How long do you sit around in your cycling clothes?

pst88 Posts: 621
edited November 2009 in Commuting chat
How long do you sit around in your cycling clothes when you arrive at work? Normally it pitch up at about 9:30 and will change within the first half hour but sometimes (like today) I can't be bothered and I'm still sitting here in my cycling clothes at 11. No one really seems to care, I wonder if I could go a whole day without actually changing into my work clothes (shirt and trousers). Plus I forgot to bring any underwear! :oops:
Bianchi Via Nirone Veloce/Centaur 2010


  • I bet they all natter about how badly you smell behind your back though... :lol:
  • pst88
    pst88 Posts: 621
    I bet they all natter about how badly you smell behind your back though... :lol:
    Haha, maybe that's why the bloke that used to sit near me chose to move desk! I've now got an entire end of the office to myself. I'm sure that's not the case though, I smell fresh as a daisy all the time... 8)
    Bianchi Via Nirone Veloce/Centaur 2010
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    I change straight away. When I get home in the evening I sometimes do the washing up, or some other little chore, in my gear, but change as soon as that's done. Lycra's great on the bike but you become quickly aware of its limitations once you're off it, not to mention the fact that I'll invariably be sweating cobs.
  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300
    I change as soon as I arrive at work.

    However, I think there's some merit in a comment someone (Darth Burns, I think) made yesterday, or earlier, about giving it 10 minutes so I'm not just sweating into my fresh clothes. I might start doing that.
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)
  • pst88
    pst88 Posts: 621
    Agent57 wrote:
    I think there's some merit in a comment someone (Darth Burns, I think) made yesterday, or earlier, about giving it 10 minutes so I'm not just sweating into my fresh clothes.
    That's my reason for leaving it while too. I usually get in and sit at my desk with a fan on me until the sweating stops but sometimes get caught up with work/time wasting so end up leaving it ages before actually changing.
    Bianchi Via Nirone Veloce/Centaur 2010
  • I change immediately, but then I also have a shower.
  • Matt.K
    Matt.K Posts: 105
    I tend to get in to work, get a glass of water, turn on computer, put helmet & lights away and change shoes so that I've cooled down a bit before getting changed.

    Forgot my underwear for the first time last week. Strange feeling going commando and sitting in meetings. Also, the light grey socks that I wear to bike in don't blend to well with black trousers and shoes.
  • Biondino's sweat, yesterday

    me: about 10 mins usually. Stretch, put coffee machine on, fire up computer, shower, drink coffee, pretend to work.
  • iPad
    iPad Posts: 112
    I normally get in, stretch while my 'puter's warming up, then go through all my emails before getting changed (about 30mins). Like it has been said, it means that I'm not sweating in clean clothes.

    Although on Friday I forgot to pack my trousers, so I sat around all day in my cycle gear (not lycra thankfully) and had an important meeting with a supplier :oops:
    I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they have such great ideas
  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300
    I change immediately, but then I also have a shower.

    That must make for awfully wet clothes. :lol:
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)
  • Agent57 wrote:
    I change immediately, but then I also have a shower.

    That must make for awfully wet clothes. :lol:

  • Change within a few minutes
    First thing once at my desk is to start up my laptop - which can take 5 minutes to fully boot up

    Hang up jacket (if I'm wearing one) , then grab clean clothes & towel.
    (luckily fresh towels are provided by work - so one less thing to forget)

    Once in the shower , last thing I check is that I've actually remembered towel, clothese - especially underwear .

    I can often time it so I'm back at my desk when laptop has just finished booting.

  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 61,210
    Straight into the bike store for me, shower and change before even going into the office. Smells aside, you stand out a bit when everyone else is wearing suits/business attire !
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    I usually am first in, so I start work in my kit (have a quick face wash), then when other people arrive I go for a shower. Also depends on how busy I am.

    Historically, we only had 3 showers for about 2000 staff, so there was always a queue in the morning - in particular from lazy gits who just rolled out of bed, drove to work and then took a shower at work! So, going later was always preferable. But now we have loads of showers, so I have no real excuse.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • asprilla
    asprilla Posts: 8,440
    I shower and change straight away. One the way to the shower I stretch and turn my computer one.

    Mrs Asprilla constantly complains about a guy at her work who doesnt change out of his gear for a couple of hours and how he generally stinks because of it. It's not pleasant, particularly for a pregnant women (baby arrived on Sunday, hurrah) with an increased sense of smell.

    I think it's pretty inconsiderate to sit about stinking in an office, not to mention being generally poor personal hygine.
    Mud - Genesis Vapour CCX
    Race - Fuji Norcom Straight
    Sun - Cervelo R3
    Winter / Commute - Dolan ADX
  • since this is commuting, rather than road, all day since my commute is short enought that it's normal clothes. jeans jumper etc

    on the old racer/mtb will change out of lycra/baggies as soon as is reasonble to do so.
  • I fire up the puter and then grab my gear from the locker, iron my shirt then shower.

    Sort of fool myself that because I start the computer I have started work... not sure my boss agrees!
  • oh aye, further to the above - if I got in at the same time/later than other people, I might make showering higher in the list of priorities. I usually have a good 90 mins before others arrive though so it's not as urgent. Also, it's not as if they wouldn't have to suffer my stinking cycling kit anyway... ;)
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Asprilla wrote:
    (baby arrived on Sunday, hurrah)

    Congratulations! MTFU = success :)
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    Get in at 7:50-7:55 having secured bike in stairwell and climber 4 flights to the office, put laptop in the docking base and fire up, go and change (either the disabled toilet or a conference room - only facilities available!) and back to desk, go get a cup of tea and back at desk by 7:59 and start work.

    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    Don't bother changing as I only have a 5 mile run in but I wear Enduro cycling trousers and 5/10s in the office
  • I change as quickly ads circumstances permit. I usually stink bad enough to knock a buzzard off a turd wagon, so changing is the best thing to do for all concerned.
  • Start laptop -- coffee and 15 mins cooldown before changing . No shower :cry:
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    I still haven't been able to find the shower where i work despite being assured there is one, no-one seems to know quite where.

    I have gone whole days without changing - though at my previous office which was extremely informal and usually because i'd forgotten my trousers, but sometimes just because i forgot. :oops:

    In this office - I usually go the first coffee and checking my emails before changing unless something urgent comes up during that time. Then I go to the men's room to have a quick sponge and change...though if i'm going to a meeting or inspection i won;t bother until i get to the next location.
  • I usually get in the office at 7.15 am check on the computer processes I left running overnight, check my emails, have a cuppa then vanish to the shower just after eight when the boss rings.

    I get home about 6.30pm then it depends on what I am doing. Have tea, fix the daily puncture, test the fish tank water then change, then fall asleep on sofa :-)
    Saw a sign on a restaurant that said Breakfast, any time -- so I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance.
  • I get my outer layers off first and hung up in my locker, check emails talk to my boss who is 300 km away. This way my baselayers dry a bit. As for socks look to DeFeet for their wool/tech socks. I wear the thicker ones (12.50 CAD at Usually 1 pair will do but if its cold I wear a technical pair with HolloFill insulation over top. So far this fall had been really good just 1 cold snap and serious snowfall. The coldest day was about -15 and it was ok.
    Cervelo Soloist
    Cervelo P2 (Carbon)
    Trek 4500
    some sort of cx bike

    It's not that cold out, it's just a bit windy.
  • When I worked on the busses, I had to get changed before work (which sometimes started at 5am!). If my kit was wet, I'd lay all my stuff out up front and get the demisters to dry it all out. Was so nice last winter getting changed into warm kit for the frezzing ride home...
    TBH sod what the bus smelt like. I live in Bath so you only need to pick up a few drunks/druggies (which there are plenty) and the bus stank anyway.
    jedster wrote:
    Just off to contemplate my own mortality and inevitable descent into decrepedness.
    FCN 3 or 4 on road depending on clothing
    FCN 8 off road because I'm too old to go racing around.
  • RucA
    RucA Posts: 31

    i change as i get at work, as a lorry driver i can't drive with my cleats on..LOL..very awkward

    if my gear is wet i turn the night heater on and everything get dry in a few minutes....shiuuuuuuu...don't tell my boss...he doesn't know..LOL
    TREK 1.7 comp 2008
  • It is summer here in Oz, so WE do nto have an option but to shower after riding a bike into the office. But then again, we do the same in winter! ....I think you need to show some respct for your fellow workers! When you do not think you smell, that is because often you cannot detect odours from yourself.

    I shower when I arrive at the office, and then as soon as I get home.