Breathing getting slower

Soni Posts: 1,217
edited September 2009 in Training, fitness and health
I've lost quite a bit of weight over the last 4 months, and i ride every morning around 20 miles with a lot of very steep hills.

My blood pressure has dropped to around 115/75 from 140odd/95ish, and my heart rate has dropped from around 70ish to between 50-55bpm.

However, without realising until yesterday, my breathing has also got a lot lot slower and quieter, somthing i didn't really think about.

I was on a train yesterday commuting back from London and put my head back for a snooze, i suddenly realised that my breathing is a lot lot quieter and much slower than it used to be, and then again today on the tube i noticed the same thing whilst standing....

I suppose when you think about it as your heart requires less beating to pump the same volume of blood around the body as you get fitter, hence the lower heart rate, the lungs also require less work due to them enlarging and take in the required amount of oxygen without as much effort? :?

I really have never thought about the breathing side of things as an indicator of fitness. :oops:
