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  • ...she says people should wear helmets. But you disagree. So she does involve herself with cycling issues but it's ones you disagree with and as such doesn't count. Am I about right?
    Yes, she has 'involved herself with cycling issues' in pretty much the same way as petrol heads arguing that cyclists shouldn't be allowed on the road unless they wear a helmet involve themselves with cycling issues. Doubtless you would say that such people are 'entitled to their opinion'.

    Arguing that the way to approach the failure of drivers to take proper observations is to 'encourage' cyclists to wear flimsy polystyrene hats in no way serves the interests of cyclists. For example, just look at those recent cases where the courts have effectively ruled that if a non-helmet wearing cyclist is run down by an errant driver it is just as legitimate to blame the cyclist for their injuries as it is the driver.
  • ...she says people should wear helmets. But you disagree. So she does involve herself with cycling issues but it's ones you disagree with and as such doesn't count. Am I about right?
    Yes, she has 'involved herself with cycling issues' in pretty much the same way as petrol heads arguing that cyclists shouldn't be allowed on the road unless they wear a helmet involve themselves with cycling issues. Doubtless you would say that such people are 'entitled to their opinion'.


    Erm yeah, I would. I would pretty much argue taht everyone is entitled to their opinion in whatever boneheaded manner they wish. It's up to those with more detailed knowledge to persuade or demonstrate to them that a better way exists if they wish to change things.

    And in that spirit, I think this is one of those matters which, despite agreeing helmets should not be forced on people, you and I will have to agree to disagree on!
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • Children,children.....will you pack it in,please?
    so many cols,so little time!