What stops you spending time (and money) Cycling?



  • chris_sw
    chris_sw Posts: 100
    Stops me spending money on the bike: I have no money, currently unemployed :(

    Stops me spending time on the bike: COLD!
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    At the moment it's Christmas stuff and the weather! Money's not really an issue at the moment- not that I have loads of it, more that I don't buy new shiney stuff until something's broken or worn out so most of my biking expenditure is brake pads and maintenance stuff like new cables.

    Cue something breaking next ride...
  • myself is stopping me riding' cant face the cold and wet plus working 6 days a week doesn't help. santa is bringing me a brand new Genesis Altitude 30 tomorrow so i hope that inspires me. no more spending after this either, i suggessted to my better half i needed some winter tyres for the new bike and it nearly ended in divorce, she just doesn't understand :D
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Alu/Carbon, 2011
    Specialized Stumpjumper, 07
    Genisis Altitude 30, 09
    Giant XTC4, 04
  • The Easton EA30 stem recall is currently stopping me from riding - it's been in the shop for three weeks with the replacement on back order. The only minor silver lining is that Easton are sending an EA50 instead to compensate for the delay...
  • jjojjas
    jjojjas Posts: 346
    4 kids, 2 dogs, a wife, a full time job, and my masters..........other than that ...not much really :lol:
    it looks a bit steep to me.....
  • Lack of money i guess and possibly kids. If my girlfriend tried to stop me riding well lets just say, nothing stops me riding if it did then i would stop doing what ever it was that stopped me... and go riding every day until i did not want to anymore :lol: "Live to ride , ride to live" live the dream never look back :wink:
    The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,306
    hmm....the state of my bike. i will be getting a new one soon so that will change. i actually ride everyday because i do my paper round on a bike.

    it takes ages to save up for a bike or bike bits out of the wages i get. anyway i could do with some more work. maybe a weekend job or something.
  • The things that stop me upgrading and buying new parts for my bike is the lack of money :roll:
  • Very little stops me spending.

    Time on the bike is limited by my job and having to spend around 3 days a week minimum outside of the UK.
  • captainfly
    captainfly Posts: 1,001
    Time is other commitments, like work and health issues which really annoys me. As for money I send what I need when I need to, just ordered some new forks tora 318 coil u]turns, because I am just not getting on with the epicons fitted to the teocali. The pikes I really wanted to fit I couldn't justify as I want to get a bmx to jump and mess around 'improving bike skills' what a way for a 31y/o to explain getting a BMX :D
    Mongoose Teocali
    Giant STP0

    Why are MTB economics; spend twice as much as you intended, but only half as much as you wish you could afford? :roll:
  • 6 months in Afghan every 18 months stops me! But last year I did steal a bike out there, the sought you pedal back to stop!
    Only the strong survive.... Keep low move fast
  • family and work, same as a lot of other people. I have an hours commute to work although I sometimes sneak out on some of the good trails just out of the back gate :D Also do a night ride around Dalby every 2 weeks.

    2 toddlers don't help :lol:

    In the holidays nothing apart from mechanicals or the thigh high snow on the NY Moors at the moment :x Melt damn you!

    Usually do about 30 - 40 off road miles a week during the 16 weeks of the year I don't work :wink: (runs away)
    I hate it when people say David Beckham's stupid...its not like anyone ever says: 'Stephen Hawking - he's s**t at football.' Paul Calf
  • What stops me spending time:

    I usually get 4hrs Sunday am, but I'm currently being thwarted by the ice and snow. I know everyone raves about it, but I find cycling down an ice rink absolutely terrifying. Zero fun. Bring on the thaw.

    What stops me spending money: excellent question, the answer to which is an acute awareness that any limitations are my own, not my equipment's. Just as with getting scalped by an inferior steed on the road, I would hate to be down at GT or Inners and chicken out of a technical section riding flashy kit. There's nothing worse than Mr "All the gear, no idea".
  • richg1979
    richg1979 Posts: 1,087
    wether mainly. got water proofs ect but its pretty crap getting it at 9-30-10pm after a night ride soaking wet coverd in mud and crap then having to put the bike away plasterd in crap to dry out as its too dark to wash it, then stripp off outside in -5deg and hose the mud of your clothes before you can put them in washer.

    dont mind if its freezing as you stay pretty dry/clean just not good after good raining spell ect.
  • colintrav
    colintrav Posts: 1,074
    I don't view it as anything stopping me only when something unplanned happens
  • just work stops me but only really this time of year, getting home from work at 6pm and not being much of a night rider (or wanting to spend £100+ on super strong lights) i tend to only get 1 ride a week in :cry: nevermind early nights arnt too far away now :D
    CUBE ltd 2012,reba sl, XT, saint, DMR, spank, current xc/am ride

    GIANT boulder, marzzochi EXR, LX/alivio, DMR, spank, retro build