


  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dougzz wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    When I was a boy playing baseball I thought that the New York Yankees were just the greatest. They seemed to always win it all. Whipping up on everyone. I was a true fan
    at that age. Strange part of it was that, outside of New Yorkers, I seemed to be fairly alone in my Yankee fan club. Everyone else sort of hated them because they won so much. And they would tell you that's why they hated them. To this day I still find that a
    little strange and inexplicable, at least to me. Comments?????

    Hi Denis,

    We've clashed before on LA and agreed to disagree so I'll not comment on that directly. But I think your analogy is flawed. People outside NYC typically hate the Yankees because they represent the money element that has destroyed the ideal of an equal playing field. The Yankees pay A-Rod more than the the entire Tampa payroll of a couple of years ago. How can Pittsburgh or Cincinnati compete? They have a great record this year but they've not won the Series for a while and that's despite the massive payroll. You may read this as a dig at LA but Baseball analogies are bound to invite drug related comments given the huge problem that sport has had with drugs, even now there's denial. How can you consider the records of Sosa and McGuire to be valid?

    PS. To save the need for some obvious replies, I don't care if it's a cycling forum I'll comment on whatever I like :)

    You do bring up a good point about "buying" titles in various sporting events and people do seem to have a certain dislike(for lack of a better word)of the rich. Rich, for me, has always been a sort of relative thing.Even if you're poor in a rich country you're richer than a good percentage of the worlds population.
    As for drugs in baseball, it doesn't surprise me at all. Just like cycling, or any sport, some people will do what they can to get an edge.