More 20 min interval questions

chrisw12 Posts: 1,246
1)Iso power-variable power.

Say I'm doing a maximal 20 min test on the turbo and I decide to target 300w by doing 280w for one min then 320 for one min. Is it obvious that I would have got more than 300w by doing the same interval as an iso power of say 302w?

What I'm trying to say is that I'm finding 20 min intervals 'easier' if I let the power fluctuate (slightly)

2) First 20 seconds.

Obviously the first min is pretty easy but I'm finding that if I go way above target watts in the first 20 secs it doesn't seem to make that much difference to the rest of the interval. Is the first 20 seconds 'free' due to some anaerobic component? Does anyone else find this?

3) So how would you pace a pb(watts) for 20 min on the turbo?

My strategy has been ride hard for the first two minutes, let av w drop to previous best or slightly lower then try to pick it up in last two minutes.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I just aim for 12 watts more than everyone else.
  • chrisw12
    chrisw12 Posts: 1,246
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    If I remember rightly you're a tester and surely the fastest way round a course is to be as consistant as possible so you're better trying to be as consistant as possible on the turbo? I have no idea of the science.
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    I'd have to say that the consistent comment seems more applicable.

    If you're fluctuating - Oh er, Missus - then this would affect the recruitment of muscle fibres, and may fatigue certain ones earlier than they normally would.

    So, a warm up, then build up, then Steady State ride/session seems more "Specific" to a Time Trail. Try to get a look at some HR readouts of high-level TT's then this may give you a clue as to what they do. Then, try to emulate their sytem, and see if it works for you.
  • Al_38
    Al_38 Posts: 277
    chrisw12 wrote:
    2) First 20 seconds.

    Obviously the first min is pretty easy but I'm finding that if I go way above target watts in the first 20 secs it doesn't seem to make that much difference to the rest of the interval. Is the first 20 seconds 'free' due to some anaerobic component? Does anyone else find this?

    Yes, there are if i remember correctly 3 different physiological stages for this type of effort, no doubt someone who has a better knowledge of physiology can confirm / deny:

    1.) ATP-PC - lasts approx the first 15 secs, in this stage you burn creatine stored in the muscles. However hard you go (within reason) wont have a detrimental affect later.

    2.) Anaerobic - lasts from 15secs to around 90-120 secs. Basically burning up the stored oxygen in the muscles / blood stream etc. Going too hard here will have some effect on you later

    3.) Aerobic - body has to stabilise out i.e. oxygen used by muscles has to be delivered by lungs. Transition to this is the first major wave of pain, this backs off after a minute or so. Continues to the finish
  • Infamous
    Infamous Posts: 1,130
    Go on a club run.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Infamous wrote:
    Go on a club run.

    Enlighten me. How is going on a club run going to help the OP pace a 20 minute turbo interval?
  • Are you doing these 20 min interval sessions now as part of your training plan, or just doing it as s threshold test?

    Have to agree with pokerface, dont think you would achieve anything by going out with a club, trying to replicate a 300 watt effort, a chaingang yeah.
    Up hup hup hup.....fricking hate that!
  • chrisw12 wrote:
    1)Iso power-variable power.

    What I'm trying to say is that I'm finding 20 min intervals 'easier' if I let the power fluctuate (slightly)
    Just get the work done. If it helps you to have a little variation, then so be it.

    I seem to be OK either way: ... lysis.html
    chrisw12 wrote:
    2) First 20 seconds.

    Obviously the first min is pretty easy but I'm finding that if I go way above target watts in the first 20 secs it doesn't seem to make that much difference to the rest of the interval. Is the first 20 seconds 'free' due to some anaerobic component? Does anyone else find this?
    Use of the ATP-CP stores in the opening seconds, however if you went much beyond that initial salvo, you'll be forced to go sub-threshold in order to pay back the oxygen debt. 20-secs is borderline for this. I could believe opening 10 seconds.
    chrisw12 wrote:
    3) So how would you pace a pb(watts) for 20 min on the turbo?

    My strategy has been ride hard for the first two minutes, let av w drop to previous best or slightly lower then try to pick it up in last two minutes.
    Whatever works for you but in general I suggest starting slightly conservative (say PB-5W) and build up as you go.