Do motorist even know what the blue cycle lanes are.

DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
edited March 2010 in Commuting chat
I was in the new blue superhighway-take-you-to-France-if-you-pedal-hard-enough lanes that are dotting about in London.

I was in it as I thought I'll be safe. It's blue, blue means safe. Soon after I entered the blue zone several cars zoomed past me so close I think my jacket and their metallic paint made coitus.

So I got to thinking, do motorists even now what it is yet? I'm also a motorist and the mortorist in me doesn't know?
Food Chain number = 4

A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game


  • kelsen
    kelsen Posts: 2,003
    Where are these mythical portals that you speak of?
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    I've ridden on/through(?) the ones at the junction with Union Road. Apart from adding a splash of colour, there is no obvious benefit as some drivers still like to get up close and personal at times :roll:

    The paint quality isn't great either. Tyre marks all over the shop.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    Union Road you say? Is that the Wandsworth road end or the Clapham Road side. If so then wow, there are more of them than I thought. But yeah well spotted I give that paint a week in London's winter and then its gone. Also they could have pressed the stones down. First couple days it was I couldn't ride through it as stone were flying everywhere and could have damaged my tyres, wheels.

    Yep a Cycling Super Highway you can't even cycle on.

    Kelsen, for all concerned they are the new "Cycle super highways". Which, are essentially bicycle lanes painted blue. They are slightly wider and that means cars drive over them.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • will3
    will3 Posts: 2,173
    I've never seen or heard of a blue lane what are they? Another coloured bit of tarmac that's magically going to stop the cars hurting?
  • Canny Jock
    Canny Jock Posts: 1,051
    I only know of them through here - so again my motorist side knows nothing.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    Cafewanda wrote:
    I've ridden on/through(?) the ones at the junction with Union Road. Apart from adding a splash of colour, there is no obvious benefit as some drivers still like to get up close and personal at times :roll:

    The paint quality isn't great either. Tyre marks all over the shop.

    The whole thing is a massive waste of time/money. I remember when they announced them - 'Cycle super Highways' made me think of broad, smooth, bike only roads (an impossibility of course). Instead they are just painting the formerly green cycle lanes blue (what was wrong with green) and making them a tiny bit wider. This will make naff all difference, vehicles encroach the narrow green lanes all the times as it is, widening them will make sod all difference. Doubtless they will be demarcated by slippery white painted lines as well and will soon fill with the usual (pointy) detritus.

  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    Why would they? the green lanes are just additional parking room for cars, why should blue ones be any different.? There's 1 segragated lane here in Manchester near the Man City stadium that is kerbed off from the main carriageway, I've seen 4 x 4 parked over the top of it on the kerbing and pavement.

    This hits one of my pet peeves on our attitiude to filtering vs overtaking though, we demand 3 feet of passing gap and then filter within inches of cars when it suits us - big mixed messages.

    I know different speeds and circumstances but does that really impinge on a driver when we're weaving past his wing mirror at the lights and then waving a fist at him as he passes just as close 50 yards up the road.
  • holybinch
    holybinch Posts: 417

    I think the difference is speed, and our reactivity.
    Filtering is an intentional, low speed action from our part, in slow moving traffic.
    Passing inches from a cyclist on an open road, when he/she can't see you, at speed, is another story imo.
    My pet peeve, for cyclist, pedestrian and driver alike is: you wouldn't do this if I were a car!
    FCN 4(?) (Commuter - Genesis Croix de Fer)
    FCN 3 (Roadie - Viner Perfecta)

    -- Please sponsor me on my London to Paris ride -- ... n_to_paris
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    DDD, Clapham Road side.

    To be honest, if there are enough cyclists on that stretch we pretty much force vehicles into one lane as we ride two or sometimes three (for overtaking purposes) abreast. One of the joys of cycling in a group :)
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    Clearly the fact that you're inside the blue bit and they are outside means it is safe to zoom by. After all you're protected by the invisible barrier which extends upwards from the edge of the blue line.

    Its just another wrong headed bit of road design intended to give the illusion of safety while providing nothing of the sort.
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    Kurako wrote:
    Clearly the fact that you're inside the blue bit and they are outside means it is safe to zoom by. After all you're protected by the invisible barrier which extends upwards from the edge of the blue line.

    Not on the Stockwell section it doesn't! On the outside? No chance mate!
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    If they put a curb between the new cycle lane and the road, at places - like main fast roads, then I would feel more convinced of th intention.

    Also preventing cars from using bus lanes (after certain times during the day) on some roads would also help to improve things and increase the impact and effectiveness of any bicycle highway.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386

    This hits one of my pet peeves on our attitiude to filtering vs overtaking though, we demand 3 feet of passing gap and then filter within inches of cars when it suits us - big mixed messages.

    I know different speeds and circumstances but does that really impinge on a driver when we're weaving past his wing mirror at the lights and then waving a fist at him as he passes just as close 50 yards up the road.

    I agree with the hypocrisy.
    If there is room to overtake, that's fine but then I extend that to there being room to filter.
    If there is not enough room I sit in the primary, no-one overtakes but I don't filter either.

    Neither cyclists or drivers can have it both ways.

    Cycle lanes are a waste of money as cars simply park or drive on them. They are a compromise that doesn't work.
    Either seperate paths entirely or don't bother :roll:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    edited March 2010
    Kurako wrote:
    Clearly the fact that you're inside the blue bit and they are outside means it is safe to zoom by. After all you're protected by the invisible barrier which extends upwards from the edge of the blue line.
    Woe betide anyone who strays from the blue bits - they'll be justifyiably mowed down by a god fearing righteous road tax paying motorist. And quite right too! :evil:
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    There's 1 segragated lane here in Manchester near the Man City stadium that is kerbed off from the main carriageway, I've seen 4 x 4 parked over the top of it on the kerbing and pavement.
    That'll be Craig Bellamy.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Cafewanda wrote:
    I've ridden on/through(?) the ones at the junction with Union Road. Apart from adding a splash of colour, there is no obvious benefit as some drivers still like to get up close and personal at times :roll:

    The paint quality isn't great either. Tyre marks all over the shop.

    The whole thing is a massive waste of time/money. I remember when they announced them - 'Cycle super Highways' made me think of broad, smooth, bike only roads (an impossibility of course). Instead they are just painting the formerly green cycle lanes blue (what was wrong with green) and making them a tiny bit wider. This will make naff all difference, vehicles encroach the narrow green lanes all the times as it is, widening them will make sod all difference. Doubtless they will be demarcated by slippery white painted lines as well and will soon fill with the usual (pointy) detritus.


    Absolutely. What a waste of money. There is no enforcement of existing green cycle lanes and ASL boxes. What difference does blue make? Cars can drive on blue tarmac as easily as they can drive on green or black...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    Porgy wrote:
    Clearly the fact that you're inside the blue bit and they are outside means it is safe to zoom by. After all you're protected by the invisible barrier which extends upwards from the edge of the blue line.
    Woe betide anyone who strays from the blue bits - they'll be justifyiably mowed down by a god fearing righteous road tax paying motorist. And quite right too! :evil:

    Porgy, blue paint means "vehicles can use it too" as there are no signs indicating otherwise, at least in Stockwell.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    If they put a curb between the new cycle lane and the road, at places - like main fast roads, then I would feel more convinced of th intention.

    Also preventing cars from using bus lanes (after certain times during the day) on some roads would also help to improve things and increase the impact and effectiveness of any bicycle highway.

    Segregated cycle lanes is something I really, really, really don't want. Imagine it. You're bowling along at about 20mph when you hit a queue. There are about 10-20 cyclists pootling along, stuck behind a lady in a flowy skirt on a Pashley. No one can overtake because the lane is too narrow and there's a curb on the right preventing you from getting into the motor traffic lane, so everyone is forced to travel at the speed of the slowest cyclist. If they bring segregated lanes in, I'll be in with the cars...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    Cafewanda wrote:
    I've ridden on/through(?) the ones at the junction with Union Road. Apart from adding a splash of colour, there is no obvious benefit as some drivers still like to get up close and personal at times :roll:

    The paint quality isn't great either. Tyre marks all over the shop.

    The whole thing is a massive waste of time/money. I remember when they announced them - 'Cycle super Highways' made me think of broad, smooth, bike only roads (an impossibility of course). Instead they are just painting the formerly green cycle lanes blue (what was wrong with green) and making them a tiny bit wider. This will make naff all difference, vehicles encroach the narrow green lanes all the times as it is, widening them will make sod all difference. Doubtless they will be demarcated by slippery white painted lines as well and will soon fill with the usual (pointy) detritus.


    Absolutely. What a waste of money. There is no enforcement of existing green cycle lanes and ASL boxes. What difference does blue make? Cars can drive on blue tarmac as easily as they can drive on green or black...

    some of the money ringfenced for this project is for securing better enforcement rights. I'm sceptical - but intend to get involved with the consultation process as soon as it starts.

    sign up to the LCC's superhighway manifesto here:
  • Sewinman
    Sewinman Posts: 2,131
    edited March 2010
    The fact that they have changed the colour will probably just confuse drivers who associate green with cycle lanes.

    It also re-enforces the idea that we have to stay in the coloured area. A moped started beeping at me the other day for cycling outside the green bit outside Oval. I was overtaking another cyclist who was in the green. When i asked him why he beeped a bit later he said - 'cos you should be in the green area' :roll: He had another lane to use too so could have overtaken me there, but instead thought I should get out of the way.
  • gaz545
    gaz545 Posts: 493 - video of superhighway at Union road vs Clapham road.

    They haven't changed the junction at all. The pinch point on the reverse direction is invisible to cyclists as you come up to it and that is still yet to be solved. If they don't fix this by the summer then it's epic fail!

    Some more footage can also be seen here:
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    I'm repeating this cos I think it might get missed:

    sign up to the LCC's superhighway manifesto here:

    it's a list of good commonsense demands.

    Also - I believe that people should report any problems straight to the LCC as they have been monitoring TfL's progress on this project and seem very keen to keep the pressure on to ensure that the superhighways aren't just a collosal waste of money.
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    gaz545 wrote: - video of superhighway at Union road vs Clapham road.

    They haven't changed the junction at all. The pinch point on the reverse direction is invisible to cyclists as you come up to it and that is still yet to be solved. If they don't fix this by the summer then it's epic fail!

    Some more footage can also be seen here:

    The question is - do they know about it. I'm sceptical that there's been a proper consultation - if at all - so you might want to let the LCC and TfL know about this - especially the LCC who are probably compiling a database of problems as we speak.
  • gaz545
    gaz545 Posts: 493
    Porgy wrote:
    gaz545 wrote: - video of superhighway at Union road vs Clapham road.

    They haven't changed the junction at all. The pinch point on the reverse direction is invisible to cyclists as you come up to it and that is still yet to be solved. If they don't fix this by the summer then it's epic fail!

    Some more footage can also be seen here:

    The question is - do they know about it. I'm sceptical that there's been a proper consultation - if at all - so you might want to let the LCC and TfL know about this - especially the LCC who are probably compiling a database of problems as we speak.

    Whats the best way to contact the LCC about it?
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    If they put a curb between the new cycle lane and the road, at places - like main fast roads, then I would feel more convinced of th intention.

    Also preventing cars from using bus lanes (after certain times during the day) on some roads would also help to improve things and increase the impact and effectiveness of any bicycle highway.

    Segregated cycle lanes is something I really, really, really don't want. Imagine it. You're bowling along at about 20mph when you hit a queue. There are about 10-20 cyclists pootling along, stuck behind a lady in a flowy skirt on a Pashley. No one can overtake because the lane is too narrow and there's a curb on the right preventing you from getting into the motor traffic lane, so everyone is forced to travel at the speed of the slowest cyclist. If they bring segregated lanes in, I'll be in with the cars...

    They've made them wider so you can overtake whippets with 30cm bars and nothing else.

    All I want is some public awareness adverts and campaign explaining at various levels the facts (road tax not being a plausible argument for not having bicycles on the road), the dangers we face (left and right hooks, pulling out from minor roads or joining junctions), what motrists and cyclists can do to increase road saftey. All of which is pointed at educating people and reminding them that:

    1). Cyclist have a right to be on the road.
    2). If you hit one you could potentially destroy or end a life.

    A bit like those Think adverts.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Cafewanda wrote:
    I've ridden on/through(?) the ones at the junction with Union Road. Apart from adding a splash of colour, there is no obvious benefit as some drivers still like to get up close and personal at times :roll:

    The paint quality isn't great either. Tyre marks all over the shop.

    The whole thing is a massive waste of time/money. I remember when they announced them - 'Cycle super Highways' made me think of broad, smooth, bike only roads (an impossibility of course). Instead they are just painting the formerly green cycle lanes blue (what was wrong with green) and making them a tiny bit wider. This will make naff all difference, vehicles encroach the narrow green lanes all the times as it is, widening them will make sod all difference. Doubtless they will be demarcated by slippery white painted lines as well and will soon fill with the usual (pointy) detritus.


    Absolutely. What a waste of money. There is no enforcement of existing green cycle lanes and ASL boxes. What difference does blue make? Cars can drive on blue tarmac as easily as they can drive on green or black...

    +2, and also to the idea of segregated cycle lanes.

    Money would be better spent improving the condition of the road itself rather than painting it a different colour - quite literally painting over the crack; quality road surface = a safer road.

    But that still leaves the problem that there isn't a culture of cycling in the UK as there is on the continent. As stated above, bike lanes will only reinforce the idea that we don't belong on the road. The thought of that blond-haired buffoon comes down to the culture of cycling in the UK.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    gaz545 wrote:
    Porgy wrote:
    gaz545 wrote: - video of superhighway at Union road vs Clapham road.

    They haven't changed the junction at all. The pinch point on the reverse direction is invisible to cyclists as you come up to it and that is still yet to be solved. If they don't fix this by the summer then it's epic fail!

    Some more footage can also be seen here:

    The question is - do they know about it. I'm sceptical that there's been a proper consultation - if at all - so you might want to let the LCC and TfL know about this - especially the LCC who are probably compiling a database of problems as we speak.

    Whats the best way to contact the LCC about it?
    I tried to find a direct email address but as my hotmail account is blocked at work ( :evil: ) I can't find it. However - you can leave messages here - and put you email address so they can contact you:
    Wandsworth local group - may well be interested too.
    Merton local group - although i'm pretty sure that the point you describe is in Wandsworth - Merton may well be concenred about this too.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,418
    The bits I've seen - a few blue oblongs over the junction at Tooting Bec Tube, and where Union Road meets Clapham Road - resemble nothing so much as those blue plasters that chefs and whatnot have to use so that if they come off, they show up.

    I can only assume that they aren't finished yet, as without some kind of signage/pictograms on the road, and some white lines somewhere, they are just pretty coloured tarmac. It's pretty unfair to expect motorists to know what they are for, as they won't have been following BR for info as we have (I haven't seen any publicity that wasn't aimed at cyclists).

    The section by Tooting Bec Tube implies that almost the whole LH lane will be given over to cyclists, but as this then leaves only half a lane for motorists turning left (across the path of cyclists, of course), motorists will inevitably stop over the top of the blue. Brilliant!

    One other thing: If you have orange lenses for your glasses, try lifting them off and looking at the blue tarmac (while stationary) - it looks positively flourescent.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • There is a very good blog about them here: ... arder.html

    Best though is this artist impression:
    Taken from ... rcrap.html
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    road tax not being a plausible argument for not having bicycles on the road

    It may not be but I have found that challenging motorists on this is like arguing with climate change deniers - no amount of evidence will change their minds - in their minds you're some hateful stereotype and they will not see you as a fully rounded human with a valid and rational viewpoint.