8 Things On L.Armstrong From The Other Side Of The Grass



  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    I thought the Ashenden interview in its entirety made for great reading, stacks of myths dispelled in there, a lot of it to get through but Id only ever read excerpts of it before.

    Here was the direct link http://velocitynation.com/content/interviews/2009/michael-ashenden ...I found this the most enlightening part of it all myself, particularly with regards how the testing was not done with any degree of unscientific approach (that it was attempted to be dissed as being). Plus the full run down of the results and how impossible it would have been to tamper with the samples and get such data.

    Of course a lot of people wouldn't want to read all that, but it would be odd not to accept the validity of it all. In the end, it is laboratory stuff under laboratory conditions that were being conducted to look into setting the new definitive positive result criteria. You don't do that by mucking about, that's pretty obvious.

    As for the site originally linked to I felt the pre-amble on it was pretty immature in its tone myself and quite condescending, but there you go.
  • The best thing about that blog is that it has given birth to this thread, I do enjoy these battles that MG, Dave and Frenchie indulge in.
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    The best thing about that blog is that it has given birth to this thread, I do enjoy these battles that MG, Dave and Frenchie indulge in.

    I do not.
    Cut it off guys, enough already.
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    I believe Jalabert became world TT champ in 1997, so not strictly an accurate representation of the facts :wink:

    Plus hadn't Armstrong started to work with Dr Ferrari in 1996?
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    DaveyL wrote:

    As an aside: EPO is very effective in TTs.

    Contador will crush Lance in any TT.

    Two very pertinent, and linked, comments.

    Very useful for those wondering how 62 kg climber Bertie manages to crush the TT specialists in flat TTs...

    I thought you would respond to that EPO comment.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    As a lady why don't you enjoy looking at muscular buttocks in lycra...there can only be one answer to that!!

    You are so sad, so irrational, so immature, so full of nonsensce. I had to respond to point out your blatant hypocrisy but that is all for now...you are a total waste of time. Until the next time you make an absolutely ludicrous comment.

    Look its clear you are a silly wee laddie who dishes it out but doesnt like it when it comes back at you in spades. You keep sticking your thumb in your trap like some three year old and saying thats it i am ignoring you then you fling an insult and you toss the dummy out of the pram when i or others respond. I think a display of immaturity is trying to impress your fellow internet posters with not so subtle hints about how important your job is on an internet forum...........and you call me sad ...... :lol:
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Dave_1 wrote:
    As a lady why don't you enjoy looking at muscular buttocks in lycra...there can only be one answer to that!!

    You are so sad, so irrational, so immature, so full of nonsensce. I had to respond to point out your blatant hypocrisy but that is all for now...you are a total waste of time. Until the next time you make an absolutely ludicrous comment.

    WTH? you're hardcore frenchie!....Moray Gub makes sensible postings...given people's propensity to mudsling on here re doping and believe whatever is coming out of the rumour mill on doping whether true or not e.g. Quickstep, MG at asks some good questions from what I see.

    Cheers Dave next time your up here ill buy you a pint mate :wink: seriously its no big deal its an iternet forum not too important in the wider scheme of things bit it is quite amusing seeing FF self destruct when the mud slinging starts.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    Give it a rest MG, seriously.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Arkibal wrote:
    Give it a rest MG, seriously.

    what do you mean seriously ? you do realise this is an internet forum there is nothing too serious about it . Look if your not happy about it then dont read it, its as simple as that.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    micron wrote:
    I believe Jalabert became world TT champ in 1997, so not strictly an accurate representation of the facts :wink:

    Plus hadn't Armstrong started to work with Dr Ferrari in 1996?

    hmm...didn't he cuff Rominger in 1995 in a TT too? Yes, he beat Jalabert in 1996, Jalabert's best year was 1995 was it not? San Remo and Vuelta...still...you won't want the facts getting in the way of your "its only EPO" that helped him win...and of course, we'll not mention he was eh...close to best triathlete in the world at 15 years old eh.....am sure it's another little fact you won't want mentioned...
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    Moray Gub wrote:
    Arkibal wrote:
    Give it a rest MG, seriously.

    what do you mean seriously ? you do realise this is an internet forum there is nothing too serious about it . Look if your not happy about it then dont read it, its as simple as that.

    You might find it amusing, but reading your debate with FF has nothing to do with the topic(s), insults flying both ways, page after page and topic after topic, come on.
    Grow up and agree to disagree and save us 5 pages of personal insults and nonsense, FF this is aimed at you too. That can't be too hard, no?
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Moray Gub wrote:

    I thought you would respond to that EPO comment.

    Well, when you get bowled a long hop like that, you may as well cut it to the boundary...
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • Davey_L whether you think Contador is doped to the gills doesn't bother me in the slightest. Yours is just one opinion as is mine.

    I didn't reply as what do you want me to say? I think he is clean? He has always been a top flight TT'er? Why have you been mentioning it from since Paris Nice? All these things have been discussed numerous times and I can't be bothered to go over it again.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Davey_L whether you think Contador is doped to the gills doesn't bother me in the slightest. Yours is just one opinion as is mine.

    I didn't reply as what do you want me to say? I think he is clean? He has always been a top flight TT'er? Why have you been mentioning it from since Paris Nice? All these things have been discussed numerous times and I can't be bothered to go over it again.

    I'm not asking you for a reply, or for you to go over it again. However, you have quite handily produced a summary of your most convincing arguments!

    I have been going on about it since Paris-Nice because I am still waiting for the physiological explanation (from anyone) of how someone of his size can produce the absolute power to beat riders like Wiggins and Cancellara on the flat. The guy must be 2-dimensional to have a CdA low enough.
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Arkibal wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    Arkibal wrote:
    Give it a rest MG, seriously.

    what do you mean seriously ? you do realise this is an internet forum there is nothing too serious about it . Look if your not happy about it then dont read it, its as simple as that.

    You might find it amusing, but reading your debate with FF has nothing to do with the topic(s), insults flying both ways, page after page and topic after topic, come on.
    Grow up and agree to disagree and save us 5 pages of personal insults and nonsense, FF this is aimed at you too. That can't be too hard, no?

    Ok Arikbal you have your opinion on it fine but here is mine

    Most threads on here tend to deviate from the subject matter, indeed most threads on many internet forums tend ro deviate from the subject matter . In fact when you get many different people with many different opinions subject matters tend to fade into the background.So given that some of these threads tend to be he most entertaining (if thats the right phrase ) why should posters not post the way they want too and if that involves a wee insult here and there thats fine . Arikbal if you dont like my posts dont read them, there are posters in here who i think talk mince and bore me to death i just tend to skip over there posts with little comment maybe you should do the same with posts of mine or FFs for that matter. It really is that simple.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    I've seen his interview transcripts. 2 dimensional ain't far off.

    Strava is not Zen.
  • Going slightly OT...

    On a previous Lance/Doping thread someone posted a link to an article/blog by an American journalist that went to a friendly Dr and got prescribed anabolic steroids, HGH, EPO etc. and he wrote about the changes they'd made to his body and cycling.

    I think he was training for the Liège–Bastogne–Liège sportive

    I'd bookmarked it to read later but I've lost all my bookmarks and I've tried the site search function and you wouldn't believe the amount of lance doping threads it throws up.

    The bit that I'd read was quite interesting & I'd like to finish it, so if anyone knows what I'm on about I'd really appreciate a point in the right direction.

  • Going slightly OT...

    On a previous Lance/Doping thread someone posted a link to an article/blog by an American journalist that went to a friendly Dr and got prescribed anabolic steroids, HGH, EPO etc. and he wrote about the changes they'd made to his body and cycling.

    I think he was training for the Liège–Bastogne–Liège sportive

    I'd bookmarked it to read later but I've lost all my bookmarks and I've tried the site search function and you wouldn't believe the amount of lance doping threads it throws up.

    The bit that I'd read was quite interesting & I'd like to finish it, so if anyone knows what I'm on about I'd really appreciate a point in the right direction.


    I wonder if you're talking about the infamous Victor Conte? That's what came to my mind when you said Dr. :?: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Conte

    Or was it Dr. Prentice Steffen? Greg Strock, a contemporary of Armstrong's in the American junior program, was pressured into taking some nice injections back in the day.
  • Contador is the Greatest
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    Moray Gub wrote:

    Ok Arikbal you have your opinion on it fine but here is mine

    Most threads on here tend to deviate from the subject matter, indeed most threads on many internet forums tend ro deviate from the subject matter . In fact when you get many different people with many different opinions subject matters tend to fade into the background.So given that some of these threads tend to be he most entertaining (if thats the right phrase ) why should posters not post the way they want too and if that involves a wee insult here and there thats fine . Arikbal if you dont like my posts dont read them, there are posters in here who i think talk mince and bore me to death i just tend to skip over there posts with little comment maybe you should do the same with posts of mine or FFs for that matter. It really is that simple.

    I think you missed my point here MG.
    But whatever.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Arkibal wrote:


    I think you missed my point here MG.
    But whatever.

    I got your point perfectly well i just didnt agree with thats all.
    But as you say whatever.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • I'm surprised FF hasn't posted Cozy's latest pictureshop effort....

    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.

  • Yes it is.

    Thanks very much.