Graham Watson



  • The thing I object to is not his relationship with Armstrong. As has been said before, he needs his bread buttering and if Armstrong pays him in the nicest butter fair play to him.

    I have a problem with the petty sniping that comes in an almost constant stream from the Armstrong "camp", often not from Armstrong himself, but from people who surround him who;s secondary occupation seems to be telling Lance that he's the best and everyone else hates him, just like the "cool gang" in a primary school playground.
  • miffed
    miffed Posts: 469
    edited March 2010
    I personally like Graham Watson, he seems to get the good photos of the races by being in the right place at the right time.

    If you spend 200 days a year following bike racers around the world for decades I think its only natural that youd get pally with some of the riders. Especially the riders who have been around a while (which Lance has) and have the same 1st language. The camaradery of cycling is why I like it and im glad to see it goes on in the pro peleton too.

    Ive never noticed any bias around his photos and therefore I dont really see what the fuss is about. If you dont like his view then dont sign up for the twitter feed.
    Puke washes out, Glory lasts forever
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    edited March 2010
    He's taking sides.

    Is he allowed to? Yes. But strict journalism means you should really keep your preferences private. It looks sloppy when you start becoming part of one camp's PR efforts. Especially since Armstrong's cycling career is probably ending in just over 100 days' time.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    FYI. In the TdF there is this award which the photographers give out. It goes to the best rider to photograph. Last year it went to Contador. There is also another 'award' for the worst. Last year it was 'won' by Lancey.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    afx237vi wrote:
    Without wanting to turn all Frenchfighter, he is correct, because Alberto doesn't enter races to train. It's not the message I object to, per se, but the tone it's delivered in.

  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Moray Gub wrote:
    micron wrote:
    Extrapolate to July and just how much further ahead is Contador then? Both rode the TT flat out and AC was 3" a km faster - and it's still only March :wink:

    Lots of things can happen between now and then of course not that i think LA has a sniff of wiinning the Tour.

    In that case, at least you're more of a realist than GW appears to be.

    FWIW, I'm not the greatest fan of Stephen Roche either, but he has some salient comments about LA and his mastery of spin in this article: ... ntest.aspx
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    I agree MG about things happening and LA not having a prayer - just putting a different spin on it is all :wink:
  • miffed wrote:
    If you spend 200 days a year following bike racers around the world for decades I think its only natural that youd get pally with some of the riders.

    To get access to that kind of work you have to get pally with the riders before they are famous, then as they rise you rise with them and get the best photo opportunities that all the other wananbes can't get near to. You still need a good instinct and eye for a moment that will make a shot, as well as the technical skills, but there are thousands of other guys with those.
  • bristolpete
    bristolpete Posts: 2,255
    miffed wrote:
    If you spend 200 days a year following bike racers around the world for decades I think its only natural that youd get pally with some of the riders.

    To get access to that kind of work you have to get pally with the riders before they are famous, then as they rise you rise with them and get the best photo opportunities that all the other wananbes can't get near to. You still need a good instinct and eye for a moment that will make a shot, as well as the technical skills, but there are thousands of other guys with those.

    Correct and having been there, believe me when I say that pro sport is a closed door. Massively so now that Getty have consumed everything. The Tesco of photography if you will. There are some good photographers working there though.

    To answer an earlier question, I dont think he is disliked, but he has become a pastiche of what he was. He now writes a column, which is more of a shout out to his cycling friends. I agree the community is great but find it all rather odd that he does this twitter thing at all really....
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Yes, sports images are becoming a commodity. He even tweeted the other day that l'Equipe put an agency pic on the front cover rather than use a staff photo. This partly explains why he's on twitter, it's a vehicle to sell his prints and merchandise to the public.

    But like I say, Armstrong is retiring soon so I don't know why he's taking sides, spreading dirty rumours about Astana etc. You'd think he needs to suck up to Contador, no?
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Correct and having been there, believe me when I say that pro sport is a closed door. Massively so now that Getty have consumed everything. The Tesco of photography if you will. There are some good photographers working there though.

    Can't comment on Getty 'taking over' photography or anything like that as I don't have that insider knowledge.

    All I can say is that they produce amazing cycling photos - both in terms of quality of photo as well as originality and interesting viewpoints. Really superb.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • aarw
    aarw Posts: 448
    Just came across this thread. My first reaction to his tweet was 'it's spin', and promtly replied:

    "aarwallace @grahamwatson10 You know what side your bread is buttered.... Don't upset the cash cow"

    "grahamwatson10 @aarwallace, no, no - I respect Alberto's talent as muchas Lance's tenacity, and far be it for me to judge between the two..."
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    I suppose when you are 38 YO Lance Armstrong and Alberto Contador is in the peloton, all races are entered for training purposes only.
    Hope Graham has invested in a good quality ass cam.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    FYI. In the TdF there is this award which the photographers give out. It goes to the best rider to photograph. Last year it went to Contador. .

    TDF winner in photographers poll win shocker !
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !