what you like to see this year?



  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    Dick Pound replacing Pat McQuaid as head of the UCI.

    Patrice Clerc being put back in charge at the ASO.


    How would Armstrong having a Marion Jones moment in court make you feel then BB?
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,477
    edited February 2010
    - Wiggins crash (and either lose a load of time... or lose an eye!)

    What a pathetic thing to say. :roll:
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    andyp wrote:
    - Wiggins crash (and either lose a load of time... or lose an eye!)

    What a pathetic thing to say. :roll:

    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    Paul, wishing any rider to crash is sick.
  • thomasmc
    thomasmc Posts: 814
    Would like to see one of the promising young French riders get a top 10 in the tour & Andy Schleck to win it

    Cunego to surprise everyone & get a podium place in one of the grand tours

    MSR to be won by a solo breakaway

    & most of all, mud, mud & more sticky mud for PR!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    On the Jens Voigt theme -

    I'd freakin' love to see him win a Classic.
  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    NapoleonD wrote:
    On the Jens Voigt theme -

    I'd freakin' love to see him win a Classic.

    You'd know some epic suffering must have occured if he were to!
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    I'd like to see:-

    Sleet at Flanders
    Rain at Roubaix

    And some plain, good, old-fashioned "kicking the living sh1te out of each other" racing.

    I'd also like to see :

    - Team Sky arrive late to a race because someone left on the strip-club mood lighting overnight and flattened the bus battery.

    - Radioshack fall foul of the UCI Technical regulations as the aerodynamic profile of their Zimmer frame tubing breaches the 3:1 rule

    - Garmin NOT starting the season with a press release saying "we have discovered that Rider X is allergic to oxygen but by making him breathe into a (rice)paper bag we have made him a Tour contender." (though it seems this will have to wait unitl 2011 - they're at it already"

    - Footons graphic designer being savaged by his guide dog.

    - Cav's latest squeeze dumping him after finding out the sad truth that Manxmen don't actually havea third "leg"

    - Wiggo and Brailsford appearing together in photos that don't look like the afters of a civil partnership ceremony

    - Tommy Voeckler racing without looking like he's trying out for the World Gurning Championships

    - Hinault and Kelly thinking "Oh, FFS - is this lot the future of racing?" and making a comeback
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
      Dan Martin to top 10 in the Tour Hushovd to win a muddy Roubaix Devolder not to be allowed to steal Flanders again Farrar to give Cavendish some competition Boonen to stay off the blow Harmon to give Cunego a break Der Jan to write a tell all book Gerryatshack to get whipped Contador to stop doing those cringeworthy pistolero celebrations Biking Bernie to stop posting that blood values picture
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • josame
    josame Posts: 1,162
    LangerDan wrote:
    I'd like to see:-

    - Tommy Voeckler racing without looking like he's trying out for the World Gurning Championships

    - Hinault and Kelly thinking "Oh, FFS - is this lot the future of racing?" and making a comeback


    Come on Voeckler wouldn't be Voeckler without it

    For my money:

    EBH win a monument + tour stage
    Voigt ditto
    Chavanell ditto
    Oh and how about Linus taking his thumb out of his mouth and doing something
    - like that's gonna happen :roll:
    'Do not compare your bike to others, for always there will be greater and lesser bikes'
  • Would love to see Jens get some TdF glory in what might be his last year. One monumental, spectacularly reckless yet somehow successful breakaway would do.

    Also would like to see Gilbert pick up where he left off and get some tasty wins in the spring.
  • thomasmc
    thomasmc Posts: 814
    Timoid. wrote:
      Dan Martin to top 10 in the Tour Hushovd to win a muddy Roubaix Devolder not to be allowed to steal Flanders again Farrar to give Cavendish some competition Boonen to stay off the blow Harmon to give Cunego a break
    Der Jan to write a tell all book
    Gerryatshack to get whipped
    Contador to stop doing those cringeworthy pistolero celebrations
    Biking Bernie to stop posting that blood values picture

    Now that I would like
  • Arkibal wrote:
    Paul, wishing any rider to crash is sick.

    Ah well, I don't agree with everything that everyone says- but this is a forum, so it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.

    Also, did you not sense the slightly joking tone surrounding it? Liven up lads..
  • Cheshley
    Cheshley Posts: 1,448
    While we're all living in fantasyland, I'd like to see Lance win the TdF and for people to actually congratulate him for his talent rather than berate him and accuse him of doping without any actual evidence of it (again).

    meanwhile, back in reality.....
    1998 Marin Hawk Hill
    2008 Specialized FSR XC Comp
    2008 Scott Speedster S30 FB

    SLOW RIDES FOR UNFIT PEOPLE - Find us on Facebook or in the MTB Rides section of this forum.
  • camerone
    camerone Posts: 1,232
    i want to see contador bonk hopelessly in the tour. i want to see him not win a tt against cancellara. i might change my mind about him then
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    I'd like to see Contador give Lance "the stare" and then drop him like the bag of shite he is :)
  • ms_tree
    ms_tree Posts: 1,405
    Haussler to win Flanders
    Gilbert to win LbL

    Rain for Roubaix

    and someone in Signor Charismatico's squadra to win Il Giro!!!!!!! :D

    Simoni to win a stage at the Giro (Arriverderci Gilberto!)
    'Google can bring back a hundred thousand answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.'
    Neil Gaiman
  • Philip S
    Philip S Posts: 398
    Boonen to beast everyone at every possible opportunity like at '09s Roubaix and Paris-Tours, so that only the very best can hang on by their fingernails...
  • nicensleazy
    nicensleazy Posts: 2,310
    I would love to see a Colnago bike win the Tour de France!
  • Gerryatshack.

  • camerone wrote:
    i want to see contador bonk hopelessly in the tour. i want to see him not win a tt against cancellara. i might change my mind about him then

    Yes, the second wish would make me feel abit more at ease.
  • Sprint finish at the Worlds. Persumably Cav winning it.
    Sprint finish in the Roubaix velodrome.
    Wiggins to win TDF, or at least podium.
    EBH to beat Cav in a sprint.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    This is a real long shot. But I'd like to see BikingBernie post something that is actually concerned with racing. Something other than the standard anti-Armstrong stuff. Something other than his anti-American political viewpoint. Does he even like cycling? I don't think he does.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • wicked
    wicked Posts: 844
    Racing aside I would like to see one of the RichardHeads on cycling news forum get what they deserve with the constant personal vitriol and drug accusations that have no actual evidence whatsoever. Some of these morons really should get a life and go and watch another sport because they show absolutely no interest in the racing just the doping. Get over it. :roll:

    On the racing front I would love to see boonen and cancellara go toe to toe at flanders or preferably roubaix. Yes please!
    It’s the most beautiful sport in the world but it’s governed by ***ts who have turned it into a crock of ****.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    edited February 2010
    RichN95 wrote:
    This is a real long shot. But I'd like to see BikingBernie post something that is actually concerned with racing. Something other than the standard anti-Armstrong stuff. Something other than his anti-American political viewpoint...
    Mmmm 'Anti-Americanism'. In my experience accusations of 'Anti-Americanism' are usually banded about by those intent on undermining perfectly legitimate criticism of American policy. For example, claiming that perfectly justified criticism of the USA's illegal and murderous invasion and occupation of Iraq is nothing more than an expression of 'Anti-Americanism'.

    If you have read my postings you will be aware that my so-called 'Anti-Americanism' boils down to having grave misgiving about the socially destructive effect of unfettered, American-style dog-eat-dog competitive individualism; the way American-style relativism and fundamentalist religion is undermining rationality across the world; the willingness of the USA to ignore international law and wage war on other people in it's determination to achieve 'Full spectrum dominance'; its 100,000 victim kidnap and torture ('rendition') network; plus expressing concern about the huge amount of social injustice and poverty that exists in the USA. Personally, I don't think that such things define what 'Americanism' means. You clearly do. It is also clear that you are not concerned about any of the above issues....
  • Cheshley wrote:
    While we're all living in fantasyland, I'd like to see Lance win the TdF and for people to actually congratulate him for his talent rather than berate him and accuse him of doping without any actual evidence of it .
    'Any' evidence? The fact that Armstrong is accused of doping is purely because there is so much evidence around that he doped!
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    TDF Yellow and Green Jersey to be decided on last day