Colomba Chemo Classic- North Yorkshire

gsk82 Posts: 3,570

saw this mentioned in mens health, the website was bloody difficult to find though without the chemo bit in the title and the british cycling link not working.

has anyone enterred this yet or intends to? its 65miles from richmond north yorkshire on saturday 14ht november, all in aid of charity. start list so far includes gerraint thomas and ben swift
"Unfortunately these days a lot of people don’t understand the real quality of a bike" Ernesto Colnago


  • have a look here:

    They are a freindly site based in North Yorkshire and it looks as if they are getting a group up to ride this event.

    Worth a gander. :wink:
  • gsk82
    gsk82 Posts: 3,570
    enterred today, suprised how little metion this seems to get
    "Unfortunately these days a lot of people don’t understand the real quality of a bike" Ernesto Colnago
  • It's oop North :lol::lol::lol:
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    looks good although I'd rather ride up Park Rash than down it, if it's wet it'll be treacherous. Trying to find out if I can enter on the day or not.

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • John C. wrote:
    Trying to find out if I can enter on the day or not.

    Let us know. Although I am already entered, just in case it's an option for any of my chums. :wink:
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    Stuarts email seams to have a problem and post keeps being returned, so I rang him 07967442965 and although there is a limit on entries he isn't expecting to get up to it so there will be an enter on the day option.

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • Excellent. Cheers. :wink:
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    Managed to get this email back from Columba Cycle Company

    You should be ok to enter on the day. We are insured for 180 riders and it currently looks like there will be 100-150 entered by the day of the ride. If possible we would prefer you to enter in advance but if that’s not possible then on the day should be fine.

    Kind regards,


    Chris Atkinson

    Colomba Cycle Company

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • Noted. :)
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    Only about 30 places left, I'm in :)

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Just sent my registration from in :)

    I've only been cycling a few months and this will be my longest ride so far. I did a 55 miler a few weeks back and felt fine so should be ok if the weather is kind, but if you pass a bloke on a red and white Madone 4.5, wearing all black gear and looking like a goldfish gasping for air (I'm working on that!) then feel free to give me a push!

    I'm not setting any time targets for this one, as I know some of these roads well from motorcycling and there's some challenging climbs and descents! If I make it back without the assistance of Yorkshire Air Ambulance that will be a positive result I think :)
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    Starts from 8 o'clock till 9.30. I think I will be closer to the 9.30. I hate getting up early these dark mornings. Not fit at the moment so just going for a ride round some great country. (Gets excuses in early).
  • stueyc
    stueyc Posts: 518
    anyone know if theres any time bands?t-shirt?certificates etc for doesn't really give any details.
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    stueyc wrote:
    anyone know if theres any time bands?t-shirt?certificates etc for doesn't really give any details.
    I doubt it, fifteen quid ? The times are: if you beet the pros you get their ride :lol:

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • anyone know if theres any time bands?t-shirt?certificates etc for doesn't really give any details

    No t shirts certificates or time bands but free beer :D at the finish that is not the feed station
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Weather is looking decidedly dodgy for tomorrow :(

    90% sure I'm still going to do it though, as at least the temps arent too bad this weekend,
  • stueyc
    stueyc Posts: 518
    upto 80mph wind and heavy rain...i think my £15 won't be fun in that kind of weather!
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Don't think it will be that bad - 30mph on the weather forecast I'm looking at
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Just got home :)

    Was a really good day out, and whilst the weather was a factor, it was nowhere near as bad as the forecasters were making out (at least oop north).

    Strong headwinds to Kettlewell ensured a tough first big climb, but there was no rain until the last 20 miles and the tailwind was welcome on the return leg!. The final big climb from Redmire to Grinton was a bit of a killer, but I'm pleased with myself that I never got off on any of the climbs.

    I got a time of 4:54 which I'm pleased with. Its a low average speed for 63 miles but that last big hill put paid to being any faster! Just waiting for the results to come in now to see how it compares.

    Heres the route: ... 8104629905

    Overall, first sportive after starting Cycling in September and really enjoyed it :)
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    What a cracking end to the season. I'd like to tell you what it was like to ride with pro riders BUT they didn't catch me :lol: All those who jibbed because of the weather missed a really good day out.

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • Jon8a
    Jon8a Posts: 235
    Got back a while ago. I thought it was a very good event. Bit of a breeze but the rain held off for most of my ride so it could have been much much worse for mid november.

    Thought it was very friendly event, staff were good, feed station well stocked and free beer and jacket potato at the end. All money to charity too. Don't think I will be buying any bikefood energy drink though, the guy I was riding with ditched his and stopped to pick up water and I could barely stomach mine. 4h03min taking the "hard route" at the end. Some of those hills were steep, expecially the descents! I'll certainly enter next year provided it's not freezing.
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Impressive time that!

    I agree about the Bikefood - I've tried it twice now and both times its given me stomach cramps within a few minutes
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    edited November 2009
    Right who wimped out at Grinton then. They missed a treat :twisted:
    My polar made it 62 miles with 5980' ascent. The last 1000 was after Grinton and somewhere I recorded 29%. I think it was in the last section. Talk about a sting in the tail.
    5.07 actual riding time. Quite happy with that but I may have to train for next year.
    Excelent event, super route, well signed and a very welcome feed stop. The most friendly sportive I have done. Well done Colomba.
  • stueyc
    stueyc Posts: 518
    well i decided to go...wind and rain tad harsh at times...some of the climbs were particulary nasty...however managed to spot geraint and his crew at feed station having a cuppa...looked like he'd got there in the car!!!...part from weather it was spot on
  • Just want to back up all the posative comments on the event.

    Excellent feed station, amazing route, terrible weather, only £15

    Everything a good Sportive needs!

    A couple more signs / arrows would have been nice but I didn't make a wrong turn.
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    edited November 2009
    I arrived early not sure whether I'd ride or not with all the weather warnings, but there was some blue sky and about a 20mph southerly wind, signing on was easy and I got some kind person to log me in (eye sight not what it was ) and then I got ready. Where were the pros ? Thought about waiting but would it rain later, would they drop me after 200 yds ? After a while several small groups set off so I tagged on and ended up doing most the ride with a young ( well younger than me) lad David Evans and his group, Every thing was going well, HR just under 75% and we were chatting away, Leyburn came and went, that wind was hard work, then the up word started and we past a few race horses by the stables in Middleham and then the recently cut hedges where we were just waiting for the familiar hissing sound, miraculously it didn't. I realised some of the group were stronger on the hills than me and may be a little less experienced so after a little dip and bridge crossing the road shoots up, I decided a pee stop was in order, well that and an energy gel gave me time to witness the melee that ensued. I then engaged granny gear and passed the walkers, On catching Dave he uttered an uncomplimentary noun and accused me of knowing that was going to happen. As if :lol: . This was the first magor of the day and I thanked the lord for granny as that was hard work into wind but once we got to the top it seemed to double in streangth, still we soon descended down ParkRash and those bends are as bad as I'd thought they would be. A right at Kettlewell sawwind on our backs and the old HR back down to a more respectable 150 again, this time though I had 25mph on the clock, well I did up to the next hill, a bit of a slog but the wind was with us and the waterfalls were quite spectacular. Down and round to th food stop where the tomato soup was a most welcome addition to the menu, How ever who ever puts a food station at the bottom of a climb has a warped sence of humour :twisted: . Still wind on our backs and we fair sped round to more gushing waterfalls at Aysgarth and round to Redmire where we turned up, and up, and up. any higher and we'd have been in orbit. Still managed to keep the HR to about 175 and then down and down steep with bends to Grinton where the group in front turned............ sh......... right. So I followed , yes I wimped out on the easy route. This was not an easy 10, 2 lads in front upped the pace to about 23-25 mph and Dave and I dug in and after the young uns had done there bit Dave and I said thanks and promptly left them in our wake as the rain started, we got back to Richmond to receive the spoils, a bottle of Black Sheep, and a hot meal in a canteen area where there was time to talk away the ride waiting for the pros to arrive. I never did meet the pros but what a great end to the season. Many thanks to all involved who made it possible.

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • Cracking day out - glad we decided to go. Our mates from down the A59 (or the "Harrogate Ladies' Bicycling Society" as they shall henceforth be known) wimped out, but we Embsay boys showed up and did battle. Last time I rode up Coverdale it was into a gale and it wasn't much different this time. Grinton Moor was ok, but that climb on the "hard route" was a beast - didn't get off but I think my speed was down to less than 4mph! Just over 5hrs total, about 4:45 riding time - not quick by any means but a really good day.

    Well organised, great feed stop and a challenging route - well done Colomba.
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    Don't know the HLBC Andy. They certainly were not with me. Turning right at Grinton was never an option either. Never used 34/27 so much in one day but I avoided pushing. Just. :D
  • gsk82
    gsk82 Posts: 3,570
    John.T wrote:
    Don't know the HLBC Andy. They certainly were not with me. Turning right at Grinton was never an option either. Never used 34/27 so much in one day but I avoided pushing. Just. :D

    i wish i has a 34 chainring to use. really struggled with some of the climbs and ended up walking the final 2 due to cramp in my quads, but no matter what state i was in i was never going to take the easy route.

    great event, well organised, well stocked feed station, food and drink afterwards and showers. also plenty of friendly people to help drag me along after i fell apart and great to see a race official on a motorbike checking up on people towards the end. will probably do it again next year, but will do some training for it, sort out my brakes before hand and make sure i use a smaller chainring

    i head that thomas and swift dropped out at the feed station
    "Unfortunately these days a lot of people don’t understand the real quality of a bike" Ernesto Colnago
  • Jon8a
    Jon8a Posts: 235
    2nd fastest time according to the results up. :shock: :D Not bad for a first sportive. If I'd have know I was in the running for the fastest time I wouldn't have waited for the guy who eventually beat me at the top of the first big climb.