Fireworks poll

Gotte Posts: 494
edited October 2009 in The bottom bracket
call me jaded...


  • I like them when they're pointed at the sky, then I'm a 6-year old. When they're pointed at me on my bike, I display a surprising turn of speed - I'm surprised people don't use them for sprint training..
  • Red Rock
    Red Rock Posts: 517
    I'd be happy to see fireworks banned from sale to the general public and it to be considered an offence to be in possession of them without a licence. They should be for organised displays only and even then approval should have to be gained from your local authority prior to the event.

    Bonfires should just be banned altogether.

    Red Rock
  • Red Rock wrote:
    I'd be happy to see fireworks banned from sale to the general public and it to be considered an offence to be in possession of them without a licence. They should be for organised displays only and even then approval should have to be gained from your local authority prior to the event.

    Bonfires should just be banned altogether.

    Red Rock

    Why ? Lets ban everything and wrap ourselves in cotton wool.... :wink:

    I voted I'm six years old and.....
  • Gotte
    Gotte Posts: 494
    I'm surprised people don't use them for sprint training..

    I was going to use something similar as an option. But I was worried about giving people ideas ;)
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    volvicspar wrote:
    Red Rock wrote:
    I'd be happy to see fireworks banned from sale to the general public and it to be considered an offence to be in possession of them without a licence. They should be for organised displays only and even then approval should have to be gained from your local authority prior to the event.

    Bonfires should just be banned altogether.

    Red Rock

    Why ? Lets ban everything and wrap ourselves in cotton wool.... :wink:

    I voted I'm six years old and.....

    We're dealing with explosives here. You might change your view if guns and ammunition were available to buy over the counter in the same manner as fireworks.

    Around here people dont follow the instructions, or get caught coming into the UK with illegal ones (some still get through), kids use them as IEDs. I have also seen many a victim of their burn capability - including an old classmate of mine when I was a kid
  • It makes no difference if they are dangerous or not, toothpicks can be used for brutal torture, as can nearly any household tool. Banning guns did not stop or reduce gun crime, neither will banning fireworks. As you probably know, cars can be used by the same scum that you fear abusing fireworks, but I haven't heard too many calls to ban them (though I wouldn't mind that....). What we need is the police and justice system to work, not to ban more things/make more laws.... Rant over :oops:
  • grayo59
    grayo59 Posts: 722
    Middle aged geezer going on 6 years old here ....
    ......heading for the box, but not too soon I hope!
  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495


    Pop..... aaaaahhhhh

    Farting is more fun than fireworks
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,052
    I'm a pyromaniac I'm afraid so guess I fall into the 6 year old category. Dog does my head in throughout November though and chavs setting them off all night get on my tits
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • Cressers
    Cressers Posts: 1,329
    Guy Fawkes, where are you when your country needs you?
  • I too am a 6 year old at heart.

    I remember living in Kensington in Liverpool where enterprising youths would create a mortar/bazooka out of fireworks (several tied together) and a drainpipe. Plus the neighbourhood sounded like Beiruit throughout october and november.

    Go fireworks!
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • nottscobb
    nottscobb Posts: 147
    +1 to Volvicspar and Cressers
  • I hate fireworks but I love V for Vendetta :D
    CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
    "Teenagers with IEDs ..." This describes Bonfire Night round our way to a tee!

  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Voted 6 years old here.

    Don't understand the modern obsession with minimising risk. Health and safety first? Over my charred and sparkling corpse.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • Aggieboy
    Aggieboy Posts: 3,996
    DesWeller wrote:

    Don't understand the modern obsession with minimising risk. Health and safety first? Over my charred and sparkling corpse.

    How many safety inspectors does it take to light the bonfire?

    Four. One to light the match and three to hold the fire extinguisher.
    "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world, t'would be a pity to damage yours."
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    volvicspar wrote:
    It makes no difference if they are dangerous or not, toothpicks can be used for brutal torture, as can nearly any household tool. Banning guns did not stop or reduce gun crime, neither will banning fireworks. As you probably know, cars can be used by the same scum that you fear abusing fireworks, but I haven't heard too many calls to ban them (though I wouldn't mind that....). What we need is the police and justice system to work, not to ban more things/make more laws.... Rant over :oops:

    The point is they wont be banned, it will be controlled licensing. It will also get people socialising again and out of their bloody house when they go down to a proper display.

    The gun control is to stop spur of the moment gun crime. Like "crimes of passion" or when someone gets the hump with an employer, etc. Guns, again, technically are not banned, they are licensed and controlled.

    You also dont need any more laws to do this, and it will immediately free up a mass of Police resources at this time of year
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    I'm in two minds about this - on the one hand I hate them going on for week after week - I'd be happy to have a blanket ban on fireworks except for one week around Guy Fawkes - and I could go on holiday that week.

    But I was in Amsterdam on New Years Eve a few years ago and apparently it's perfectly normal for everyone to go into the main square and throw fireworks at each other on the run up to mid night and just after. I was there and saw it with my own eyes - and survived to tell the tale. I'm not sure if anyone got injured, didn;t see it if they did. The same when I was in Paris on the 200th Bastille Day - fireworks everywhere - it was completely mental - and best of all - I think I enjoyed it. But then it was all over in one day - and I think that's the key.
  • fast as fupp
    fast as fupp Posts: 2,277
    waste of money

    i also find it paradoxical that loads of claimos round here always seem to find loads of dosh to waste on fireworks

    BAH! :evil:
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • I'm torn on this one. On the one hand they are just about the ultimate free ride product - don't need to spend a penny and yet you get to enjoy everyone else's lovely displays and on that level, what's not to like?

    But then menacing yoofs turning your neighbourhood into downtown Mogadishu every evening must get tiresome pretty quickly.

    A few years ago some enterprising chavs down our way had found a way of using fireworks to blow the doors off telephone boxes. As if this wasn't bad enough the local BBC TV news team decided the responsible thing to do in such circumstances was to give a detailed description of how they were doing it! Awesome work there.
  • STEFANOS4784
    STEFANOS4784 Posts: 4,109
    What a bunch of mysery guts' lol, Voted insomniac..........

    If people are to stupid to light a firework without blowing their hand off then that's their own tough luck :P :wink:
  • Gotte
    Gotte Posts: 494
    What a bunch of mysery guts' lol, Voted insomniac..........

    If people are to stupid to light a firework without blowing their hand off then that's their own tough luck :P :wink:

    Except for the money it costs to put them right.
  • STEFANOS4784
    STEFANOS4784 Posts: 4,109
    I expect that is more than covered by the amount of tax paid on fireworks. Went to buy some yesterday with my brother because we thought his dughter might enjoy them. 20 quid for 8 rockets :shock:
    Stuff that, they can keep 'em :wink:
  • Gotte
    Gotte Posts: 494
    It's not just the money, I suppose, it's the time and the beds they take up.
  • STEFANOS4784
    STEFANOS4784 Posts: 4,109
    That would be more raeson, but why should,as usual, the few ruin it for the many......
  • Gotte
    Gotte Posts: 494
    That's exactly how I feel at three in the morning when I'm listening, like most of my neighbourhood, to the Chinese high explosives going off in the park across the road.
  • Can't buy cigarettes but you can but a boxful of explosives????????

    I loved bonfire night as a kid, but, the best fun was the proggin' prior to the evening in question; and when I was a kid it was an evening, not the three weeks preceeding and the fortnight after. Virtually every house on our estate had a bonfire with a few (by todays standard) really sh1t fireworks but some mega mushy peas, hot dogs, chestnuts and toffee apples.

    By Nov 6th it was all done and dusted and as a kid all you had to look forward to was christmas.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • STEFANOS4784
    STEFANOS4784 Posts: 4,109
    I thinbk things must be different where i live, fairly rural and we don't get fireworks for weeks on end so maybe Gotte we are discussing our repective points from completely different circumstances. That said, i'm right :P :wink: