AFLD Press Conf *spoiler*

iainf72 Posts: 15,784
edited October 2009 in Pro race
I don't really have one but I'm bored.

What are the odds it'll be dull stats about 15% of French athletes being positive something in hair tests but they've not caught any of them with conventional tests....
Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.


  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    How about a sweepstakes - guess the correct number of the 40 riders being retested that will come back positive? (3) 8)
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Pokerface wrote:
    How about a sweepstakes - guess the correct number of the 40 riders being retested that will come back positive? (3) 8)

    OK. I'm in. I'll go with zero.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • josame
    josame Posts: 1,162
    I see your 3 and I raise it! 4
    'Do not compare your bike to others, for always there will be greater and lesser bikes'
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    edited October 2009
    I think AFLD will be reporting the data from the sampling of samples taken in the first half of 2009 across all sports. The 2008 Tour de France retro test samples are likely to come out later.

    Today's AFLD report has always been planned for today and the reheating of the 08 retests has perhaps got some people jumping the gun.

    EDIT: Just as I type, Bordry's just said the number is zero:
    The AFLD's President Pierre Bordry made the announcement at a press conference in Paris and said that the samples of 17 riders had been retested for the presence of third generation Erythropoietin (EPO), CERA. Bordry said that all of the samples had returned negative results.

    “The 17 retested controls were negative. It was not our goal to find anything.” said Bordry, according to German press agency dpa.
  • Bit of good news for a change then!
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

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  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784

    At least the UCI catch people :P
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    phips wrote:
    Kléber wrote:
    The AFLD's President Pierre Bordry made the announcement at a press conference in Paris and said that the samples of 17 riders had been retested for the presence of third generation Erythropoietin (EPO), CERA. Bordry said that all of the samples had returned negative results.

    “The 17 retested controls were negative. It was not our goal to find anything.” said Bordry, according to German press agency dpa.

    So they were only testing for CERA then?

    I believe so so as they would have tested for all the 'other stuff' the first time round. But they have since improved the tests for CERA.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    What happened to the 40 riders they were targeting? Only 17 tested? And I thought results were to come in 2 weeks. It was 2 days!
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Well, that spoils the forum's fun for the next 2 weeks.
  • iainf72 wrote:

    At least the UCI catch people :P

    Pat's week. No doubt about it. He ought to give himself a raise. :P
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    iainf72 wrote:

    At least the UCI catch people :P

    Pat's week. No doubt about it. He ought to give himself a raise. :P

    When Pierre was using language about how they'd definately get some of them, I think McQuaid has just saddled up on the high horse now.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • samb01
    samb01 Posts: 130
    Bummer :(

    We desperately need a test for autologous blood doping.
  • stagehopper
    stagehopper Posts: 1,593
    Pokerface wrote:
    What happened to the 40 riders they were targeting? Only 17 tested? And I thought results were to come in 2 weeks. It was 2 days!

    You do sometimes wonder who exactly is controlling the flow of information out of the AFLD. We get so many contradictory press reports with quotes from various employees.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    samb01 wrote:
    Bummer :(

    We desperately need a test for autologous blood doping.

    Yeah you are right - that'd liven the ProRace forum up.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    samb01 wrote:
    We desperately need a test for autologous blood doping.

    It will change the face of cycling forever if/when they come up with that test.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    How come only one team out of 20 are so dishonest?
  • Dave_1 wrote:
    How come only one team out of 20 are so dishonest?

    Which team is that? CSC?:?
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    Dave_1 wrote:
    How come only one team out of 20 are so dishonest?

    Which team is that? CSC?:?

    No CSC mentioned here ... ur-testing
  • Sorry Dave, got confused.
    I think you are in the wrong thread, though.
    Isn't this one about the 2008 re-test results, when the "A" team weren't there?
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    Sorry Dave, got confused.
    I think you are in the wrong thread, though.
    Isn't this one about the 2008 re-test results, when the "A" team weren't there?

    well with two AFLD theads going and have had a few cans :) , got muddled a little...but , how come it is only a certain one team in Bordy's eyes is my question?
  • The 2008 list made me think of CSC., who could that be?!
    Could it have something to do with the winning, or just big fish?
    Maybe Pierre's still having nightmares about Floyd.....
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    Dave_1 wrote:
    Sorry Dave, got confused.
    I think you are in the wrong thread, though.
    Isn't this one about the 2008 re-test results, when the "A" team weren't there?

    well with two AFLD theads going and have had a few cans :) , got muddled a little...but , how come it is only a certain one team in Bordy's eyes is my question?

    Which team would bring the biggest media attention?

    There's the answer.
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    Actually, if you read the press conference reports in French, a quite different picture emerges. Bordry refers to a number of teams who benefited from less than rigorous procedures by the UCI, it was Verdry who made it clear that Astana, in particular, benefited from 5 star treatment.

    Also interesting is the fact that packaging for products like high blood pressure medication, anticonvulsants for treating bi-polar disorder and insulin secreters were found in the rubbish. For a supposedly healthy sport that's a lot of interesting meds. Yet there's no follow through because, of course, they're not on the banned substance list and none of this raises a red flag with the UCI.
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    micron wrote:
    Actually, if you read the press conference reports in French, a quite different picture emerges. Bordry refers to a number of teams who benefited from less than rigorous procedures by the UCI, it was Verdry who made it clear that Astana, in particular, benefited from 5 star treatment.

    Also interesting is the fact that packaging for products like high blood pressure medication, anticonvulsants for treating bi-polar disorder and insulin secreters were found in the rubbish. For a supposedly healthy sport that's a lot of interesting meds. Yet there's no follow through because, of course, they're not on the banned substance list and none of this raises a red flag with the UCI.

    Thanks, typical English press translating...

    I recently watched the Tour st 18 TT, Contador was taken immediately after he crossed the finish line to dope test, that was apparently not the UCI doing that?

    About the meds found, Contador is a good example, he is epileptic after his brain "damage" and needs medication for his condition (every?) day. I know he has his own team with a doctor following him in every race, to make sure he would not get any seizures.

    The meds found doesn't sound very damning to me, but I know nothing about them, so...
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Schumacher is now insisting the AFLD admi they were wrong with his CERA positive because yesterdays annnoucement shows their test doesn't work

    Good luck with that.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    micron wrote:

    Also interesting is the fact that packaging for products like high blood pressure medication, anticonvulsants for treating bi-polar disorder and insulin secreters were found in the rubbish. For a supposedly healthy sport that's a lot of interesting meds. Yet there's no follow through because, of course, they're not on the banned substance list and none of this raises a red flag with the UCI.

    The team doctors will also be treating the support staff as well as the riders. Its also an open secret that at least one high-profile ProTour rider suffers from bi-polar disorder. So the presence of those materials in the rubbish doesn't necessarliy imply anything untoward.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'