Turbo Training routines

ThreeLionsBrian Posts: 134
edited September 2009 in Training, fitness and health
I have an Elite inertia trainer, i find it impossible to push the gears suggested in many places and that is set on the easy position. Does anyone know where i can get some specific programs for the elite inertia trainers. Any help welcome.


  • A couple I use


    6 x 4 minutes (at 89-94% MHR) - *3 minute rests* between each.

    It may take a couple of intervals to reach target HR zone so use 'feel' to know if your at the correct intensity for the first couple.


    6 minutes with 40 second hard bursts at 1,3 and 5 minutes
    *3 minutes rest*
    7 minutes with 40 second hard bursts at 2,4 and 6 minutes
    *3 minutes rest*
    8 minutes with 20 second hard bursts every minute.
    -Time between 'hard bursts' should be spent at moderate intensity-

    Ofcourse you have your standard warm up and cool down,especially since these two sessions are pretty intense.
  • You might want to try this website aswell. http://www.turbotraining.co.uk
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    An email I got sent recently:
    Here's a good turbo program I have designed.

    --- START ---
    - 5 minutes warmup, standing by the radiator.
    - At 60% max HR, remove bicycle from turbo trainer.
    - For 3 minutes, replace front wheel.
    - 5 minutes recovery time, while you sell turbo trainer on ebay.
    - For 1 minute, go at a steady pace as you package up the turbo trainer.
    - Argue with wife about the $1000 you're going to spend on the new bike. Go as hard as you can so you achieve your max HR.
    - Quick 1 minute recovery while you fill up water bottles.
    - Go out and ride your bike like a real cyclist.
    --- END ---