Rapha Condor feedback



  • stevev
    stevev Posts: 18
    Gazzaputt wrote:
    stevev did you point him towards this thread? I would.

    Absolutely shocking reading all this feedback.

    I agree sounds like a blatant rip off

    the guy is a hotel owner in blackpool...

    rapha condor shouldn't have outsourced it without maintaining some quality control

    go over his head straight to condor cycles and rapha clothing

    Now that throws an interesting twist to things :roll:
  • Rich.H
    Rich.H Posts: 443
    Very surprised to read about this. I would have expected an event "run" by Rapha / Condor to be top notch.

    The very least that should happen is that those who contact Rapha / Condor with feedback should receive a money off / discount voucher to spend at Rapha / Condor. This would be a goodwill gesture that has the potential to benefit all parties...

  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    A well organised sportive should be able to provide signage, minimum marshalling, timing chips, insurance and 2-3 well stocked feeding stations for 20 pounds. If it's not meant to be for profit, the 20 include also a charity contribution.
    Goodie bags, lunch at the end and other amenities are an extra.
    29 pounds for a non timed event (timing chips cost roughly 7 pound each to rent for the organiser) is a rip off. That unless they contribute heavily to a charity, but being a ride sponsored by a commercial brand I very much doubt.
    left the forum March 2023
  • cedargreen
    cedargreen Posts: 189
    The reply from Damon Warnes states that a timing chip was going to be provided with a minimum of 1500 riders, but with only 250 entries it wasn't viable.

    Sounds like they got far fewer entries than anticipated and had to make cutbacks. It's probably something of a catch 22- a low price will encourage entries but won't generate much cash, a higher price will put people off.

    Perhaps they should have been upfront about having to reduce the scale of the event, but this might have resulted in people cancelling, reducing numbers to the point where it would have to be cancelled.

    A couple of years ago I rode the Ardechoise in France- superb organisation but it usually gets around 15,000 entrants and is supported by regional government as a way of boosting tourism. Haven't ridden any UK sportives but it sounds like this one at least is struggling to achieve the number of entries needed to make it viable.

    What would make sportives more attractive to maximize the number of entrants?
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    cedargreen wrote:
    The reply from Damon Warnes states that a timing chip was going to be provided with a minimum of 1500 riders, but with only 250 entries it wasn't viable.

    Sounds like they got far fewer entries than anticipated and had to make cutbacks. It's probably something of a catch 22- a low price will encourage entries but won't generate much cash, a higher price will put people off.

    Perhaps they should have been upfront about having to reduce the scale of the event, but this might have resulted in people cancelling, reducing numbers to the point where it would have to be cancelled.

    A couple of years ago I rode the Ardechoise in France- superb organisation but it usually gets around 15,000 entrants and is supported by regional government as a way of boosting tourism. Haven't ridden any UK sportives but it sounds like this one at least is struggling to achieve the number of entries needed to make it viable.

    What would make sportives more attractive to maximize the number of entrants?

    Well. a sportive around Blackpool at 29 pounds does not sound attractive in first place. Sportives in ther Lakes, Dales, Peak and Wales get fully booked within hours, but the attractiveness is far superior (and often the entry cheaper).

    Plus I think before charging 29 pounds you have to build a credible reputation... most people (me first) argue that 29 pounds are too many even for the Dragon Ride, which is a well established event
    left the forum March 2023
  • cedargreen wrote:
    The reply from Damon Warnes states that a timing chip was going to be provided with a minimum of 1500 riders, but with only 250 entries it wasn't viable.

    Think you could on one hand the amount of eventys in the UK that would get those numbers, the only one I can readily think of is the Dragon, knwo others would if they could physically take more like the Fred etc
    Think they were being totally optomistic in teh first place, but that does seem the signature for the organisation of this event.
    i'll ride anything, but I prefer carbon.......... she screamed!!

  • stevev
    stevev Posts: 18
    I have just done the Edinburgh sportive and the organisation and dedication could not have been more different to my Experience with Rapha Condor. There were times as I was riding around that I felt real anger toward Rapha and the way they chose to rip us riders off. I am looking forward to seeing Cycling weekly's write up as it was not in the rag this week...has anyone seen it?
  • bibhigh
    bibhigh Posts: 9
    I posted this on Cycle Sport.org and felt after reading a particular fews comments about the event on various other sites I should post this here.

    I have read your comments on the event, some negative and some positive.
    I must stress to all that read this that Rapha and Condor individually where not using this as a profit making event for themselves. This was solely to raise money for the team. To pay for the riders. As you can imagine it costs a huge amount to have a pro team and in this financial climate money is scarce. I think that it is unfair of people to say that it was a grab and run from Rapha and Condor.
    I myself am a sportive rider and was asked by them to put on a sportive to coincide with the Nocturne, which is organised by Face partnerships who are an event management company. I myself have a hotel in Blackpool and was NOT receiving any funds for organising the event and have not orgainsed one before. I was just honored that they had asked me.
    That being said I was thrown in at the deep end all the route planning, logistics, HQ everything was left for me and me alone to plan.
    I had approached three local clubs to ask if people wanted to come on board and help with Rapha items being offered to them and only 1 person volunteered !
    I had to run the event with a skeleton crew and the HQ marshals' had to double up as feed station crew, and only 1 of them is a cyclist. We had such a lack of local support.
    I know there was teething problems and some things were overlooked. I hold my hands up and admitt that there were communication problems and some things that were high priority got overlooked.
    The people who entered the event, I do thank you very much as you all have helped to support a great team.
    They have asked me to organise another event next year and if I decide to do it then it can only be 100% better. 'Nghttrain' I would gladly ask for your help to plan the route.
    Sorry if this may appear a bit of a winge but if you knew the amount of work that has to go into planning an event like this and the expectations that people have of you you may be a little sympathetic.
    Best regards,
    Damon Warnes.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    edited August 2009
    bibhigh wrote:
    I must stress to all that read this that Rapha and Condor individually where not using this as a profit making event for themselves. This was solely to raise money for the team. To pay for the riders.

    You have just contradicted yourself. If the event was to pay riders' wages, then I don't see how it could be run as anything other than a 'profit-making' event on behalf of Rapha Condor - because the event was ultimately contributing to Rapha-Condor's finances...
    NlEDERMEYER Posts: 1,343
    That reply is absolutely pathetic. Of course it was a grab and run by Rapha Condor - why do you think they sponsor a team? For advertising purposes. This event was run to subsidise R-C's marketing. Have to feel a bit sorry for the guy holding the baby, but at the end of the day he should have told RC to pull the event when he realised how crap it would be.
    Bulbous also tapered
  • magnatom
    magnatom Posts: 492
    I've still not had a reply to my e-mail complaint.... :(