
incog24 Posts: 549
If you're doing some motorpacing behind a car and you brush the bumper with your front wheel, what happens? Do you just loose a bit of rubber and speed, or does it all go horribly wrong??

I quite fancy doing some on my TT bike to practice for a TTT but obviously I'll be off the brakes so the possibility of nudging the car is reasonably high.
Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 -


  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Is motorpacing not illegal in the UK?
    I like bikes...

  • incog24
    incog24 Posts: 549
    I won't be doing it on a main road then...plenty of nice flat quiet ones around though so I doubt it'd be an issue.
    Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 -
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I know the world class squad do it - look at their team cars and you can see the streaks of rubber.

    Personally I'd leave it to them. You wont see any potholes and the risks probably outweigh the benefits unless you're elite/pro.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Is motorpacing not illegal in the UK?
    It is - the driver had better have a list of excuses handy
  • incog24
    incog24 Posts: 549
    You guys are boring...early morning on a dead road, check the surface first (it'd be no more dangerous than a road race in that respect).

    So is it illegal to draft cars in any situation? I've never been pulled up on it in a town (I'm not saying this is good practice etc etc), so you'd have to be seriously unlucky to get done for it in the middle of nowhere...
    Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 -
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Sure you are unlikely to get done for it- but see if you can find a photo of the 7-11 guy after he went into the back of a car. Nasty.
  • incog24
    incog24 Posts: 549
    There is obviously an element of danger to it, but then there is in most racing too?

    Anyone have any ideas on the bumper issue?
    Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 -
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Roller on the back of the car in case you bang into it, would just spin the roller instead of throwing you off.
    I like bikes...

  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    cougie wrote:
    Sure you are unlikely to get done for it- but see if you can find a photo of the 7-11 guy after he went into the back of a car. Nasty.

    Yeah, but he will be traveling the same speed as the car, but the 7-11 guy hit a stationery car??

    Back to the question, I have no idea but if the world class squad car has rubber streaks at the back I would assume it must be Ok as long as you don't panic when it happens.

    Report back and let us know.... :D
  • Jose Meiffret at 127mph:

    John Howard at 152mph:
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Percy - the 7-11 car was pacing the rider (phinney or kiefel?) Back up to the bunch - but had to slam on - and the rider went straight through the window - blood everywhere.

    Ullrich did a similar thing just before the tour. If the pros get it wrong occasionally - and on closed roads - I'd think amateurs doing it would be, er interesting.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    No need to get so close to rub the bumper, get a draft even if 3 yards from it.
    A motor bike is much better he will be able to take clean lines for you and hopefully lead you without hitting holes.
    Yesterday I was behind a rangerover filming us and hit a huge hole around a drain which made a mess of my innertube, luckily my caron wheel was ok!!
    I think they edited out my puncture in the video (link below) due to my swearing!!
    Bronzie you will recognise the road, it is bottom of Nettledean as per your reliability ride.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Bronzie you will recognise the road, it is bottom of Nettledean as per your reliability ride.
    Tell them to invest in a steady cam for next year :lol:

    That white kit will take some washing - how come you've left the Spirit?
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Bronzie wrote:
    Bronzie you will recognise the road, it is bottom of Nettledean as per your reliability ride.
    Tell them to invest in a steady cam for next year :lol:

    That white kit will take some washing - how come you've left the Spirit?

    The cam was ok but the guy filming almost fell out the back twice after hitting pot holes :D will pick a smoother road next time.
    Black balled by the etiquette police at Spirit :lol: i.e knowing how to race !!
    Will have to come out with you lot on a sunday ride for some training soon started back seriously this week so need some rides to get ready for Welwyn league, will be fun styarting off straight away in the A group :lol:
  • why is motorpacing illegal?

    if you were at the correct stopping distance you would be breaking the law because at 30mph you would get a good draft from the car in front. :?

    is that motorpacing or not? where do you draw the line?

    it is irresponsible on most roads but shouldnt be illegal. just like that silly 'suicide is illegal' law. wtf :?
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    If you're drafting off a car - you cant stop in the distance that the car can stop at ?

    I dont see there is a law against motorpacing as such - but its pretty reckless.

    As oldwelshman says - a motorbike or moped would be much better for it.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,682
    If using a car you need to ride on the outside edge to give room for manouevre. Your bike may stop in the same or shorter distance than a car but by time their brake lights show you still have your reaction time. I've done it in the past but wouldn't do it again. If you just nudge the bumper you'll be fine but anything more than the slightest nudge will have you off. Out of interest why do you want to do it? If you want to practice for a TTT drafting a car won't help much, it offers much more shelter than another bike will and you need to practice your changes. Can't you just get the team together for a couple of practice runs?


    If you are using your TT bike I assume you intend getting on the tri bars and using a TT position? If so I would urge you not to do it as you have no chance of reacting in an emergency.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    cougie wrote:
    I dont see there is a law against motorpacing as such
    Hmmm - can't see it specifically mentioned in the Highway Code.

    However, my car insurance certificate states that "pace-making" is specifically excluded so you would at least be invalidating your insurance.