What's the maximum wheelbase on the Tacx Antares?

Reach3 Posts: 3
Hi, I recently bought a Tacx Rollertrack but I'm gonna have to return it because the wheelbase is too short for my bike. At maximum range (there're three settings), the axle of my front wheel is 3 inches in front of the axle of the front cylinder, so the bike falls forward off the roller.

So I was wondering if anyone knows the maximum lenght of the Tacx Antares when fully extented, as I might get this one instead. Tacx website doesn't seem to provide that info.

My bike is a Devinci Moonracer, the wheelbase is 43 inches.
And for the record, on the Tacx Rollertrack, the distance between the front cylinder axle and the mid-point between the rear cylinders is 40 inches.

Thanks for your help!


  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    according to the assembly instructions, the max wheelbase is 1100mm..
  • Reach3
    Reach3 Posts: 3
    and that's 43.3070866 inches, so it's perfect!
    Thank you! :)

    Funny thing, I searched for the manual and google returned me this post in the results, wow they are fast!

    Here's the link to the manual:
    http://www.tacx.com/fr/service/handleid ... banken.dot
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    coincidentally, I had the manual on my desk at the time - not sure how it got there, but at least it came in handly for something.. ;)