It appears that i quite like my hardtail



  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    it needs a 29.8 but a 30mm will do. I currently have a 28.6mm one stretched on as i couldnt wait any longer and crc sent me the wrong size.

    I orderred 3m of outer for my 16"which was plenty, my advice is order that much.

    Odd what size inserts did you use for the deore mech? there aint a 29.8 option.

    Or is the clamp area a different profile to the rest of the tube?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    the mech is a 28.6 iirc but the clamp is definately suposed to be a 30 ish mm. Im assuming the tube has different diameters, i cant drop the seatpost all the way down so the tube must be different diameters. I did think it strange when i read it required a different mech clamp dia toseat clamp dia but never bothered to investigate further

    Im using too small a clamp at the mo but it doesnt seem to be causing any trouble,

    The new deore mech is very very nice, went on easier than any other mech ive tried in as much as there is no rubbing in any combination, even when crossing the chain. Looks good too
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Sheep, my quote is even more relevant now I suppose :lol:
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Deore front mechs are bloody great.
  • chrisga
    chrisga Posts: 587
    The deore mech i put on had spacer thingys to go inside the clamp to make it fit the frame.
  • supersonic wrote:
    The Summer Season is made from nicked scaffolding ;-)

    mate of mine has one, it rusts like it was made from nicked scaffolding too.

    joking (a bit).... they do rust a bit around the gussets. I think the clearcoat has something to do with it, but it's not a serious amount anyway (from a structural viewpoint) and "adds character" :wink:

    glad you're enjoying it. It's the sort of bike that needs the bollocks thrashed off it
    Everything in moderation ... except beer
    Beer in moderation ... is a waste of beer

    If riding an XC race bike is like touching the trail,
    then riding a rigid singlespeed is like licking it
    ... or being punched by it, depending on the day
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Yeah, On One make a point of telling everyone on the website that the SS will rust, to be fair to them. At the price, if you want one and you're worried it'll rust you could get it powdercoated on day one and it's still a bargain I reckon.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    i like the idea that the rust adds character and as mentioned, its no secret that it will rust a bit.
  • chrisga
    chrisga Posts: 587
    Hi sheepsteeth, finished mine (had a bit of brake problem), so it doesnt have the final one on at the moment but rode it today and love it. Heres mine:


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    nice, they are a whole lot better looking once put together, i thought mine was a bit ugly at first but now its a bike and not a pile of bits, i think it looks good. I love that i even like riding it. I think i feel diferently about it, compared to my usual disdain for ht because it hasnt replaced another bike, just been added to a collection.

    If i had gotten rid of a fs to make room for it i wouldnt like it nearly as muvh and i would feel pressured to like it.

    Also because most folk assumed it would be heavy and therefore a proper pig, i didnt have rose tinted glasses with it and it is a million times better than i expected.

    A bike i hate to this day was my p7, it was heralded as some amazing bit of kit in all the reviews and for a while i believed the hype but i realised i just plain didnt like it, this was accelerated by my high expectations which werent met.

    I like the inbred so much that id be tempted to invest in a more refined frame but there is every chance the same wluld happen as did with the p7.

    One final point for this ever lengthening post, ive always "hated" ht bikes but if you look through my responses on the ht/fs subject ive always conceded that ht bikes have their place. Also if you look through my bike history, ive had plenty of them, certainly enough to be able to draw a qualified impartial opinion.

    My opinion is still that fs is better than ht but i love that ive found a ht which suits. Ive been away from my inbred all weekend and even though i have bought my stumpy and enduro back down to chatham with me, im proper looking forward to taking the on*one out after work tomorrow, what the hell is wrong with me???????
  • I really want to try a SS back to back against my 456. with similar kit. It'd be interesting if you could tell the difference.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I think you would - that slacker head angle would be quite noticable I would have thought.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    woud be an interesting experiment, im confident id notice the difference in head angles but id like to see the difference in ride and weight
  • Hang on, thinking about the difference between my 456 at 110 and 140mm which is like 1.5 degs, the summer slacker must feel so slow! i run a 50mm stem on mine and it's nice... but 66.6 deg that's just mental!

    Must get a frame as an experiment now. Must descend like a loon (or maybe a barge)! I can imagine why you like it sheepsteeth...

    I doubt you'd notice the weight difference really.