Anyone else doing the Manc 100 tomorrow?

Squillinossett Posts: 1,678
Well its my first 100, so best of luck to anyone else who is doing it as according to met, were going to be in for some pretty awful weather!


  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    I'm signed up for this ride too. 7am start.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • Im on the 7am start as well, doing it on my own :(
  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,741
    I was entered but I ripped the skin off my knee the other week when mountain biking so I've given the entry to my brother, if you see a guy on a pale blue ali planet X then that's him

    also the old dude and daughter on the tandem trike are my uncle and cousin

    wish I was doing it :(

    best wishes all
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    I am number 602..Hoping to be off for about 7.20
  • jrab
    jrab Posts: 99
    Was thinking to do it with a couple of mates but they both dropped out. Might still do it, entry-on-the-day - keeping an eye on weather forecast as there seems a better chance of being dry by staying in Yorkshire and doing the Evans Ride-It instead.....!

    Keen on the idea of getting a century (miles) in the bank though, Evans is "only" 73 miles, but pretty hilly.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Couldn't get the shift off work :(
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    yeh, hoping to enter tomorrow. Weather looks ok for the morning and early afternoon. I'm aiming to be there for 7am and I really want to finish in under 6 hours. Good luck all :-)
  • Im there as well rider No 189 and 7.20 start, that reminds me I need to go fill in all the paperwork needed....

    Poppet, what are you wearing? erm perhaps I should rephrase that, what do you intent to wear tomorrow with the weather being cooler now. I'm thinking of a long sleeve jersey with bibshorts for myself.

    Wow post number 200, I am a talkative person aint I! :lol:
  • Ill be wearing just bibshorts, long sleeve base layer and SS Jersey.

    Cant decide if I will put some overshoes on just in case?!?!

    Im number 110 btw, and ill be starting at 7am
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    I'll be there too. #1 hoping to start between 7.00 - 7.30.
  • Ill be wearing just bibshorts, long sleeve base layer and SS Jersey

    Now that's an idea I didn't think of :D
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Ill be wearing just bibshorts, long sleeve base layer and SS Jersey.

    Cant decide if I will put some overshoes on just in case?!?!

    Im number 110 btw, and ill be starting at 7am

    yeh, I was going for that as well. With either gilet on or jacket stuffed in my pocket. Maybe my toe covers on too.
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    It's 13/14 degrees C tomorrow. Bit cold for bare legs I'd say.
  • Im doing it with my nephew. Well, Im setting off with him and probably seeing him at the end, hes a bit quick for me. We are turning up as early as possible and registering on the day. I aim to break 5.30, my nephew will probably break 4.30 if not 4hrs.

    I hope to finish this time as last time I attempted it 2 years ago my wife went into labour when I was half way round and had to leave. And I missed the birth!!
  • popette wrote:
    Ill be wearing just bibshorts, long sleeve base layer and SS Jersey.

    Cant decide if I will put some overshoes on just in case?!?!

    Im number 110 btw, and ill be starting at 7am

    yeh, I was going for that as well. With either gilet on or jacket stuffed in my pocket. Maybe my toe covers on too.

    I dont have toe covers, only full overshoes, so might have to roll with them
  • Wappygixer
    Wappygixer Posts: 1,396
    I was going for the aero thong, I have shaven
  • gb155
    gb155 Posts: 2,048
    Yup, Im heading to the start pretty soon, good luck everyone
    On a Mission to lose 20 stone..Get My Life Back

    December 2007 - 39 Stone 05 Lbs

    July 2011 - 13 Stone 12 Lbs - Cycled 17851 Miles
    Now the hard work starts.
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    Good weather,good marshalling. Would do it again. Got round in 5hrs17mins.
    Quite a competetive event tho' the 100 miler. There was even a sprint finish at the end!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Managed 5.36 total time - quite chuffed with that. As you say Sturmey, the marshalling and signage was great - probably the best I've seen on a sportive. I don't think there was ever a moment where I wondered if I'd gone off course. First half was coasting along in some great groups. After the stop, I rode alone for the pretty much the whole 45 miles. My legs felt like lead and when a groups started going past again, there just wasn't anything there to try to jump on the back. Weather was good too. I feel great now.

    Hope to come back again next year.
  • Well I managed 5:32, exc the stop (only took 10 mins, naughty naughty) so a 5:42 in total.

    Really pleased and had a jolly good day. Got with a good pack at the start and kept with them until we hit the "half way" check point. I couldnt keep up with them for much longer after this so finished the last 30 miles on my own!

    Well organized event, will deffo be doing more
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    Considering how relatively well organised it was I didn't object to paying the entry fee despite these funds apparently not going to charity.
    Someone had to pay for the marshalls and the other people helping on the day.
  • It was well organized. In fact it was perfect, couldn't have been better. Thanks to the organizers. 8)
  • Marko1962
    Marko1962 Posts: 320
    edited September 2009
    My little team managed 5.51 so quite chuffed at that since this was our first 100. Would have been 10 minutes or so better but kept getting stuck behind cars for a good few miles, but I suppose that was a problem that affected most riders, also most of the traffic lights saw us coming and changed to red grrr.

    Route was OK quite flat except for a few small hills around Delemere, but even though it seemed quite flat according to BikeHike there was still 3400ft climbing. Drank and ate well so didn't suffer from any cramps but legs did start to get sore at around 85 miles.

    All in all it was a good experience :)
  • Finished in 6.03hrs. Not happy!! Soon as I started I didnt feel good, ive had a heavy cold all week and not been on the bike for 3 weeks. To top it all I missed out on 6hrs by 3 bloody minutes. Average speed of 16.6mph probably isnt too bad considering I rode 98 miles of it by myself. My nephew managed 5hrs and 3 secs. He is even more fed up than me!!
  • gb155
    gb155 Posts: 2,048
    I did the 100k in 4 hrs 30 mins, Next year I will be pushing tp do the 100 mile
    On a Mission to lose 20 stone..Get My Life Back

    December 2007 - 39 Stone 05 Lbs

    July 2011 - 13 Stone 12 Lbs - Cycled 17851 Miles
    Now the hard work starts.
  • skinsey
    skinsey Posts: 105
    Did the 100 miles today in 5h 14m, which I was happy with, given all the lights & general busy-ness, particularly on the final run in. I started with some mates who were doing the 100km, so didn't get away till 8.30, and really wish I'd got off earlier to benefit from an hour's extra quietness on the roads (cars not riders!).

    Couple of things. First, yes, the proliferation of marshalls and signage was excellent - as has already been said, there was never a moments doubt as to whether you were in the right place. Second, on the 100 mile route just before where it crossed the A51 at Tilstone Fearnall there was a nasty looking incident involving a female rider - paramedic and ambulance in attendance - and the poor girl was in a neck brace with a blood-streaked face. Hope she's ok - anyone any news?
  • Infamous
    Infamous Posts: 1,130
    Saw hundreds of you lot going the other way whilst on the club run, also saw the ambulance with the girl in.
  • Humph
    Humph Posts: 31
    Was hoping to do my 1st 100 mile today but was one of our cycling mates baby's christening at 1 so had to settle for the 100k in 3-25 and quick turnaround into suit and church. Births permitting go for 100m next year as organisation very good again.
    PS hope incident not serious.
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    I felt a little bit sorry for the bloke who followed me off junction 3a of the M56 this morning.
    I had intended to leave my car outside my sister's house in Sale and ride the 3 and a bit
    miles to Wythenshaw Park. The bloke had followed me all the way and was absolutely
    gutted when I told him I was parking up and then riding to the start. I'm sure he would have
    got there eventually.

    Oh, 5 hrs 54 total time (5 hrs 30 riding time).