may be another story.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Do you have to eat it raw?

    Dog food tastes OK cooked, especially if you mix something in with it - try blue cheese.
  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495
    Eat celery, ride a lot and drink prune jiuce....... 3 stone in about a week!
  • Maybe Red John's question begs the question: are you hungry... really?

    If you can manage to separate meal times and habit from hunger, your (genuine) appetite will get your weight back to reasonable levels. (Assuming 2 stone off is a reasonable target.)

    For me, calories in beer have been the biggest factor in turning this basic theory into practice, because I think of it as a drink. However, my body doesn't...
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,286
    I think thats a fantastic idea!
  • Ollieda
    Ollieda Posts: 1,010
    dennisn wrote:
    Dry dog food or canned???? I once tried to eat a dry dog biscuit on a bet. Aside from tasting a bit like dirt and not much of anything it was no problem. Now canned food may be another story.

    Canned is much better, quite tasty if you get a good one!

    The weight loss is possible, keep at it. I lost 6 stone in 6 months when I first started taking exercise, although a broken ankle and new girlfriend means most of that has come back!
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I lost 6 stone in 3 months. It's possible. Just need to keep at it.

    And as others have said - if you can heat the dog food up - it'll be like a nice stew. Probably healthier than the normal food most of us eat!
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Weight loss, at least for me, was easy. I stopped with biscuits completely, stopped chips, pizzas any sort of fast food. I also found I ate for the sake of eating, maybe comforting eating in some eyes due to my past health problems. That's the hard one for myself, trying hard not to eat random crap when you're bored is a big weight gainer. Drink water when you're just wanting to eat for the sake of it. Cut down on sugar in your tea/coffee, I used to have 2 heaped tsp, now I have a level one tsp. Fruit, amazingly, can also add to your weight due to the amount of sugar in it, so don't gorge (sp) on it.

    I went down from around 18 stone to just under 13 stone in 2 months and I'm keeping it off - hardest place to loose the flab is around the waist and sits ups don't do shit bar strengthen muscles and burn a few calories. You have to exercise, whether it be walking to work instead of driving or carrying those bags of shopping home from your shopping trips.

    <---- 38" size jeans now I'm in 32s!

    On a slight off topic note; I couldn't do one press-up 2 months ago, but I started off one my knees doing 5, then 10, then 20. Then I could do 5 normal pressups, then 10. Start off small, get the muscles used to the work and it does soon mount up.

    Good luck!
  • andyb78
    andyb78 Posts: 156
    Maybe Red John's question begs the question: are you hungry... really?

    If you can manage to separate meal times and habit from hunger, your (genuine) appetite will get your weight back to reasonable levels. (Assuming 2 stone off is a reasonable target.)

    For me, calories in beer have been the biggest factor in turning this basic theory into practice, because I think of it as a drink. However, my body doesn't...

    +1. Beer's a killer if you're trying to lose weight. Plenty of low intensity exercise is important to burn fat, but at the end of the day it's 80% diet, 20% exercise... I found it was a mindset thing really - like stopping smoking, you've REALLY got to want to shift the weight. Not as radical as some, but I went from (5ft 7) 15st 8 to 12st 4 in 4 months through sensible eating, only having a beer at the weekends, and 4 gym visits a week. If you've got the opportunity to commute to work, take it... free exercise that after a while you don't even view as exercise, just part of your normal dailly routine. Good luck!
    Road bike FCN 6

    Hardtail Commuter FCN 11 (Apparently, but that may be due to the new beard...)
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    Reminds me of one of my favourite jokes:

    A Man was in the supermarket buying a 2 large bags of dog biscuits for his 2 dogs.

    He was standing in the queue at the till when the woman behind him asked if he had a dog.
    Thinking it was a very stupid question he replied on impulse. “No, I’m starting The Dog Food Diet again, Last time I lost 4 stone in 3 months.

    Amazed , the woman said “4 stone in 3 months?”.

    “Yes”, he replied, “it is essentially the perfect diet and the way that it works is to load your pockets with dog biscuits and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so I am going to try it again.”

    I am a bit worried though because last time I did it I woke up in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.”

    the woman was horrified and asked if he’d ended up in the hospital because he had been poisoned by eating dog food
    “No”, he said “It was because I was sitting in the middle of the road licking my balls when a car hit me.”
  • RedJohn
    RedJohn Posts: 272
    Bloody hell that's some really good effort from some of you guys! Makes 2 stone by 16th July sound easy!

    I was up at 18 st 3 several years ago. Slowly, bit by bit, I've dragged that down to 15 st 3 (commuting by bike has helped hugely with the 17 to 15 stage). But I've been really struggling to make any recent progress. I turned 40 a few weeks ago, so it's not going to get any easier. I see loads of fat old gits wheezing by, and I keep thinking I do NOT want to be like that in 20 odd years time. Or even now! So now aiming for 13st 3, which I expect will be a sensible weight for me (6'2"), but I'll review that when I get there.

    Giving up on biscuits and cake will undoubtedly make a huge difference. Just rather hard to do. A bit like giving up smoking, perhaps.

    Anyway, having had loads of 'carrot' incentive for ages - the usual stuff about feeling better, being healthier, etc etc etc - I now have a 'stick' too. Funnily, I don't find myself thinking 'better Chum than Winalot', I just feel a bit more focussed.
    My son (11) is determined that it'll be Chappie as it smells so bad :roll:
  • CarbonCopy
    CarbonCopy Posts: 492
    Live on all bran and green tea.Also buy some Diamond labs ECA+ Exremely potent fat burner.You,ll easily do it.Mind over matter and all that :lol:
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    Just remember;

    Dog and Cat food in the UK at least is subject to the same controls as human food.
    However if you are in the US there can be any old rubbish in it.

    Or so I'm told.
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days
  • Dunk_911
    Dunk_911 Posts: 239
    could try thermobol. It works for some people, didnt do much for me though, but i think you need to do gym at least every other day (where I fell down) and eat salad all the time for it to work properly.

    Also consider what percentage of your composition is fat, if it is a low percentage, termobol will not work.
  • nwallace wrote:
    Just remember;

    Dog and Cat food in the UK at least is subject to the same controls as human food.
    However if you are in the US there can be any old rubbish in it.

    Or so I'm told.

    Im sure the local curry house serves it. Should be ok if yoiu have five pints first!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Good luck, Chum. :D

    See what I did there.............. :wink:
  • dmclite wrote:
    Good luck, Chum. :D

    See what I did there.............. :wink:

    Showing your true Pedigree there :wink:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    dmclite wrote:
    Good luck, Chum. :D

    See what I did there.............. :wink:

    Showing your true Pedigree there :wink:

    Yeah, with my unique style I tend to Winalot of prizes.......... :wink:
  • dmclite wrote:
    Good luck, Chum. :D

    See what I did there.............. :wink:

    yes. Good boy.

    Good boy
    Whos a good boy
  • RedJohn
    RedJohn Posts: 272
    What's themobol? A fair bit is, err, not muscle! Although I'm not blubbery, there's still a fair post-pregancy thing going on!

    And ECA+ fat burner - doe sthat kind of thing actually do any good?
  • Ollieda
    Ollieda Posts: 1,010
    themobol is a fat burner pill. not sure of the exact science but it's got something to do with raising core body tempreture.

    I tried it once when I was given a free sample and I found I always had a burning sensation in my throat.....apparently you really have to stay fully hydrated all day long if you want the stuff to work properly, that's probably where it went wrong for me!
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    guilliano wrote:
    Eat celery, ride a lot and drink prune jiuce....... 3 stone in about a week!

    Loss or final weight?
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    Reminds me of one of my favourite jokes:

    A Man was in the supermarket buying a 2 large bags of dog biscuits for his 2 dogs.

    He was standing in the queue at the till when the woman behind him asked if he had a dog.
    Thinking it was a very stupid question he replied on impulse. “No, I’m starting The Dog Food Diet again, Last time I lost 4 stone in 3 months.

    Amazed , the woman said “4 stone in 3 months?”.

    “Yes”, he replied, “it is essentially the perfect diet and the way that it works is to load your pockets with dog biscuits and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so I am going to try it again.”

    I am a bit worried though because last time I did it I woke up in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.”

    the woman was horrified and asked if he’d ended up in the hospital because he had been poisoned by eating dog food
    “No”, he said “It was because I was sitting in the middle of the road licking my balls when a car hit me.”

    Would have laughed out loud even if I hadn't read the first bit
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    RedJohn wrote:
    What's themobol? A fair bit is, err, not muscle! Although I'm not blubbery, there's still a fair post-pregancy thing going on!

    And ECA+ fat burner - doe sthat kind of thing actually do any good?

    Thermobol is Maximuscles fat burner. Maximuscle are very expensive and as Maximuscle dont use anything that will see you fail a test thermobol doesnt work. ECA is Ephedrine Caffeine and asprin. If you are taking eph you wont need to take any other fat burners.

    Ephedrine and Clenbuterol will work (thats why they are banned) but make sure you want to use such things first. I used something called xfit n trim which contains amounts of ephedrine and I lost fat far quickier than I could have just doing it the good old fashioned way. Something else to think about though is that if you are prone to feeling down or low, dont touch ephedrine.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dmclite wrote:
    Good luck, Chum. :D

    See what I did there.............. :wink:

    yes. Good boy.

    Good boy
    Whos a good boy

  • RedJohn
    RedJohn Posts: 272
    Slightly horrified to re-open this thread and see that I've been at it for over two months now - and I've shifted about one stone. OK that's not bad going, and now at 14.5 stone (6'2" tall) I'm lighter than I have been since 1997. Still ... I have about 5 weeks to get rid of another stone, or else ...

    I've been trying to eat plenty of fruit and veg, and swim, run or cycle almost every day. Had to cut out the exercise for a bit as I was ill for a couple of weeks, and I'm gradually getting back into it.

    I could try Thermobol or whatever, but my main problem is that I still have a bad stress-eating habit which still kicks in far too often.

    My son reckons I'm going to have to have Chappie as it's the foulest smelling dog food out there.