Dragon XC, Llandegla - which entry? 1st race

James Latham
James Latham Posts: 170
edited August 2009 in XC and Enduro
Hello, I'm a bit of a newbie to the race scene and looking to do my first race at Llandegla on the 15th Aug. I'm in reasonable shape but I cant find any information on the race distance or what to expect? Or which class I should enter? Open? Sport?

Any help much appreciated!


  • Mark2Bikes
    Mark2Bikes Posts: 127
    Me too! But good details of the race are very scarce - I can't even fine how long it is - any ideas?
  • Dilker
    Dilker Posts: 88
    The Llandegla races are great... You can look at the previous races on www.timelaps.co.uk

    If this is your first race i would do the open race, generally a larger field with a wider range of abilities.. Both sport and open races were 3 laps if i remember.
    'to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift' Steve Prefontaine

    "When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race" H.G.Wells
  • maloo
    maloo Posts: 214
    what route do they do at llandegla for these races ?
  • Dilker
    Dilker Posts: 88
    There is no way of knowing really, then tend to use a mixture of the new and old... they will cut through the the forest at intervals to join some of the main tracks. Courses are good, i've raced there 3 times i think, really enjoyed each of them.
    'to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift' Steve Prefontaine

    "When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race" H.G.Wells
  • Mark2Bikes
    Mark2Bikes Posts: 127
    How big is a lap? Any details on the web - still can't find them!
    If the open is a range of abilities does that make the Sport for the really good guys?
  • Dilker
    Dilker Posts: 88
    I averaged about 28 mins... I was 10th in the Sport race. The elites will lap 23/4. The laps is pretty long, most races are shorter.

    The riders who win the open race generally knock out pretty quick laps, enough to finish pretty well up in the sport race. I'd do the Open race first off, see how you go.
    'to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift' Steve Prefontaine

    "When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race" H.G.Wells
  • James Latham
    James Latham Posts: 170
    Dilker thanks for the advice, really useful. So you wouldnt say I needed to be super fit do the open? I generally do the red route in 1hr 15 but I'm certainly no athlete!
  • Dilker
    Dilker Posts: 88
    James, You don't have to be superfit. Looking at the results the slowest lap last time was 48 minutes.

    Worry not about your fitness or result, just enjoy it this time out.
    'to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift' Steve Prefontaine

    "When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race" H.G.Wells
  • SiLanc
    SiLanc Posts: 180
    Have to agree 100% with Dilker's final comment...spot on advice :)
    Lap by lap analysis, videos, photos, race reports and a map of race locations www.xcenduro.co.uk
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,286
    b0ll0xs - I am on holiday - would have loved to do this
  • teb
    teb Posts: 7
    Hey all,

    Do I need a BC License to race Expert?
    2009 British Universities Gold Medal, MTB XC
    2009 Brownbacks Series Champion

    LUCC/ Stif Mountain Bikes
  • wemac
    wemac Posts: 91
    It says on the race report from the race there earlier in the year that the lap was about 9.7km

    I've emailled them asking for more info - will let you know if I hear anything. Someone told me you needed a license - is that true?
    Trek Fuel EX8 09
  • Dilker
    Dilker Posts: 88
    You did need a racing license to expert and elite.

    The lap last time was pretty long...
    'to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift' Steve Prefontaine

    "When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race" H.G.Wells
  • wemac
    wemac Posts: 91
    Well, no-one got back to me so i'll be giving it a miss - there's plenty of other places to ride this weekend
    Trek Fuel EX8 09