ZipVit for RadioShack

sonny73 Posts: 2,203
edited March 2010 in Pro race
Got an ad today in my inbox from ZipVit (as I am sure some of you did too) suppliers to RadioShack for 2010 now also; a small bit of news I grant you, but good to see a British company doing well in the peleton.


  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    They need to work on the flavours of their gels and energy drinks - they taste bloomin' awful.
  • I don't mind the gels and drinks at all. The only ones that I struggle with are the caffeine gels and the choc recovery drink. The caf gels are fantastic but just bloody awful I almost puke when having one. I use the strawberry recover drink instead now which is fine and even tastes alright though not as tasty as a sis recovery drink. But the zipvit ones are way superior to all the ones ive tried to date.
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • sonny73
    sonny73 Posts: 2,203
    I use the choc recovery and the orange energy, got to say l like the taste of both and they work a treat imo. Either way good to see them doing well in pro sponsorship terms!
  • All the drinks I have tried from them are foul, particularly the choc revoery drink. I like the bars and gels.

    They should however pay someone decent to redo their website it's a disgrace
  • I didn't realise ZipVit made EPO :twisted:
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Does this mean we can expect a new "Wurthers & Complan" flavour gel?
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • Philip S
    Philip S Posts: 398
    I like the gels, bars (esp the choc orange recovery bar) and energy drinks.

    Only had one sample of the choc recovery drink, which tasted fine but felt weird - very watery. I suspect if you mixed it up with milk rather than water it might be fine, but I don't plan to blow £20 or whatever on a big tub so that I can test that theory....
  • sonny73
    sonny73 Posts: 2,203
    Philip S wrote:
    I suspect if you mixed it up with milk rather than water it might be fine, but I don't plan to blow £20 or whatever on a big tub so that I can test that theory....

    It is and tastes lovely with milk I can assure you; mind you I don't mind it with water to be fair, but milk much nicer.
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Sonny73 wrote:
    Philip S wrote:
    I suspect if you mixed it up with milk rather than water it might be fine, but I don't plan to blow £20 or whatever on a big tub so that I can test that theory....

    It is and tastes lovely with milk I can assure you; mind you I don't mind it with water to be fair, but milk much nicer.

    In which case the recovery benefits might be 90% milk... £20 saved :twisted:

    Strava is not Zen.
  • sonny73
    sonny73 Posts: 2,203
    calvjones wrote:
    Sonny73 wrote:
    Philip S wrote:
    I suspect if you mixed it up with milk rather than water it might be fine, but I don't plan to blow £20 or whatever on a big tub so that I can test that theory....

    It is and tastes lovely with milk I can assure you; mind you I don't mind it with water to be fair, but milk much nicer.

    In which case the recovery benefits might be 90% milk... £20 saved :twisted:

    HA, yes indeed :wink:
  • LangerDan wrote:
    Does this mean we can expect a new "Wurthers & Complan" flavour gel?

    Haha. Horlicks flavoured recovery drinks...
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    calvjones wrote:
    Sonny73 wrote:
    Philip S wrote:
    I suspect if you mixed it up with milk rather than water it might be fine, but I don't plan to blow £20 or whatever on a big tub so that I can test that theory....

    It is and tastes lovely with milk I can assure you; mind you I don't mind it with water to be fair, but milk much nicer.

    In which case the recovery benefits might be 90% milk... £20 saved :twisted:

    Do they recommend mixing it with milk? That would certainly delay rapid absorption and negate many of its benefits!
  • Zipvit stuff is quality, especially the premixed protein/colostrum stuff.

    And where did people get this "milk delays absorption" stuff from? Never heard it myself.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    I may have been made a victim of sales propaganda. Tim Lawson from SIS gave several talks while on training camp on Majorca. He is adamant that milk is not good for recovery for reasons stated above. I think there was also mention of the same issue in last week's Cycling Weekly.
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Nickwill wrote:
    I may have been made a victim of sales propaganda. Tim Lawson from SIS gave several talks while on training camp on Majorca. He is adamant that milk is not good for recovery for reasons stated above. I think there was also mention of the same issue in last week's Cycling Weekly.

    I'm sure I've seen articles extolling the recovery virtues of milk alone.. but may be mistaken. Wouldn't be the first or last time!

    Strava is not Zen.
  • ahh sports science.

    Is there a scientific discipline less worthy of the tag science?

    If you were to believe what you read on the cover of cycling plus one month it's "pedal slower go quicker" the next it's "eat less ride longer" etc.
  • Love the ZipVit uncoated chocolate energy bar… and the caffeine gels are rocket fuel!
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,869
    calvjones wrote:
    Nickwill wrote:
    I may have been made a victim of sales propaganda. Tim Lawson from SIS gave several talks while on training camp on Majorca. He is adamant that milk is not good for recovery for reasons stated above. I think there was also mention of the same issue in last week's Cycling Weekly.

    I'm sure I've seen articles extolling the recovery virtues of milk alone.. but may be mistaken. Wouldn't be the first or last time!

    call me a cynic but the guy has a vested interest....

    I'm sure REGO is probably better than milk
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • dave milne wrote:
    ahh sports science.

    Is there a scientific discipline less worthy of the tag science?

    If you were to believe what you read on the cover of cycling plus one month it's "pedal slower go quicker" the next it's "eat less ride longer" etc.

    It depends if people know what they're talking about or not. I'd certainly say Tim Lawson has gotten it wrong (as someone said, possible vested interests?) Milk is a fantastic source of nutrients and almost certainly doesn't hinder absorption in any way.

    But yeh cycling weekly is strange to say the least. "Pressing harder on the pedals makes you go faster", "riding more makes you fitter" etc
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • Off the top of my head. The milk delaying recovery is to do with the absorption rates of various proteins. IIRC the caesin in milk means the other proteins and nutrients take longer to be absorbed than if caesin is not present, hence recovery drinks being whey based. So I guess he meant that if you mix the recovery drink with milk the caesin will slow down absorption. This is why the SIS night time drink has caesin in it so that the protein is absorbed more slowly through the night as some have gastric trouble with whey based products that might distrub sleep.
    But yeh cycling weekly is strange to say the least. "Pressing harder on the pedals makes you go faster", "riding more makes you fitter" etc
    Have studies proven this to be true?
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,707
    cycling weekly is strange to say the least.
    That's one way to describe it!

    Re. the mention in CW, yep you're right. Featured in last Thursday's issue - Milk as a recovery aid. So there. The comic says it so it must be true. Or not. There's a different training method, superfood or nutritional/health top tip every week for all us cash-rich, time-poor Sportivistas.

    Returning to ZipVit, I must admit the one sample of Energy Elite I tried was a bit tasteless. It would have been better mixed with some fruit juce (but not milk, I guess). The Choc Orange recovery bars are yum, really like a nice cake bar. The uncoated choc energy bars are quite good too.
    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
  • Simon E wrote:
    That's one way to describe it!

    The Choc Orange recovery bars are yum, really like a nice cake bar. The uncoated choc energy bars are quite good too.

    The ZipVit bars are delicious. My friend bought a load and they ended up being used instead of the regular chocolate bars/biscuits he kept in his house. OM NOM NOM.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • I tend to use mostly ZipVit energy stuff - drinks, gels and bars. I prefer the lightly flavoured drinks. Bars taste good. But beware the caffeine gels - in the summer I was using them in races and started to feel a bit weird a couple of hours afterwards. I suppose unsurprisingly as each gel contains as much caffeine as 2.5 cans of Red Bull (apparently).
    "Locals are watching from pavement cafés. Non-racers. The emptiness of those lives shocks me." Tim Krabbé, The Rider
  • Just had a text from Zipfit saying 20% off Team Radioshack sports nutrition. 20% discount for a two year ban... Hmmm.... :wink:
  • Damien_KW wrote:
    But beware the caffeine gels - in the summer I was using them in races and started to feel a bit weird a couple of hours afterwards. I suppose unsurprisingly as each gel contains as much caffeine as 2.5 cans of Red Bull (apparently).

    Are they the ones that are pretty much a meal in a tube?
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • Damien_KW wrote:
    But beware the caffeine gels - in the summer I was using them in races and started to feel a bit weird a couple of hours afterwards. I suppose unsurprisingly as each gel contains as much caffeine as 2.5 cans of Red Bull (apparently).

    Are they the ones that are pretty much a meal in a tube?

    yeah you have to chew them down with HUGE! gulps of drink :|
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    The original batch of Gels were very thick (you had to chew the stuff) however a newer batch seem to be more fluid and easier to swallow :shock:

    The Mixed Fruits Energy drink is quite nice but the orange tastes like cats p*ss.

    The Vanialla Rapid Muscle Recovery is MILES tastier than the chocolate.

    The yogurt covered recovery bars are the mutts nuts
  • zammmmo
    zammmmo Posts: 315
    Sorry to drag this one up but need to voice this concern.

    Some of the Zipvit products are quite good. However, I haven't yet gotten a timely and decent answer to the few technical queries I've asked about their nutritional products. I mean just saying 'oh well LA uses them' doesn't really answer the original question does it?

    Compare this with the American site Hammernutrition - they have answered quickly and you definitely get the feeling the person on the other end actually *knows* the products rather than blindy sells.
  • stjohnswell
    stjohnswell Posts: 482
    Zipvit protein recovery bars taste absolutely delicious - just like regular lard-arse confectionary.

    Mind you, the protein drink is pretty bleurrgh.
  • I got my £5 trial box in the post today.... Cant wait to start munching away...

    All the products look great, think I can see myself on these for a while...

    Does anyone use any of the vits/mins here? I got some multi vit tabs and omega capsules, just wanted to know if they had any issues with them? - anybody using beta-carotene/ vit B comlex/ Glutatione?

    I'm a sports physiologist.. quite interested...

    Even a free CTT water bottle for the fanboy :D