Boring question about reflectors!



  • KonaKurt
    KonaKurt Posts: 720
    dave_hill wrote:
    KonaKurt wrote:
    If I see one at work, I'll let you know Dave.

    You may spot one when it is most inconvenient for you or when you don't actually need to speak to one.

    Like last week when I overtook an unmarked car on double white lines.

    Police in unmarked cars, or in plain clothes for that matter, often remind me of camoflagued game hunters on a safari. Wearing my hi viz jacket for them almost seems all to obvious.

  • KonaKurt
    KonaKurt Posts: 720

    Bliimey!! I nearly rear ended into an unmarked cop car today! Pulled up suddenly in front of me in Oxford, and they jumped out and dived into a quiet bar!! The mind boggles.

    Well done brakes! I'm not even sure if they noticed they nearly caused me an accident today! As I said before, they have more important things to do then consider public safety....
