AFLD Press Conf *spoiler*



  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Those riders with existing conditions will have existing TUEs and any team wanting to bring medication into France has to declare this, it's a rule that all teams know.

    What the bin-rummage revealed was undeclared medication. Perhaps some of it is used innocently but the likes of insulin-related products and blood presure medication go hand in hand with doping.
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    What the unauthorised products should act as are a red flag to the UCI to target their testing towards certain teams and for certain products.

    Oh sorry, I forgot, that would imply that the UCI gave a toss about cleaning up the sport rather than protecting their own probity and that of a few individuals.

    Perhaps the ASO should take control of the testing issue and contract out to a completely neutral agency as the French Open does. Whilst the ridiculous system exists that the sport's governing body tests its own athletes, then the sport will never escape from these kinds of charges.