Cavendish and Armstrong in Scotland...........A coincidence?



  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    dennisn wrote:

    I agree with what you say, but you're talking the "conventional wisdom". Yet in this years TDF the conventional wisdom said that LA & AC would ruin each others chances of winning because the team wouldn't know who to follow........and yet. Conventional wisdom out the window there.

    Really? I don't recall that being the case. Most of the conventional wisdom I saw thought that Contador would ride away from everyone one he got anywhere near an uphill slope.

    People might have thought there were going to be issues, and possibly a power struggle in the team, and they turned out to be right too. But I don't many people were tipping neither of them to win.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    dennisn wrote:
    Not trying to sound nasty but I defy you to find someone, anyone, to whom more money
    is not the key factor in life:
    I think there are very few people who are not influenced by "more money" at all; but actually there are quite a lot of us who are satisfied with what we've got. I have enough skills and qualifications to earn twice what I do (I'm a teacher), but it's not worth it to me.
    When it comes down to people who have succeeded in sport, the sheer amount of effort they have to put in - for year after year - before they get anywhere near big money would take a capacity for delayed gratification that seems pretty unlikely to me.
    It has to be sheer competitiveness that gets them to the top - epo-aholic may well be right that once they get there, the money can start to interfere.
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    epo-aholic wrote:
    I'm pretty sure he wouldn't sign with radioshak as he's on a good thing with HTC built around him but you never know......and i didn't ask!

    I'm the same, i meet famous people quite regularly and just treat them as 'normal customers' but Cav was different.....dont get me wrong i didn't ask for an autograph and get a photo taken or anything, i just congratulated him on his achievements this year and let him know he was great to watch, he looked genuinely chuffed and a wee bit embarrassed to be honest, he defo didn't come across as arrogant as the media seem to portray him (i didn't expect him to be like that either btw)

    He asked me what sort of cycling i did, etc.

    100% great guy!

    He sounds like a total leg-end! :) Always nice to hear..

    As for the Cav/RadioShack idea- I don't think so! Cav has said numerous times about how good a team Columbia HTC is. It's practically built around the man, and he stated that if they continue to be the strongest team, that's where he'll be. RadioShack will be strong. But the strongest? I'm a Lance fan, but I'm a realist. RS won't be the strongest team- especially for Cav. Surely it will contain more climbers than lead-out men...
  • For info, Cavendish was in Scotland to send off 100 riders taking part in the Right to Play Edinburgh to London Challenge Ride.

    Here he is with Miss Scotland.
    Photo by: Peter Kelly
    Contador is the Greatest
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    Caption competition.... Cavendish to Miss Scotland....
    You wanna use leg warmers, helps avoid corned beef legs
  • Tusher will be devestated when she see's that! :lol:
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Quite, Roscobob- at least I can remember to put my trousers/skirt on in the morning.

    He's probably checking to see if she remembered her knickers.
  • Tusher wrote:

    He's probably checking to see if she remembered her knickers.

    Judging by the smile on Bingo's face, I think we all know the answer to that one....
    Let's close our eyes and see what happens
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    Tusher wrote:

    He's probably checking to see if she remembered her knickers.

    Judging by the smile on Bingo's face, I think we all know the answer to that one....

    Judging by the gasp on Miss Scotlands face I'm wondering what's happened to the saddle.