It happened again! - I keep getting told off...

_Ferret_ Posts: 660
edited April 2010 in MTB general
Is it because the summer is ending that people are getting moodier?

I got told off on Sunday for going down a trail, this in itself is nothing new, but this time I got told off by a bunch of bikers who were walking up the other way.
To be fair we are not officially allowed to ride there, it is less than 2m wide and therefore prohibited to bikers, but in my defence it is also just a straight short cut to a bigger trail further on and we could see no-one was on it.

The group had just got to the foot of the trail and one of them stood in the way of my mate and forced him to stop to give him a telling off!

I wanted to say something back but was simply in shock - I thought we were all on the same team here. Yes there are the disagreements over SS and SPDs but we're all bikers right?
My faith in the world has been shaken!
Is this normal?
Not really active


  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    _Ferret_ wrote:
    ...a bunch of bikers who were walking up the other way..
    Epic fail.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    _Ferret_ wrote:
    it is less than 2m wide and therefore prohibited to bikers,

    so what was the problem?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Oh well, you'll get over it!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Maybe you're an agression magnet or something, or maybe you have a bad attitude, who knows?
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    So someone had a go at you for cycling where you should not be cycling?

    Am I missing something?
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    Some cyclists will be pi**ed off when others (you) break the rules, it gives us all a bad image and the good cyclists are tarred with the same brush as the bad (you).
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    _Ferret_ wrote:
    To be fair we are not officially allowed to ride there, it is less than 2m wide and therefore prohibited to bikers

    Put up or shut up time in that case.
    _Ferret_ wrote:
    Yes there are the disagreements over SS

    There always will be in Germany... :roll:
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
    Help for Heroes
  • _Ferret_ wrote:
    Is it because the summer is ending that people are getting moodier?

    I got told off on Sunday for going down a trail, this in itself is nothing new, but this time I got told off by a bunch of bikers who were walking up the other way.
    To be fair we are not officially allowed to ride there, it is less than 2m wide and therefore prohibited to bikers, but in my defence it is also just a straight short cut to a bigger trail further on and we could see no-one was on it.

    So, no-one was on it, but the bikers gave you an earful for breaking the rules and deliberately riding on an area prohibited to bikes. So, not only did you get a "telling off" from fellow bikers on the day, your fellow Forum members are also highliting the fact that you did wrong and got what you deserved - a good telling off..
    Go against the grain and you reap what you sew, no sympathy here
  • adydow
    adydow Posts: 92
    Numpty! :roll:
    Of course its about the bike! Although having the legs helps.
  • F**k em mate, you should of F-bombed them for pushing instead of riding !!

    Ignore the self righteous crew on here rules are made to be broken, obviously they have NEVER ridden anywhere their not supposed to !

    Next time speed up and flip them the bird ! :lol:
  • _Ferret_
    _Ferret_ Posts: 660
    Ha ha.
    So this is really what it's like?
    no-one ever ridden down a piece of singletrack that they shouldn't have been on?

    I guess I thought that since only bikers saw us that they probably wouldn't give a damn and certainly not preach to us about it. I always give more leaway to bikers because I understand how stupid some of the rules against bikers are.

    But thank god that my "fellow forum members" are here to show me the light - I will behave from now on.

    (Jeez - it's not like I went out my way to annoy people, I rode down a few 100m of footpath where there was no danger to anyone. Is everyone really that anal with the rules?)
    Not really active
    SPIRO Posts: 200

    The snag is that 1 biker doing it aint a problem(ok sometimes it is!) - but when lots do it as they invariably will then it leads to a perceived "social" problem with mountain bikers

    Before you know it this happens - ... kers-23816

    I am sure we have all strayed down the "shortcut" and got away with it. That doesnt make it right though and if you get caught you should have the good grace to take it on the chin, learn from it and not complain when you get busted doing something that you know is wrong.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    I ride on footpaths all the time. I know I shouldn't but I'd have nowhere to ride otherwise. I think the point is that if someone told me off for riding on footpaths I'd have to accept it. I broke the rules, end of.

    I wouldn't come on here to moan that someone told me I wasn't allowed to do something if I genuinely wasn't allowed to do it.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • i agree with geordie fcuk em your mate should've gone a bit faster.
  • I ride on footpaths as well, mainly because, as a motorist, I see some horrendous lapses of concentration and dont feel safe on a bike on the roads, however when I do ride on pavements I always slow/give way for pedestrians, I dont see the problem, but when its pedestrians on black trails I give them the old maverick style fly by and flip the bird !

    Yes I already know im a twat before you say anything !!
  • _Ferret_
    _Ferret_ Posts: 660
    I get told off for riding places I'm allowed to aswell.
    That's not the point - the point is that with walkers I expect it, I never said it was right what I did and when I do get caught by walkers I say sorry to them and roll past at a healthy 5km/h. However, I would have expected a little comraderie from fellow bikers maybe a friendly nod or a cheeky grin that they knew I was being bad but would spank me for it like most of you self righteous nuns out there!
    Not really active
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    I'm not going to call you a fool, and to the OP, yes, I AM that anal about the rules.

    Its all about expectations - if you walk on a footpath you don't expect a bike to come steaming down at you - its frightening; if you cycle on a cycle path you don't expect a 4X4 to be steaming down at you. If the 4x4 driver did the latter, you would be on here shouting at the dangerous and selfish behaviour of the driver that nearly wiped you out . . . I really don't need to explain any more, do I ? :shock:
    SPIRO Posts: 200
    however when I do ride on pavements I always slow/give way for pedestrians, I dont see the problem, but when its pedestrians on black trails I give them the old maverick style fly by and flip the bird !

    Yes I already know im a fool before you say anything !!

    So if a pedestrian on a pavement flicks you the bird as you pass, from your logic, you would be ok with that? :wink: Its the same but the roles are reversed.

    PS your a fool :lol:
  • Am I not right in thinking that in Englandshire it is just as illegal to push a bike on a footpath as it is to ride it therefore all parties guilty?
  • Yes I would be fine, but like I say im courteous when I do it and give a smile and a hello so dont normally get any hassle, then again im 6' 4" and have a piercing stare lol !
  • _Ferret_
    _Ferret_ Posts: 660
    alfablue wrote:
    I'm not going to call you a fool, and to the OP, yes, I AM that anal about the rules.

    Its all about expectations - if you walk on a footpath you don't expect a bike to come steaming down at you - its frightening; if you cycle on a cycle path you don't expect a 4X4 to be steaming down at you. If the 4x4 driver did the latter, you would be on here shouting at the dangerous and selfish behaviour of the driver that nearly wiped you out . . . I really don't need to explain any more, do I ? :shock:

    I wasn't flying down the track - it was a few hundred meters long, it's straight and quite flat and we were off it before the other people came up it. We weren't riding without care or with any danger to anyone or anything!
    I always take care when on paths where only walkers are allowed and always slow down and say hi or thanks.
    Not really active
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    _Ferret_ wrote:
    alfablue wrote:
    I'm not going to call you a fool, and to the OP, yes, I AM that anal about the rules.

    Its all about expectations - if you walk on a footpath you don't expect a bike to come steaming down at you - its frightening; if you cycle on a cycle path you don't expect a 4X4 to be steaming down at you. If the 4x4 driver did the latter, you would be on here shouting at the dangerous and selfish behaviour of the driver that nearly wiped you out . . . I really don't need to explain any more, do I ? :shock:

    I wasn't flying down the track - it was a few hundred meters long, it's straight and quite flat and we were off it before the other people came up it. We weren't riding without care or with any danger to anyone or anything!
    I always take care when on paths where only walkers are allowed and always slow down and say hi or thanks.
    I'm sure you were considerate _Ferret_, its what it looks like that counts.

    And don't you think walkers are entitled to think a footpath is *only* for people on foot? Is that too much to ask? Would a 4x4 drivers consideration, wave and thanks make it all okay if they were on your cycle path?
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    Am I not right in thinking that in Englandshire it is just as illegal to push a bike on a footpath as it is to ride it therefore all parties guilty?

  • dont worry about it mate.

    theres always some goody two shoes in any walk of life..
    If he purposely stood in your path to stop you he deserved a front tyre in the bollocks imo
    Carerra Fury 08
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    dont worry about it mate.

    theres always some goody two shoes in any walk of life..
    If he purposely stood in your path to stop you he deserved a front tyre in the bollocks imo
    welcome to the forum, we need some more level headed contributors :?
  • GHill wrote:
    Am I not right in thinking that in Englandshire it is just as illegal to push a bike on a footpath as it is to ride it therefore all parties guilty?


    Is it legal to carry it on your shoulder down a footpath?
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    bigmart wrote:
    GHill wrote:
    Am I not right in thinking that in Englandshire it is just as illegal to push a bike on a footpath as it is to ride it therefore all parties guilty?


    Is it legal to carry it on your shoulder down a footpath?
    yes, on a public footpath (which is not the same as a pavement), a bike is not a "usual accompaniment" and therefore cannot even be carried.
  • alfablue wrote:
    a bike is not a "usual accompaniment" and therefore cannot even be carried.

    what would be considered a usual accompaniment? these days you see all sort been carried down the street

    suprised the PCSO's aren't out giving tickets to 5 year olds
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    bigmart wrote:
    alfablue wrote:
    a bike is not a "usual accompaniment" and therefore cannot even be carried.

    what would be considered a usual accompaniment? these days you see all sort been carried down the street

    suprised the PCSO's aren't out giving tickets to 5 year olds
    "The Street" and the pavement beside the street is not the same thing as a "public Footpath" - these are signed as such , like

    41_08_28---Public-Footpath-Sign_web.jpg and this:


    Not at all the same as the "footway" beside a road.