Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Pross Posts: 44,059
edited November 2009 in The bottom bracket
So has anyone bought this yet (guess if they have they won't be on here for a while!). New CoD games always come out a week before my birthday so I'm at a disadvantage when I start playing online - can't wait for next week though :)

I see it is already upsetting the namby pamby pinkos - why is it they don't realise that the rest of us are able to differentiate between a game that is pure fiction and reality while they obviously can't and judge everyone by their own inability? I seriously don't believe I'm going to go out bombing airports because a character in a computer game has :roll: Add to that the radical Christian groups in the US who are up in arms about an apparent scene in the game where the White House gets destroyed by terrorists and I wonder what planet some people live on. I suspect it is also a case of Brasseye syndrome and that the people complaining have never, and will never, played or even seen the game!


  • Never been a fan of the Call of Duty Games since the second one came out. Very poor single player, apparently the multiplayer is good, but having watched my Nephew play it, it looks a farce.

    L4D, L4D2, CS:S, DOD:S is where it's at.
  • im wanting it sadly i don't get paid till thursday... then i shall let you know ;) RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Still waiting for mine to arrive........ guaranteed it to arrive today :D
    A mate of mine should have picked his up by now....b*stard !!!
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Never been a fan of the Call of Duty Games since the second one came out. Very poor single player, apparently the multiplayer is good, but having watched my Nephew play it, it looks a farce.

    Since the second one (PS2 ?) there has been CoD3, CoD Modern Warfare, CoD World at War and now CoD Modern Warfare2, it's come along way since CoD2.

    Single player is fantastic on both Moderd Warfare and World at War, online play is incredible. It's far from a farce :D
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Bought for £26 at Sainsburys this morning :D
  • HarryX
    HarryX Posts: 36
    Got it in my hands as we speak ... just need to finish work now ...

    Delivered from .

    Don't usually play COD online as I'm useless at shooters with the xbox pad, however I'm determined to play this online whether I get my arse handed to me every game or not :)
  • HarryX
    HarryX Posts: 36
    M.Cole wrote:
    Bought for £26 at Sainsburys this morning :D

    Christ I paid £45 from play :(
  • lucky sods!! ill be kicking ure asses on thursday.

    hereticalmatt send me a FR :) RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,059
    HarryX wrote:
    Got it in my hands as we speak ... just need to finish work now ...

    Delivered from .

    Don't usually play COD online as I'm useless at shooters with the xbox pad, however I'm determined to play this online whether I get my ars* handed to me every game or not :)

    XBox :shock: ??? You do realise there's a much better console option available don't you :wink:

    Any of you on the PS Network then? We can have a Bike Radar tournament :)
  • off to sainsburys now but I'm not holding out much hope as its the salford store and the dole surfers will have cleaned them out already
  • brownleather
    brownleather Posts: 114
    edited November 2009
    MattC59 wrote:
    Never been a fan of the Call of Duty Games since the second one came out. Very poor single player, apparently the multiplayer is good, but having watched my Nephew play it, it looks a farce.

    Since the second one (PS2 ?) there has been CoD3, CoD Modern Warfare, CoD World at War and now CoD Modern Warfare2, it's come along way since CoD2.

    Single player is fantastic on both Moderd Warfare and World at War, online play is incredible. It's far from a farce :D

    Too much hype not enough substance. Consoles ruin games.

    I've got them both, Too arcadey and childlike. The games are too shallow to be enjoyable, might aswell play tetris. I prefer realistic games like ArmA series, Rainbow Six.

    I'd get the games for the single player, but the way enemies respawn for ever really puts me off.
    Pross wrote:
    HarryX wrote:
    Got it in my hands as we speak ... just need to finish work now ...

    Delivered from .

    Don't usually play COD online as I'm useless at shooters with the xbox pad, however I'm determined to play this online whether I get my ars* handed to me every game or not :)

    XBox :shock: ??? You do realise there's a much better console option available don't you :wink:

    Any of you on the PS Network then? We can have a Bike Radar tournament :)

    Did you know there's something better than a console called a PC?
  • brownleather
    brownleather Posts: 114
    edited November 2009
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    Have it downloaded via Steam and I'm enduring 48 hours in limbo before it gets unlocked.

    Busy the next two evenings anyway, which makes it bearable.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    20 quid inc VAT at Makro...

    I only get mine on Xmas day though.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    MattC59 wrote:
    Never been a fan of the Call of Duty Games since the second one came out. Very poor single player, apparently the multiplayer is good, but having watched my Nephew play it, it looks a farce.

    Since the second one (PS2 ?) there has been CoD3, CoD Modern Warfare, CoD World at War and now CoD Modern Warfare2, it's come along way since CoD2.

    Single player is fantastic on both Moderd Warfare and World at War, online play is incredible. It's far from a farce :D

    Too much hype not enough substance. Consoles ruin games.

    I've got them both, Too arcadey and childlike. The games are too shallow to be enjoyable, might aswell play tetris. I prefer realistic games like ArmA series, Rainbow Six.

    I'd get the games for the single player, but the way enemies respawn for ever really puts me off.
    Pross wrote:
    HarryX wrote:
    Got it in my hands as we speak ... just need to finish work now ...

    Delivered from .

    Don't usually play COD online as I'm useless at shooters with the xbox pad, however I'm determined to play this online whether I get my ars* handed to me every game or not :)

    XBox :shock: ??? You do realise there's a much better console option available don't you :wink:

    Any of you on the PS Network then? We can have a Bike Radar tournament :)

    Did you know there's something better than a console called a PC?

    another PC snob I see..;-)
  • sampras38 wrote:
    another PC snob I see..;-)

    I do own consoles, but few games work well on them, and most of them seem to be RPGs. The only games I've really appreciated on the 360 have Oblivion and Fallout 3. Any sort of FPS must be on the PC to work well, although the Rainbow Six Vegas games worked well on consoles, but most including the likes of COD are poor on console.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    sampras38 wrote:
    another PC snob I see..;-)

    I do own consoles, but few games work well on them, and most of them seem to be RPGs. The only games I've really appreciated on the 360 have Oblivion and Fallout 3. Any sort of FPS must be on the PC to work well, although the Rainbow Six Vegas games worked well on consoles, but most including the likes of COD are poor on console.

    I work in the technology sector and am a bit of a gadget freak, but PC gaming has never really grabbed me tbh. Most of the PC gamers I know are a bit more geeky than the rest of us..;-), and incredibly elitest about the whole thing. It's a boring argument I've heard a million times.

    Personally I've quite enjoyed the online aspect of COD4 but thought the single player was way too short, and I prefer the PS3 over the XBox, mainly due to it's astestics, BR capability and reliability. The 360 is a shoddy piece of hardware imo and without a built in BR player it just makes it even more unattractive.

    i had the original XBox though, as well as a PS1 and PS2.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,059
    MattC59 wrote:
    Never been a fan of the Call of Duty Games since the second one came out. Very poor single player, apparently the multiplayer is good, but having watched my Nephew play it, it looks a farce.

    Since the second one (PS2 ?) there has been CoD3, CoD Modern Warfare, CoD World at War and now CoD Modern Warfare2, it's come along way since CoD2.

    Single player is fantastic on both Moderd Warfare and World at War, online play is incredible. It's far from a farce :D

    Too much hype not enough substance. Consoles ruin games.

    I've got them both, Too arcadey and childlike. The games are too shallow to be enjoyable, might aswell play tetris. I prefer realistic games like ArmA series, Rainbow Six.

    I'd get the games for the single player, but the way enemies respawn for ever really puts me off.
    Pross wrote:
    HarryX wrote:
    Got it in my hands as we speak ... just need to finish work now ...

    Delivered from .

    Don't usually play COD online as I'm useless at shooters with the xbox pad, however I'm determined to play this online whether I get my ars* handed to me every game or not :)

    XBox :shock: ??? You do realise there's a much better console option available don't you :wink:

    Any of you on the PS Network then? We can have a Bike Radar tournament :)

    Did you know there's something better than a console called a PC?

    Used to play Medal of Honour on the PC. Find a dedicated console far better though especially when it acts as a Blu Ray player too. Get to play on my 42" TV with surround sound. I know you can get a PC that can produce the same sort of quality but they don't come cheap!
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    edited November 2009
    Pross wrote:
    MattC59 wrote:
    Never been a fan of the Call of Duty Games since the second one came out. Very poor single player, apparently the multiplayer is good, but having watched my Nephew play it, it looks a farce.

    Since the second one (PS2 ?) there has been CoD3, CoD Modern Warfare, CoD World at War and now CoD Modern Warfare2, it's come along way since CoD2.

    Single player is fantastic on both Moderd Warfare and World at War, online play is incredible. It's far from a farce :D

    Too much hype not enough substance. Consoles ruin games.

    I've got them both, Too arcadey and childlike. The games are too shallow to be enjoyable, might aswell play tetris. I prefer realistic games like ArmA series, Rainbow Six.

    I'd get the games for the single player, but the way enemies respawn for ever really puts me off.
    Pross wrote:
    HarryX wrote:
    Got it in my hands as we speak ... just need to finish work now ...

    Delivered from .

    Don't usually play COD online as I'm useless at shooters with the xbox pad, however I'm determined to play this online whether I get my ars* handed to me every game or not :)

    XBox :shock: ??? You do realise there's a much better console option available don't you :wink:

    Any of you on the PS Network then? We can have a Bike Radar tournament :)

    Did you know there's something better than a console called a PC?

    Used to play Medal of Honour on the PC. Find a dedicated console far better though especially when it acts as a Blu Ray player too. Get to play on my 42" TV with surround sound. I know you can get a PC that can produce the same sort of quality but they don't come cheap!

    I'll second this, and the other problem with PC's is you usually have them in another room away from the rest of the family and you tend to be a bit cut off from everyone. I use a PC enough for work and my photography hobby without using it for gaming as well.
  • GavH
    GavH Posts: 933
    Queued for an hour and half in the rain last night at Game for two copies, one for me, one for my eldest. Sat up until 0500hrs playing it!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,059
    So what's the verdict?
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    £22.50 in Morrisons. I paid £30 for PAC-MAN in 82! Clocked it tho...
  • 26 quid is the xbox and ps3 version. pc game is still 35 quid...may as well just get it on steam and play it thursday!
  • picked it up whilst i wasnt (but should have been) working got it from morrisons
    , so many cheap places for copies i'm really happy i stayed in bed last night instead of wasting my own fuel driving to pick it up at midnight.

    had a play on it for last 3hrs, it really is addictive if you like cod. but turned it off now to do 40mins on the turbo. best game i've played this year and probably ever
    Crafted in Italy apparantly
  • jesus... i swear i heard this exect conversation in science :lol:

    never really gotten into xbox, suppose ive always speant my spare money on peices of carbon... :roll:
  • Got it from today, will be delivered to my office tomorrow morning. Now all I need is a replacement motherboard for my Core i5 setup and i'll be good to go :-)
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • My Nephew works in a shop that has been selling copies of this through the back door for £75 for over a week before it was officially released.

    Game playing doesn't do anything for me at all, but what kind of saddo is prepared to pay well over the odds for it?!
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    My copy arrived at about 11am yesterday. I played it for about an hour then was a good boy and put it down so I could get on with my work (it's tough working from home :D ).
    I then played it for an hour or so around 5pm, then once the Mrs had gone to bed, I played from about 10pm until 1:30am........ which is bl**dy rediculous !!!!!

    It's a fantastic game, I'm not going to get into a review or a discussion about which games platform is best (but it's clearly the PS3 :wink: ).

    Suffice to say, it's an incredible game, go buy it !!!

    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    My Nephew works in a shop that has been selling copies of this through the back door for £75 for over a week before it was officially released.

    What sort of moron is willing to pay double the price for the sake of owning it a few days early ? The servers weren't active until the release date, so they couldn't play online anyway.

    Appologies if any of those morons are on here, but you're a moron :wink:
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,059
    Surprised to hear it was being sold early as even reviewers didn't see the game until its official launch.