Cycling Mysteries

Flanker37 Posts: 70
edited September 2009 in The bottom bracket
just for a bit of fun here are 2 of mine:

1. why is it that when you are walking or cycling through a spiders web, it is always at eye level
2. why when you are on a really long ride does your willy shrivel right up to near nothing, and you think WTF! when you need a pee.

if you have any more feel free to share your woes with us


  • DevUK
    DevUK Posts: 299
    Here's one - Why do I always seem to have a head wind when going too and comming from work?
    FCN Daily commute = 11
    FCN Fixie commute = 5
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    Flanker37 wrote:
    2. why when you are on a really long ride does your willy shrivel right up to near nothing, and you think WTF! when you need a pee.

    Also, you can usually guarantee that you'll need a wee when (a) there isn't a public loo for miles and (b) there's no convenient greenery to hide behind either.

    Oh, and why do rain showers always come on shortly after you've left the house, but not until you're far enough from the front door to ensure that turning back to collect your waterproofs will make you late for work? :?

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • iainment
    iainment Posts: 992
    DevUK wrote:
    Here's one - Why do I always seem to have a head wind when going too and comming from work?

    Because you are usually cycling faster than any tailwind or into a headwind.
    Old hippies don't die, they just lie low until the laughter stops and their time comes round again.
    Joseph Gallivan
  • Wallace1492
    Wallace1492 Posts: 3,707
    Why does that worrying clicking noise stop when I get off my bike and try and locate the source.
    Why do the lights turn green just as I have completely stopped and put a foot down.
    Why do my feet not clip in when on a really busy stretch of road, but snap in efforlessly when pootling along a deserted country lane.
    "Encyclopaedia is a fetish for very small bicycles"
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I'm rubbish, so why do I bother?
  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    Why do people who have started to cross the road, and then have just spotted you out of the corner of their eye (or after a shout of "Oi!"), then commence to do the "I'm not sure which way I'm going to move now" dance? :?
    Cycling weakly
  • Why are nettles always elbow and bare calf height?

    Why at 6ft, 14st and in hi-viz clothing am I still invisible to most drivers :roll: :wink:
    Pain is only weakness leaving the body
  • bobpzero
    bobpzero Posts: 1,431
    why does jim walker have to make it near impossible to get spare parts for speedplay zero pedals sent over to a bike shop in northern ireland that is actually easy to get to.
    why are the best cycling mechanics always a long drive away.

    (its like that & thats the way it is :lol: )
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    NapoleonD wrote:
    I'm rubbish, so why do I bother?

    Are you comparing yourself to someone like Lance Armstrong?
  • Why is my wife always miles behing :x
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    DevUK wrote:
    Here's one - Why do I always seem to have a head wind when going too and comming from work?

    I doesn't seem that way. It IS that way.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Why is it that when I decide to take a bite out of a power bar and a sip of water that
    an 18 wheel dump truck carrying boulders comes by me, on the narrowest part of the road, at 80 MPH, blasting his horn. And he was nowhere in sight when I started this, often difficult, procedure of riding and eating. Add to that the fact that I am usually miles
    from anywhere on a obscure country road.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    iainment wrote:
    DevUK wrote:
    Here's one - Why do I always seem to have a head wind when going too and comming from work?

    Because you are usually cycling faster than any tailwind or into a headwind.

    There s no such thing as a tailwind Dev - only headwinds and good days!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • lfcquin
    lfcquin Posts: 470
    Where does all the rubber go that wears off my tyres? Come to think of it where does all the rubber go that wears off everyone's tyres!
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Flanker37 wrote:
    just for a bit of fun here are 2 of mine:

    1. why is it that when you are walking or cycling through a spiders web, it is always at eye level
    2. why when you are on a really long ride does your willy shrivel right up to near nothing, and you think WTF! when you need a pee.

    if you have any more feel free to share your woes with us

    Why do owners of snarling vicious dogs all seem to say hes ok he will not bite he's harmless as he getting ready to take a chunk out of your leg as you cycle past !
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • LMAO, yeah this is a good thread, keep em coming,

    I can sympathize with some of these, especially the nettles, & the hi-viz story... I've almost been under a bus twice at the same roundabout wearing a workmens hi-viz bomber jacket in the winter.

    And i think some sneaky fellows at the skunkworks are trialing new stealth technology on my bike without telling me. I only had my right handlebar mirror obliterated by a taxi 4 weeks ago.

    here's another one

    why do your expensive puncture proof tires (sic) get a puncture when you forget to pack your repair kit
  • White Line
    White Line Posts: 887
    Flanker37 wrote:
    2. why when you are on a really long ride does your willy shrivel right up to near nothing, and you think WTF! when you need a pee.
    Only when I'm in a swimming pool. :?
    Why do the lights turn green just as I have completely stopped and put a foot down.
    Why do my feet not clip in when on a really busy stretch of road, but snap in effortlessly when pootling along a deserted country lane.
    Because it's either that or falling due to toe overlap.

    This is soon to happen to me as I'm switching from SPD to SPD SL tomorrow. :D
  • Sirius631
    Sirius631 Posts: 991
    Flanker37 wrote:
    1. why is it that when you are walking or cycling through a spiders web, it is always at eye level
    2. why when you are on a really long ride does your willy shrivel right up to near nothing, and you think WTF! when you need a pee.
    In answer to both of these, go on a nude country walk. You will find that cobb webs are everywhere, it is just that you only feel them against bare skin. You will also find that your willy shrivels up in the cold, not just on long rides. :twisted:
    To err is human, but to make a real balls up takes a super computer.
  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    freehub wrote:
    NapoleonD wrote:
    I'm rubbish, so why do I bother?

    Are you comparing yourself to someone like Lance Armstrong?

    No, he isn't, I suspect he speaks for all of us weekend warriors. :(
    Where the neon madmen climb
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Why did Giro put bee and wasp attracting agents inside my helmet?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Why, on some days, I put loads of effort in and seem to go slower, then other days I defy physics and pedal effortlessly at a good pace for hours?
  • mingmong
    mingmong Posts: 542
    Why is it, the narrower the tyre of the passerby on the other side of the road, the less likelyhood of a wave back?
  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    Why do you only notice that you've cycled over a dog t*rd after you've wheeled the bike all the way through the house?
    Cycling weakly
    CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
    What happened to all the roadside smut-mags?*

    *I ask in the spirit of investigation - not in a 'Bah, another wasted journey' frustrated sense
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    CHRISNOIR wrote:
    What happened to all the roadside smut-mags?*

    *I ask in the spirit of investigation - not in a 'Bah, another wasted journey' frustrated sense

    Victims of the rise in online smut?

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • timb64
    timb64 Posts: 248
    CHRISNOIR wrote:
    What happened to all the roadside smut-mags?*

    *I ask in the spirit of investigation - not in a 'Bah, another wasted journey' frustrated sense

  • andrewjoseph
    andrewjoseph Posts: 2,165
    Why is my wife always miles behing :x

    'cos you're a selfish bugger who can't be bothered to wait for someone you supposedly 'love' :roll: ?
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    Why is there always a strong headwind when you're A. Tired or B. In a hurry? :cry:
  • Why is my wife always miles behing :x

    'cos you're a selfish bugger who can't be bothered to wait for someone you supposedly 'love' :roll: ?

    It's phsycological - the slower I go, the slower she goes.
  • Why is it that when I'm feeling good, I can go days and not see another cyclist, but when I'm feeling knackered they all come out of hiding and my pride forces me to bury myself to claim their scalps/preserve mine?
    N00b commuter with delusions of competence

    FCN 11 - If you scalp me, do I not bleed?