What do Elite cyclists earn in England



  • Toonraid
    Toonraid Posts: 126
    Wow he moved club for "free kit"!!!
  • Pross wrote:
    They were THE club at that time, sponsored by Waites Contracts and nowhere near our area. The bloke who joined was a GB junior international at the time and rode the Worlds. We lost a few riders at that time to clubs who could give them free kit, one went on to ride in a continental pro team and ended up riding the Giro.

    Can I ask who it was who went on to ride the Giro? I'm just trying to think of the Welsh juniors I knew! There was Ceri Pritchard, but he was a tester. Huw Pritchard, I think it was, was a roadie. Then there was Neil... Neil.. Something, who won the Juve crit the year before me. Neil Alexander? Doesn't sound quite right. I don't think James Taylor was Welsh, was he?
  • Toonraid wrote:
    Wow he moved club for "free kit"!!!

    That's what attracted me! That and "expenses"! It's amazing how much difference things like that can make to some juniors, who aren't fortunate enough to have well-off parents...
  • Pross wrote:
    They were THE club at that time, sponsored by Waites Contracts and nowhere near our area. The bloke who joined was a GB junior international at the time and rode the Worlds. We lost a few riders at that time to clubs who could give them free kit, one went on to ride in a continental pro team and ended up riding the Giro.

    Can I ask who it was who went on to ride the Giro? I'm just trying to think of the Welsh juniors I knew! There was Ceri Pritchard, but he was a tester. Huw Pritchard, I think it was, was a roadie. Then there was Neil... Neil.. Something, who won the Juve crit the year before me. Neil Alexander? Doesn't sound quite right. I don't think James Taylor was Welsh, was he?

    Julian Winn, I would say.

    I moved club for free kit too, aged 24 as a 2nd cat, the kit was vile. But it was free and I got my bike at trade price.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,231
    Pross wrote:
    They were THE club at that time, sponsored by Waites Contracts and nowhere near our area. The bloke who joined was a GB junior international at the time and rode the Worlds. We lost a few riders at that time to clubs who could give them free kit, one went on to ride in a continental pro team and ended up riding the Giro.

    Can I ask who it was who went on to ride the Giro? I'm just trying to think of the Welsh juniors I knew! There was Ceri Pritchard, but he was a tester. Huw Pritchard, I think it was, was a roadie. Then there was Neil... Neil.. Something, who won the Juve crit the year before me. Neil Alexander? Doesn't sound quite right. I don't think James Taylor was Welsh, was he?

    Yeah, I'm a few years older than you. Winnie was the one who made it onto the continental scene. When I started he was an MTB rider as that scene was just taking off, did some MTB seasons with Specialized. The Neil you're thinking of was Neil Jones who was in the other club in my town at that time then joined us. His sister, Rachael, was one of the top female riders in the country while still a junior, could have done a Nicole if she'd stuck at it I reckon. I think Geraint Day and Anthony Malarcyk may have also won the Juvenile champs shortly before you.

    Wow he moved club for "free kit"!!!

    Well that's pretty much what many of the UK "pros" seem to have done if you look at the answers to your OP. There was also the fact he stood a better chance of making the GB team for the junior worlds (which he did) and had a bit more back up in the Buckley series races so when you're 18 these things are quite an incentive. When you are in your mid to late 20's I suspect it is only the fact that you'd be doing the races anyway so may as well have your costs covered that would get you bothering.
  • Toonraid
    Toonraid Posts: 126
    Bike at trade price - is that 25% or 40%?
  • Toonraid wrote:
    Bike at trade price - is that 25% or 40%?

    Worked out at about 50%. My mate got his for free though. And all the kit he could wave a stick at. Had to buy his own TT bike though.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"
