Ortlieb Back Roller pannier, correct useage



  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    Yes, it's not ideal having them on a seat post mounted rack. It sits too high and there is a weight limit of 40lbs or so. But I've had the rack for 10 years now, it's not let me down and it isn't one of these quick release jobbies that they do now, it's one that takes 4 allen key bolts to mount to the seat post, making it really solid. And before anyone asks, no, it isn't a carbon post (I think we can all agree that would be a disaster).

    I got the rack in my student days when I thought it looked cooler than a proper rack. I am now fully aware of the benefits of a proper rack, even though I do still think they look a bit naff.

    I will probably upgrade to a proper rear rack now that I've got my first set of panniers but I'll give it a go as is for a bit.


    As far as my "rosey view" of Ortliebs go. I've pointed out on this forum a few issues I already have with them even though I've only had them a couple of weeks so my view can hardly be, somewhat nastily, dismissed as "rosey". I have indeed gathered opinions from Wiggle as stated in my previous post so I fail to understand how you couldn't know, unless you hadn't read my post properly. I have gathered opinions from sites such as;
    Evans Cycles
    and more.

    All have given positive reviews for the Ortlieb panniers.

    I have tried finding reviews for Vaude Aqua Panniers, and have struggled (at the time I was trying to choose between the Ortlieb's or the Vaudes)
    I have read opinions on
    amazon and road cycling uk
    again all reviews are positive


    I think you're taking up a bit too much of a "You're either with me or you're against me" kind of attitude with this forum. I'm not saying the Vaude's aren't better than the Ortliebs, but the weight of public opinion, and sales points to the Ortliebs being the better bag. Your opinion adds to the debate greatly but it is somewhat vain to dismiss everybody else's opinions so single handedly. A great deal of reviews I've read are from riders who've used the same Ortlieb bags for decades and have been more than happy with them.

    I've found your comments useful and I will try fastening my bag as you suggest rather than strapping the ends down. I may buy Vaude products in the future, I have heard nothing but good things about them.

    Easy tiger!
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • boblo
    boblo Posts: 360
    dilemna wrote:

    Easy tiger!

    Too late. Yer mans right, that's exactly how your posts have come across. Not sure Ortlieb vs Vaude is usually such a religious conflict.....