Big Tex's comeback analysed



  • bompington wrote:
    I thought you were working and/or riding your bike...
    Chapeau. Now you've got me

    Trapped in his clever web. Hoisted by your own petard!
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Do you suppose that a self-hoisting petard could be used as some kind of hill-climbing aid?
  • RedJohn
    RedJohn Posts: 272
    What is a petard anyway?

    How does one get hoist with it?
  • A petard was, i'm led to believe, some sort of early hand grenade (edit: It was actually an explosive charge secured to the wall of a fortification) pioneered by the French. They were notoriously unreliable and often went off before the hapless soldier had a chance to throw it/ clear the area, thus they were hoisted etc etc.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • RedJohn
    RedJohn Posts: 272
    Ah, that's interesting, thanks :-)
  • RedJohn
    RedJohn Posts: 272
    Do you happen to know what a Brass Monkey is? Something else I've often wondered - I'd heard a story about a rack for storing cannonballs, but I've been assured that's not true.

    Have to pop out for lunch now, but this has the makings of an interesting discussion.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    I know many people find it difficult to come to terms with facts and get hot and bothered when I show them. Why this is I cannot understand.

    bompington wrote:
    But if you want rational debate, I could point out that you have indeed posted a lot of facts, many of which no-one would disagree with; but a lot of us would disagree with the meaning, significance or interpretations of these facts. The reason you attract such heated oppostion and, yes, ridicule, is that you appear to attribute to your own interpretations of the facts the same weight as the facts themselves.

    ...absolutely bompington, thats how I see it too...

    Also, as for the topic itself...

    I don't get the big deal on the results myself. He's come back, broken a collar bone hence making his season get off to a less than ideal start, did okay in the Giro and came 3rd in the TDF?? That seems pretty good to me. I think most of the peloton would have been happy with a result like that?

    He's always going to get lots of attention, he's won more TDFs than anyone else in history and that's that. Let's face it he was never going to be 'just another rider' this year, he's the highest profile rider in history.

    So, pretty good effort. Just the same as any rider who has ever made the podium of one of the greatest cycle races in the world? None of us could do it.

    Don't like him myself though, and not that I know him, same as everyone here, but Ive seen and read enough about his actions and attitude ...I simply dont like him because I believe most of his tour wins were done dirty, because, by circumstance of widespread doping if nothing else, I believe 100% that anyone who was going to win in 'his era' so dominently was going to be a doper. He doped. He knows it. But I don't dislike him for doping as so many were/still are... I just can't stand the flimsy, stupid way he has denied it over the years and the disgusting way in which he treated others who wanted to take an anti-doping stance, ridiculous behavior for a 'champion', a terrible role-model for the sport by that account.

    He's a fantastically talented cyclist though I don't think there's much denying that.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    bompington wrote:
    Lance is not mentioned in the title. Big Tex is a nickname for him known only by some
    I cracked the code! I'm really chuffed, it must mean I'm a Real Cyclist. And look at how my post count is going up!

    I am sorry bud ok so you cracked the self confessed Maths experts's enigma code but you aint no real cyclist you gotta have a post count that runs into 4 figures and post in the following months January,February,March,April,May,June,September,October,November,December. Do that and then get back to us and we may just may begin to take you seriously :wink:
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • Lance Lovers strike again. Unite, hold hands and feel comforted.

    I'll leave you to it.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Lance Lovers strike again. Unite, hold hands and feel comforted.

    I'll leave you to it.

    I don't love lance... A number of people posting and disagreeing with you here have gone out of their way to state they don not care for Armstrong. But you just scream "fanboy" and run away. I thought you enjoyed vigourous debate?
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Hmmm... I just said I don't like the guy either... I can't see a big bunch of 'lover' posts or whatever he calls them between his last two posts?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Lance Lovers strike again. Unite, hold hands and feel comforted.

    I'll leave you to it.

    But they aren't Lance Lovers - they are people who can look at his results without prejudice one way or the other and say "he's done pretty well". He's done better than I thought he would.

    The problem is you started this thread so you could indulge in some more Lance-bashing, thinking others would join in and it just hasn't happened. As a result you've got annoyed and started with the name calling and PMs. All you've done is made yourself look a bit silly.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    edited September 2009
    Lance Lovers strike again. Unite, hold hands and feel comforted.

    I'll leave you to it.

    I suspect when you have reached puberty you may be able to handle these debates a bit better rather than running off and screaming foul.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • bsm2dj
    bsm2dj Posts: 26
    edited September 2009
    Spread the love!

    [Am I actually allowed to post in here since my post count is so low?] :shock:
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    RedJohn wrote:
    Do you happen to know what a Brass Monkey is? Something else I've often wondered - I'd heard a story about a rack for storing cannonballs, but I've been assured that's not true.

    Have to pop out for lunch now, but this has the makings of an interesting discussion.

    Nowt to do with cold testicles apparently
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    If it was ANY other rider making a comeback, it would be considered an excellent season - wins or no wins. Look at it that way and argue on....
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    bsm2dj wrote:
    Spread the love!

    [Am I actually allowed to post in here since my post count is so low?] :shock:

    No p*ss off :wink:
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    How old is FF by the way? Does anyone know? I dont mean that in any prejudice way, but perhaps he's young and v. opinionated?
  • No p*ss off

    Oh! :wink:
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Moray Gub wrote:
    I am sorry bud ok so you cracked the self confessed Maths experts's enigma code but you aint no real cyclist you gotta have a post count that runs into 4 figures and post in the following months January,February,March,April,May,June,September,October,November,December. Do that and then get back to us and we may just may begin to take you seriously :wink:

    Oh dear and I and many others thought I was a real Lunatic Cyclist. (I obey the rules of the road with Red Lights etc)

    Now let me get this right that I read the first page here and other bits also.
    You seem to be arguing the merits of two riders (a pair of Plonkers) whose Palmares are quite insignificant with the great riders of the past.
    So is that how you get your Post count so high. ???
    See you at Het Volk (old name, don't bother) next year .! !
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • deejay wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    I am sorry bud ok so you cracked the self confessed Maths experts's enigma code but you aint no real cyclist you gotta have a post count that runs into 4 figures and post in the following months January,February,March,April,May,June,September,October,November,December. Do that and then get back to us and we may just may begin to take you seriously :wink:

    Oh dear and I and many others thought I was a real Lunatic Cyclist. (I obey the rules of the road with Red Lights etc)

    Now let me get this right that I read the first page here and other bits also.
    You seem to be arguing the merits of two riders (a pair of Plonkers) whose Palmares are quite insignificant with the great riders of the past.
    So is that how you get your Post count so high. ???
    See you at Het Volk (old name, don't bother) next year .! !

    Nb Moray was joking... Based on an earlier thread where French Fighter opined that only people with low post coutns defended Armstrong.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
  • Monkeypump
    Monkeypump Posts: 1,528
    Moray Gub wrote:
    Not too sure why some people think his poor performance as listed above is good or better than expected. I would expect someone capable of winning 7 Tours on the trot to be performing significantly better. If you are naturally gifted it should still be there.

    Sometimes you let your feelings for Lance cloud your judgement and this is one of those occasions.

    Yes indeed, I couldn't agree more.

    When I saw 'analysis' in the thread title, I thought this would be a fact-based analysis, not quite so heavily biased. Damn my naivety!

    Funny though, very funny.
  • Monkeypump
    Monkeypump Posts: 1,528
    mfin wrote:
    How old is FF by the way? Does anyone know? I dont mean that in any prejudice way, but perhaps he's young and v. opinionated?

    Funnily enough, I thought he was older and 'stuck in his ways' :)
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    deejay wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    I am sorry bud ok so you cracked the self confessed Maths experts's enigma code but you aint no real cyclist you gotta have a post count that runs into 4 figures and post in the following months January,February,March,April,May,June,September,October,November,December. Do that and then get back to us and we may just may begin to take you seriously :wink:

    Oh dear and I and many others thought I was a real Lunatic Cyclist. (I obey the rules of the road with Red Lights etc)

    Now let me get this right that I read the first page here and other bits also.
    You seem to be arguing the merits of two riders (a pair of Plonkers) whose Palmares are quite insignificant with the great riders of the past.
    So is that how you get your Post count so high. ???
    See you at Het Volk (old name, don't bother) next year .! !

    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Monkeypump wrote:
    mfin wrote:
    How old is FF by the way? Does anyone know? I dont mean that in any prejudice way, but perhaps he's young and v. opinionated?

    Funnily enough, I thought he was older and 'stuck in his ways' :)

    Naa. I think he/she might still be on stabilizers!

    Don't get how you can start a thread blatantly anti-lance then get fidgety when people dont take it as seriously and start saying its impressive coming 3rd in the TDF after 3 years off and the collarbone at 38. Love Lance, hate Lance, don't care either way, its still pretty impressive to most of us.

    Fact is. Getting 3rd does prove he's pretty damn good (even for an obnoxious, possibly ex-doper ...only being 'possibly' about the 'ex' bit there). I don't think many people could make a return of that kind of quality at that age?
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Yeah, not a great attempt at 'saving' the forum, this thread.

    I sincerely think that if one really disliked Armstrong, the most potent thing to do is simply ignore him. After all, he probably IS reading this :wink:

    Strava is not Zen.
  • RedJohn wrote:
    Do you happen to know what a Brass Monkey is? Something else I've often wondered - I'd heard a story about a rack for storing cannonballs, but I've been assured that's not true.

    Have to pop out for lunch now, but this has the makings of an interesting discussion.

    You're right about the brass monkey being a store for cannon balls.
    The well known phrase "cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey" comes from the era of the Napoleonic wars etc, the fact being that when the temperature dropped below a certain threshold, the iron cannon balls (which were supposedly stacked on a brass holder) had a greater differential rate of contraction and therefore popped out from their position. Hence the phrase.

    It could be bu**s**t tho............................. :wink:
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    calvjones wrote:
    Yeah, not a great attempt at 'saving' the forum, this thread.

    I sincerely think that if one really disliked Armstrong, the most potent thing to do is simply ignore him. After all, he probably IS reading this :wink:
    Oh no, I've been spotted! [alpe d'huez look] Right, I'm coming to get you now [/alpe d'huez look]