Sir Steve Redgraves Top 5 Athletes

Splottboy Posts: 3,695
edited November 2009 in MTB general
On Trans World Sport, Sir Steve says his top 5 Athletes are:
a. Ali, male boxer.
b. Armstrong, male cyclist.
c. Cook, female cyclist.
d. Zatopek, male runner.
e. Woods, male golfer.
( So, two cyclists, eh???)

Mine: Ali.
Payton, Chicago Bears running back.
Dave Scott, Triathlete.
Hee Ill Cho, Tae Kwon Do Master.

What's Your Top 5?


  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    off the top of my head i'd have to say:

    1. lance armstrong
    2. Jonah Lomu
    3. Schumacher - even though i don't like F1.
    4. Tiger Woods
    5. Usain Bolt
  • _Ferret_
    _Ferret_ Posts: 660
    First run...

    1. Pele
    2. Armstrong
    3. Carl Lewis
    4. Michael Jordan
    5. and of course Steve Peat
    Not really active
  • Kanya
    Kanya Posts: 90
    1. Gretzky - ice hockey
    2. Ovechkin - ice hockey
    3. Jordan - basketball
    4. Schumacher - F1
    5. Kournikova - crap at tennis but nice arse....
    2009 - Boardman Pro '09 HT MTB
    2013 - Cannondale F29 1 '13
    2017 - Haibike Freed 7.5 carbon HT + full Hope parts (no..not an e-bike)
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    As I'm really old, decrepit and forget a lot, I forgot Sir Bobby Charlton as "Special Mention."
  • P-Jay
    P-Jay Posts: 1,478
    In no real order

    Valentio Rossi
    Lewis Hamilton
    Thomas Vanderham
    Tony Hawk
    Travis Prastama
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    P-Jay wrote:
    In no real order

    Valentio Rossi
    Lewis Hamilton
    Thomas Vanderham
    Tony Hawk
    Travis Prastama

    good choice, i might have to bump out tiger woods now :D
  • bomberesque
    bomberesque Posts: 1,701
    welshkev wrote:
    off the top of my head i'd have to say:

    1. lance armstrong
    2. Jonah Lomu
    3. Schumacher - even though i don't like F1.
    4. Tiger Woods
    5. Usain Bolt

    I saw him play 7s for NZ in Hong Kong back in 95 (I think, it was a blurry decade) Fekking awesome he was!
    Everything in moderation ... except beer
    Beer in moderation ... is a waste of beer

    If riding an XC race bike is like touching the trail,
    then riding a rigid singlespeed is like licking it
    ... or being punched by it, depending on the day
  • Wow, not one mention for Eddy Mercx on a Cycling website!
    I want to come back as Niki Gudex's seat
  • _Ferret_
    _Ferret_ Posts: 660
    Not really active
  • Woods, Schumacher & Rossi are athletes ? Tiger Woods just walks doesn't he, and the other two sit.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are not talented or at the top of their respective games but come on, athletes ?
  • P-Jay
    P-Jay Posts: 1,478
    UncleMonty wrote:
    Woods, Schumacher & Rossi are athletes ? Tiger Woods just walks doesn't he, and the other two sit.

    Yeah, super athletes - I;m not including Woods here, he looks fit, but it's not really a requirement of Golf.

    Motor Sport is a very physical activity, OK the fittest guy doesn't always win the race, but it's a major factor.

    I'm not super hot on my Moto GP info, but F1 drivers are some of the very fittest athletes in the world, even though they have a built in drinks dispener in their cars they lose 3-5Kgs of body weight in a1.5 to 2 hour race.

    Not sure if it's your bag, but a Moto GP rider called Casey Stonner was in the title race this year, caught a mystery bug, doctors just couldn't work it out, but gave him Iron deficency, he had to pull out for 3 races (about 6 weeks) of total rest to get back ft enough to ride.
  • _Ferret_
    _Ferret_ Posts: 660
    Depends how you look at it and what you consider an athlete to be.

    For me it's someone pushing the limits of what the human body can do. This would include F1 drivers and Golfers in my opinion - concentration, pose and accuracy are still things that need to be trained to be the best in your chosen sport...
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  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
  • _Ferret_ wrote:
    Depends how you look at it and what you consider an athlete to be.

    For me it's someone pushing the limits of what the human body can do. This would include F1 drivers and Golfers in my opinion - concentration, pose and accuracy are still things that need to be trained to be the best in your chosen sport...

    Got a lot of respect for the physical poise and elegance of a pro golf stroke...but athleticism? Surely any sport with a wooly pringle jumper as the course uniform and sensible slacks can't be considered athletic. Talented physical technique and atleticism must be two different things.

    Next you'll be saying fielders on a cricket pitch will be up there! :shock:
    What wheels...?!
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    Ok if we forget definition of athlete, my top 5 sports people are:

    1. Muhammad Ali

    Then in no particular order:

    Daley Thompson
    Michael Jordan
    Valentino Rossi
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    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
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  • _Ferret_ wrote:
    Depends how you look at it and what you consider an athlete to be.

    ^ exactly

    I'm a big F1 fan and I understand the demands made of their bodies, however, I just can't consider these to be in the same league as say Ali, Coe, Ovett or even Redgrave himself.

    Im surprised no ones mentioned Eric Bristow & Steve Davis :lol:
  • _Ferret_
    _Ferret_ Posts: 660
    because Eric Bristow and Steve Davis are gods, not sports people! :wink:
    Not really active
  • P-Jay
    P-Jay Posts: 1,478
    I agree that the word Sportsman/women/person has been changed to Athlete recently.

    If you talk to someone of my Mum or Nan's generation and say athlete they would only be thinking of Track & Field type events, it wouldn't include Cyclists, Boxers, and Footballers etc. Basically if it didn't happen in the main stadium at the Olympics (or finish there in the case of marathon runners) it's wasn't Athletics, and thus they weren’t Athletes. Even Gymnasts weren’t included.

    It wasn't a slur ether, Athletes did Athletics, Boxers boxed, cyclists cycled etc etc

    But words and their meanings change constantly, we're not governed by the dictionary, it's governed by the use of the language. By modern standards they're all athletes in my book. I might draw the line at Darts and Snooker, but even they train constantly to improve, it's just not physical.
  • turpinr
    turpinr Posts: 255
    sugar ray robinson
    usain bolt
    kip keino
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    Of the names of people I can think of who were exceptional athletes in their fields

    Shane McConkey
    Herman Maier
    Daley Thompson

    I admire many more sports men including F1 and Moto GP for their abilities including Rossi, Schumacher (dont like him but appreciate his "gift"), Moss, Graham Hill (the last 2 for their courage to even race in the old F1 cars), Peaty, freeride skiers and bikers alike - eg Sarah Burke for spinning a 1260 off the big air kicker at Whistler a couple ofseasons ago and generally trying to go as big as the boys, triathletes and decathletes - multisport is such a challenge to be competitive in.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    P-Jay wrote:
    I'm not super hot on my Moto GP info, but F1 drivers are some of the very fittest athletes in the world, even though they have a built in drinks dispenser in their cars they lose 3-5Kgs of body weight in a1.5 to 2 hour race.
    They are fit compared to the man in the street, but not even remotely so in comparison to elite athletes.

    Point of illustration is Buttons excellent time of 2hrs 7 mins for the London Triathlon (Olympic distance) in August. However, elite athletes are 20 minutes quicker.
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
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  • turpinr
    turpinr Posts: 255
    ali isn't/wasn't just a sportsman he's .......................ali
    if you went on a boxing website they'd laugh at motor sports being classed as a sport,but everybody knows ali
  • P-Jay
    P-Jay Posts: 1,478
    Daz555 wrote:
    P-Jay wrote:
    I'm not super hot on my Moto GP info, but F1 drivers are some of the very fittest athletes in the world, even though they have a built in drinks dispenser in their cars they lose 3-5Kgs of body weight in a1.5 to 2 hour race.
    They are fit compared to the man in the street, but not even remotely so in comparison to elite athletes.

    Point of illustration is Buttons excellent time of 2hrs 7 mins for the London Triathlon (Olympic distance) in August. However, elite athletes are 20 minutes quicker.

    Yeah, I get your meaing, but finishing a marathon within 85% of the highest in their field is a pretty awsome time, because you've got to bare in mind that no one of the elite runners could drive an F1 car in a race and I'm totally taking abilty out of the equation too.

    The muscle mass that they need to simply survive in the thing as it pulls a massive 5G through the corners, thier heads would come clean off. Also F1 drivers, whilst they're ding all this, can't lose concentration once, not for a second, let be honest in the sort of times F1 teams talk in, they can't lose it for a hundreth of a second.

    I sypathise with your point, but it's like saying that Usain Bolt isn't an athlete because he's not an elite swimmer (he might be, but I'm guessing not)

    Check this link out, it give an idea of the level of fitness/training they have to do. ... 980337.stm
  • I don't know if a driver constitutes being an athlete but earlier this year whilst watching F1 I was blown away by the fact that during this one particular race that Button was sat in the cockpit of the car which was over 50 degrees for the whole time and during the race his heart rate remained around 170 bpm. Add to that the skill and risk involved you must agree that it's something special.

    Heres mine:
    1. Ali
    2. Wille John McBride
    3. Roger Federer
    4. Michael Jordan
    5. Usain Bolt

    No doubt in hours time I would list a different 2 - 5 !!!!!
  • Usain Bolt
    Jonah Lomu
    Lewis Hamilton
    Chris Hoy
    Lance Armstrong
    2006 Giant XTC
    2010 Giant Defy Advanced
    2016 Boardman Pro 29er
    2016 Pinnacle Lithium 4
    2017 Canondale Supersix Evo
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    John Daly
    Jocky Wilson
    Bill Werbeniuk
    Cliff Lazerenko
    Rob Warner
  • _Ferret_
    _Ferret_ Posts: 660
    I think even Rob Warner would argue that he isn't an Athlete. :lol:
    Not really active
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    I think the key here is that it is not athletic ability that separates F1 drivers.

    They all need a certain level of fitness to be an F1 driver, that is certain, but it is not their physical ability that defines them as F1 drivers or governs their success or failure.

    Unless of course we regard the hand-brain-eye-foot coordination as an athletic ability, in which case it brings darts, archery and shooting into the athletic equation.

    I'd say just leave it as 'sports people' but then we have the debate about what is a sport, and what is 'just' a game....... :?
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • rhyko7
    rhyko7 Posts: 781
    edited October 2009
    number one without any shadow of doubt

    Bruce Lee-he was so above everyone else contests would be a waste of his time-he revolutionised fighting, body building, training, nutrition exptance of easterners, martial arts movies.....
    No2 Valentino Rossi - guy is just a legend, past his own best yet still the best
    no 3 Artyn Senna shame he died early
    no 4 cassius clay/muhammed ali cassius clay was the graetest ever fighter, ali was past is prime but had the skills and heart long after his speed had gone
    no 5 hmmn not sure maybe matt hoffman or travis pastrana

    this is turned into an interesting debate, people seem to be rating athletes for their fitness not their skills or talents, i can assure you that moto gp and F1 drivers are fit anyway, i would say moto gp riders are much fitter than F1 (F1 drivers have stong necks)-imagine doing a downhill course for 50 minutes flat our will give you an idea of how fit these guys are.
    i think motor sport anf fighting have an aspect of instinct that most other sports dont
    there was a famous quote from allan prost about senna went along the lines of "in that race i realised i could not have got the best of senna and had to break when i realised he was willing to die"
    Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

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  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Unfortunately, Darts and Snooker are SPORT: If you define Sport as, Being competitive, has rules and has a winnner/loser outcome.
    If none of the above, then it's a leisure activity. Recreation is just that; Time to re-create yourself, or enjoy an activity.

    Leisure is a concept of time, ie, when you are not working.
    ( Look, don't blame me, blame Wyn Rogers, my lecturer at Newark Tech on the '81/'82 NEBSS Sports/Recreation/Leisure Supervisory Management course!!! )
    Ok, there was a lot of alcohol beverage undertaken that year, so I could be mistaken...

    Don't know where this leaves Fishing... Do the fish know the rules???
    Who's the winner/loser likely to be???