A cracking Perch

Westerberg Posts: 652
edited April 2010 in The bottom bracket
perch-tapemeasure.jpg right, I'm off to bed.


  • CarbonCopy
    CarbonCopy Posts: 492
    Why kill it? It`s not a fish we eat? you should of put it back IMO.Hope my spelling is satisfactory my dear. :lol:
  • WTF? put it back this is england ffs

    Pretty sure it is illegal to take fish without the landowners consent, and it aint a salmon or trout so I would imagine it wasn't legal.

    £1.25 for sign up http://www.quidco.com/user/491172/42301

    Cashback on wiggle,CRC,evans follow the link
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    Westerberg wrote:
    perch-tapemeasure.jpg right, I'm off to bed.

    Hope your proud of yourself killing such a beautiful specimen and depriving someone else from catching it.

    The large fish would never be good eating anyway. :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Two fish on a perch. One says 'Can you smell fish?' the other says 'No, why, is NapD's wife about?'
  • easyboy
    easyboy Posts: 33
    fishings just a bloodsport for people without lives
    2009 Stumpy Elite
    2009 Cube Ltd Race
    Its the little people in my head that told me to do it....
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    easyboy wrote:
    fishings just a bloodsport for people without lives

    Of course it is. :roll:

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  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    easyboy wrote:
    fishings just a bloodsport for people without lives

    Evidently they have lives, as they can afford all that expsive kit.Oh and a lower blood pressure than the average person. I would also point out that fish dont have the capacity to understand suffering, nor the nervous structure to feel any kind of pain that primates do. They are quite happy, if they werent there would be learned-behaviours to demonstrate.

    PS most fishermen throw them back unless they a) have permission or b) its sea-fishing and they've caught the right size.
  • tonyw43
    tonyw43 Posts: 249
    To add a bit of balance, I'm also a trout fisherman (fly fishing). If I catch something, I kill it quickly before it comes out of the water. It doesn't get wasted, it gets eaten. Why kill a course fish. Doesn't serve any purpose other than to give us anglers a bad name.
  • brin
    brin Posts: 1,122
    well i got the joke :lol:
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    Some people's morals are screwed up.

    I'm an avid angler and fish for everything.

    But, if you are against taking one for the pot then you obviously haven't thought hard enough about your argument.

    Fishing is a bloodsport. Its roots are in feeding populations of people. Although I practice both, morally, I find catch and release more dubious than catch and eat. Deliberately targeting fish and damaging them can only fuel the antifishing brigade. In Germany catch and release is illeagal.

    Anglers like to tell people fish have no sense, but they know that that is rubbish. Go on a carp lake on opening day at the start of the season and you'll catch dozens. Come back a few weeks later and you'll blank.

    The same happens on the rivers I fish for grayling. They wise up. Carp especially get very selective about what they eat and reject. Go on a carp fishing forum and suggest that the fish are dumb, you'll get laughed at.

    Anyway, nice perch. I've caught and eaten a lot myself. Best I had was from Annecy.
  • CarbonCopy
    CarbonCopy Posts: 492
    TonyW43 wrote:
    To add a bit of balance, I'm also a trout fisherman (fly fishing). If I catch something, I kill it quickly before it comes out of the water. It doesn't get wasted, it gets eaten. Why kill a course fish. Doesn't serve any purpose other than to give us anglers a bad name.
    That makes sense to me. 8)
  • Stone Glider
    Stone Glider Posts: 1,227
    I have eaten Perch and Pike, baked, wrapped in foil with herbs and oil/butter. Not bad at all. That is a big fish that has eaten a lot of little fish in it's time, if not removed the population starts to suffer. A lake near where I lived had to be drained and re-stocked with Carp as the previous population had reached a size that overwhelmed the balance in the lake.

    If it is big enough, you should kill it and eat it. Otherwise sit beside the water and enjoy the peace and quiet.
    The older I get the faster I was
  • Bugly
    Bugly Posts: 520
    Good lord have people become so soft and distant from the food that they eat daily that catching and eating a fish is so horrid and evil?
    A line caught fish has had a largely better life (and death) then most animals farmed for their meat. FFS :evil:
  • balthazar
    balthazar Posts: 1,565
    Bugly wrote:
    Good lord have people become so soft and distant from the food that they eat daily that catching and eating a fish is so horrid and evil?
    Reading through the thread I don't see that anybody objected to catching fish for food. I will catch, kill and eat fish, though the killing is with a heavy heart; as it should always be, I think. It's catching them for any other reason that bothers me. The claim –repeated higher in the thread– that fish cannot experience terror, fear, and pain is astonishingly egocentric, whiffing of victorian arrogance.
  • easyboy
    easyboy Posts: 33
    Fishing for sport is as bad as all other sports where a living creature is killed in the name of entertainment or recreation
    Call it what you will a fisherperson actively hunts other living creatures/prey

    Fishers call it entertainment,I call it bloodsport.

    downfader where is the scietific facts to back up your claims showing the health benefits of people who fish,versus people who dont fish
    2009 Stumpy Elite
    2009 Cube Ltd Race
    Its the little people in my head that told me to do it....
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    Bet you wasn't expecting this responce was ya Westy :wink:
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    easyboy wrote:
    Fishing for sport is as bad as all other sports where a living creature is killed in the name of entertainment or recreation

    Don't talk pish.
  • easyboy
    easyboy Posts: 33
    Obviously a fisher

    You want to catch a fish for food crack on
    You want to hunt for entertainment shame on you
    2009 Stumpy Elite
    2009 Cube Ltd Race
    Its the little people in my head that told me to do it....
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    easyboy wrote:
    You want to catch a fish for food crack on
    You want to hunt for entertainment shame on you

    I do both.

    You have to ask yourself one thing. The fish that are stocked in rivers cleaned by anglers to be caught by anglers, do they have a better or worse life than the battery farmed excuse for meat you feed yourself with every day?

    I know which creature I'd rather be.

    Fishermen do a massive amount of good for the rivers and waterways of the UK. I've been on working parties in local lakes and rivers for years doing my bit. The good that anglers do to our environment and economy far outweighs any spurious townie argument you have about hurting poor little fishies.
  • easyboy
    easyboy Posts: 33
    so what you are saying is that so long as the participant of say
    Badger Baiting
    Bear Trapping
    Deer Hunting
    Bull Fighting
    Fox Hunting (now banned)
    or perhaps even dog fighting are respectable members of society who do charity work and assist with the cleaning of the environment or the restocking of the thing they are killing, like anglers do justifies what they do,

    You want to catch a fish for food crack on
    Yoy want to hunt for entertainment shame on you
    You should eat what you hunt and kill,if you dont eat it then dont hunt and kill it
    2009 Stumpy Elite
    2009 Cube Ltd Race
    Its the little people in my head that told me to do it....
  • Westerberg
    Westerberg Posts: 652
    Seems I've been painted as a pesca-cidal maniac in my absence. I had reason to go searching for 'perch' on Google and found this fine specimen so thought I'd share it. I never killed the fishy, I never killed the fishy, I never killed the fishy (etc..etc...)
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    easyboy wrote:
    Fox Hunting (now banned)
    So that makes it evil then?

    Actually, I've only ever been able to see 2 completely consistent positions on this one - either you cheerfully accept that animals don't have the same status, or rights, as humans, and eat them happily without qualms, or else go vegan (was it the Jains who wear a mesh across the mouth in case they accidentally breathe in a gnat?)
    And don't get me started on bacterial rights, with your murdering penicillin and all!

    A lot of people these days seem to have a philosophy of "animal rights for cuddly animals" or "animals rights for animals killed by people I don't like".
  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    Quite how a picture of a specimen Perch has led to this kind of debate I'll never know!

    Bloodsports, fox hunting, badger bating, seal clubbing etc are, in this day and age, not excusable pastimes.

    Killing an animal for food, any animal, must be seen as completely acceptable else we'd all be vegans.

    'Sport' fishing is obviously debatable but hardly the most urgent problem with todays society.

    Before responding, becoming angry, or even having an opinion, I suggest you all look closely at how the sheep, cows, chickens and pigs are raised that you happily eat every week.
  • tonyw43
    tonyw43 Posts: 249
    Westerberg wrote:
    Seems I've been painted as a pesca-cidal maniac in my absence. I had reason to go searching for 'perch' on Google and found this fine specimen so thought I'd share it. I never killed the fishy, I never killed the fishy, I never killed the fishy (etc..etc...)

    Lmao. Westberg, I for one will apologise for jumping to conclusions. It is a fine specimen of a perch.
  • easyboy wrote:
    so what you are saying is that so long as the participant of say
    Badger Baiting
    Bear Trapping
    Deer Hunting
    Bull Fighting
    Fox Hunting (now banned)
    or perhaps even dog fighting are respectable members of society who do charity work and assist with the cleaning of the environment or the restocking of the thing they are killing, like anglers do justifies what they do,

    You want to catch a fish for food crack on
    Yoy want to hunt for entertainment shame on you
    You should eat what you hunt and kill,if you dont eat it then dont hunt and kill it

    Welcome to the forum.
    What makes you the moral majority to come here and start ranting about what is right and wrong?
    Who are you to say some one should have shame for fishing?

    As it happens, and this might be s difficult concept for you to cope with but people can hunt and still contribuite to society. You should consider wether the countryside you enjoy riding through or the woods you enjoy walking in would be there without fieldsports.
    You could also consider the huge improvements in water quality that most have britains rivers have seen in the last 30 years, much of it kicked off and supported by habitat improvement initiatives by fishermen and angling lobby groups.

    Fishing is still the biggest participation sport in the UK so if you think its cruel, get on to your mp and ask him to get a private members bill to have it banned because ranting on here is innapropriate and innefective. Nob.

    the dealer
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Boycott shops as well, they sell fish products the to55ers. And chippys. And pubs, they sell jars of cockles and stuff. And lets kill Rick Stein, the Fuhrer of fish death. :roll: :D
  • I blame the Guppys
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,703
    easyboy wrote:
    so what you are saying is that so long as the participant of say
    Badger Baiting
    Bear Trapping
    Deer Hunting
    Bull Fighting
    Fox Hunting (now banned)or perhaps even dog fighting are respectable members of society who do charity work and assist with the cleaning of the environment or the restocking of the thing they are killing, like anglers do justifies what they do,

    You want to catch a fish for food crack on
    Yoy want to hunt for entertainment shame on you
    You should eat what you hunt and kill,if you dont eat it then dont hunt and kill it

    Fox hunting isn't banned - you are showing your ignorance. Hunting with dogs is banned, if I want to go out and hunt foxes with a shotgun that's fine (other than I don't have a shotgun licence so I can't :lol: ).

    Anyone who has seen the care an experienced angler takes with a fish before returning it will have seen that they actually care about what they are doing and those that take a fish for the pot generally dispatch of them quickly and humanely. The biggest problem areas are holidaymakers who go mackerel bashing and catch and kill far more than they can eat and, in some cases, decide it's easier to dump the leftovers and some old style sea matches where fish are killed for weighing. Contrast line fishing to the way most fish on people's table has been treated (i.e. trawled by the ton and left to suffocate to death) and angling looks positively humane.