
Vino Posts: 184
I haff some veery bad news, I haf been ask to put the following form miss 20 she shocked and dissapoint

20/20 was a light-hearted self depreciating comment on Cycling and triathlon. Particularly about the overly obsessive self important attitudes that burgeon on this and most other forums.

I was non threatening, and clearly not serious. I mean swimming trunk technology really. Sadly at a no news time of the year this comment was too subtle for many and was taken at face value and it appears 20/20 will post no more.

For those of you who had a laugh “i salute you”
For those of you who took it seriously .... well bless.

For whoever binned my profile shame on you......

Ave humourless Calves


  • Massive sense of humour FAIL
  • torico
    torico Posts: 67
    come back 20/20 -im going to print up some tee shirts and start a big campaign on facebook - I reckon we can get at least 15 people interested
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,680
    Did anyone really take the comments seriously? Most just used them as an excuse to take the mick out of triathletes. Maybe it was 20/20 who missed the point :wink:
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Did I miss something?
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • not unless you miss 20/20 =p
    Coveryourcar.co.uk RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    can you miss something you've never had?
    Martin S. Newbury RC