Well done Thor - SPOILER

Tim Farr
Tim Farr Posts: 665
edited July 2009 in Pro race
Well done Thor on going up the road to capture today's sprints - if that virtually guarantees the green jersey so be it; despite Besancson you would be a worthy winner.

At the same time we hear on Eurosport that Cav has said that the jersey is tainted because of that decision by the commissaires in Besancson. The penalty was unfair, but Cav blaming Thor is pure sour grapes. I like to think of myself as a Cav fan, but the more he moans the the less I'm inclined to support him.
T Farr


  • robmanic1
    robmanic1 Posts: 2,150
    inseine wrote:
    spoiler please

    +1 FFS :wink:
    Pictures are better than words because some words are big and hard to understand.

  • Slow Downcp
    Slow Downcp Posts: 3,041
    Change the title!!!
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • thamacdaddy
    thamacdaddy Posts: 590
    Guess its fair. He did put the effort in to do it a very hard way and for cav at least you can understand he is pissed. If thor hadn't kicked off so much on the line perhaps the punishment wouldn't have been so harsh. It doesn't matter he officially complained later on the line he is giving cav pure stick when it looks like cav is looking left over shoulder expecting thor to come through there.

    From overhead he moves slightly right but surely its a reverse placings at worst.

    Cav can at least take away from it that on the sprints no one could beat him or his team and no ruling can really take that away from the public perception. And thor hasn't been all innocent he has moaned his way to it too both in the stage in question and the day before when he kicked off at the other rider who he felt should just let him take the points.

    Agreed Cav has said one or two things that he could perhaps keep to himself but age, mentallity whatever I get the fact he is frustrated by it and I don't personally write him off for it, its a part of who he is, great when he wins and slightly (maybe understandment) out of line when he loses. I prefer people in general who don't take losing on the chin very well.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    The spoiler is in the title you crazy fool! :D
  • Fastlad
    Fastlad Posts: 908
    Well done Thor!!! Stick it into wee greetin face!! The jersey's tainted!! WTF! GIRUY Cav!!
  • Great ride from Thor, talking with his legs instead of whining like a spoilt child and trying to rewrite history.

    "I spoke to him yesterday and said to him: 'You've won the green jersey now but that's always going to have a stain on it'." "For sure I'm upset that the green jersey is not going to be decided on the best man but on a piece of paper, which I don't think is fair.

    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/cavendi ... as-a-stain
  • Philip S
    Philip S Posts: 398
    It's about time Cav just stuck a cork in it and moved on. Take it on the chin, man.
  • aurelio_-_banned
    aurelio_-_banned Posts: 1,317
    edited July 2009
    it looks like cav is looking left over shoulder expecting thor to come through there.
    He was probably just playing a dummy in the hope that people wouldn't notice that the reason he moved right was because he looked back and saw that was where Thor 'Le grimpeur' Hushovd was.

  • From overhead he moves slightly right but surely its a reverse placings at worst.
    Slightly? Compare Cavendish's position with respect to the centre line and his own lead out man (who kept to the proper racing line) and I think that 'a lot' is more accurate than 'slightly'!


  • thamacdaddy
    thamacdaddy Posts: 590
    actually fairs fair after watching all of today gotta give props to thor properly.

    And the images above do show its a shut out however renshaw in that clip has actually peeled off left slighty(or kept straight as the road goes slight right), the boarding has come in from the right (quite a lot if you watch the video and it looks more on a still. If anything the move is ever so slight and happens before the boards move in and I at the speed they were going with cav looking over his shoulder so much I doubt very much he does that intended. Thor actually pushes cav out left before the main sprint started so surely all is fair right? I don't think its the right way to end that competition and that the punishment was over the top, that action is not even comparible to the robbie mcCwen headbutt.

    http://www.steephill.tv/players/tinypic ... id=33c11z5
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    Cav should not complain to Thor about the judges decision, they could have easily told Thor to wind his neck in.
    Good to see Thor today going out and getting some points and not relying on his team mates to do the hard work for him :)

    Mind you there are still a few days left yet.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Somebody needs to tell Robbie McEwen he's in the wrong as aurelio is always right...

    I hope you're not letting Cav's alleged anti-French comments cloud your judgement, Howard....
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • DaveyL wrote:
    Somebody needs to tell Robbie McEwen he's in the wrong as aurelio is always right...
    Perhaps he hasn't looked at the pictures. Still, some on here also seem to be willing to deny the evidence of their own eyes. Bradley Wiggins seems to know what's what. :wink:

    Thor Husovd, what can I say, after a certain persons comments today, Thor sticks two fingers up in a way that only Thor can. A true Gent

    Thor actually pushes cav out left before the main sprint started so surely all is fair right?
    Look again, in reality Cavendish forces Hushvod right and off the wheel of his lead-out man, you can clearly see Cavendish using his right shoulder.
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    I think Cav's move was too much but that doesn't matter, Hushovd has got the jersey thanks to his all-round abilities, it's a shame Cavendish is trapped by the media into making prattish remarks, he should stop his media sniping. Hushovd meanwhile attacks on the road.

    Remember the bookies had the Norwegian as favourite for the Green Jersey before the race started, Hushovd's climbing abilities are a real plus.
  • Kléber wrote:
    it's a shame Cavendish is trapped by the media into making prattish remarks, he should stop his media sniping.
    Perhaps he's modelling himself on his big mate Lance Armstrong. He's even copying Armstrong by 'doing his bit' for charity / the PR industry now!

    http://www.bikeradar.com/news/article/m ... ride-22504
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    aurelio wrote:
    DaveyL wrote:
    Somebody needs to tell Robbie McEwen he's in the wrong as aurelio is always right...
    Perhaps he hasn't looked at the pictures. Still, some on here also seem to be willing to deny the evidence of their own eyes. Bradley Wiggins seems to know what's what. :wink:

    Thor Husovd, what can I say, after a certain persons comments today, Thor sticks two fingers up in a way that only Thor can. A true Gent


    Brad was commenting on Cav's words, not deeds. Straw man. 2/10
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • thamacdaddy
    thamacdaddy Posts: 590
    I too agree Cav should probably not bother sniping in the media but again that's his choice and probably only helps alienate him a little.

    Brads comments are as kleber pointed out directed towards his words (the report about the stain on the jersey).

    My point was the DQ was overly harsh in many people's opinions and intended or not (which I believe it wasn't but I guess thats the debate for as long as people bring it up) thing is I think the TdF fecked up their own green jersey competition which was a cracker before all this.

    Here are some twitter responses from mr mccwen think he did have a good look:
    @erikkh wanted to beat Thor but also reach finish as slow as possible for George to get yellow. only as fast as he needed to. became problem7:56 PM Jul 18th from TweetDeck in reply to erikkh

    if Cav hadn't had a look, he wouldn't been DQ'd I think. Fine line.again, total dq is OTT. shame to ruin a gd battle. gd luck to both6:57 PM Jul 18th from TweetDeck

    re:Cav DQ.Trying analyse impartially-both mates of mine.Calling it like i see it.Sprinting tactically is very fine line.I lost a green by DQ 6:54 PM Jul 18th from TweetDeck

    most they should have done if anything was reverse placings .6:33 PM Jul 18th from TweetDeck

    Cav didn't really move much, barrier did but his looking over shoulder lining up Thor is what judges would have dq'd him for. full dq harsh 6:32 PM Jul 18th from TweetDeck

    I guess it doesn't matter job is done, green is thors this year and for the ride alone today and the barca win he probably deserves it. Hopefully next years can be a little less bitchy and more professional affair from all parties.

    Keep calm and carry on.
  • DaveyL wrote:
    Brad was commenting on Cav's words, not deeds.
    I didn't say otherwise. When I said 'Bradley Wiggins seems to know what's what' I was agreeing with his implication that Cavendish's gob is too big and Hushovd fully deserves the green jersey.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    I think most would agree with you that Cav went too far with his comments - just as most disagreed with you about Cav moving to the right and deserving a DQ !

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    aurelio wrote:
    DaveyL wrote:
    Brad was commenting on Cav's words, not deeds.
    I didn't say otherwise. When I said 'Bradley Wiggins seems to know what's what' I was agreeing with his implication that Cavendish's gob is too big and Hushovd fully deserves the green jersey.

    No you were not.

    "Perhaps he hasn't looked at the pictures. Still, some on here also seem to be willing to deny the evidence of their own eyes. Bradley Wiggins seems to know what's what."

    You were linking Wiggins's comments to the debate about the Cav/Hushovd incident and you well know it.
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • DaveyL wrote:
    You were linking Wiggins's comments to the debate about the Cav/Hushovd incident and you well know it.
    Of course I 'linked' the comments, just not as closely as you would like to think! :wink:
  • thamacdaddy
    thamacdaddy Posts: 590
    As slippery as the health minister.... 8)
  • Hugely impressed with Thor today, a sprinter breaking away and taking max points over two Cat. 1 and one Cat. 2 mountain passes. Cav may have the legs and the organisation, but Thor has the adventurous spirit and the never-say-die attitude to be fully deserving of the title. Remember, it is not the sprinters competition, it's the points competition.

    Thor has wiped the stain from his green jersey, I hope Cav is man enough to admit it.
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    A point about Cav and Besancon...

    Doesn't Zabel go and recon all the finishes for Cav and relay information about the sprint section? So could he have noticed that the barriers came in and told Cav where to go to not give Thor a chance to get by- without it looking like he intentionally boxed him in?

    Just a thought...
  • A point about Cav and Besancon...

    Doesn't Zabel go and recon all the finishes for Cav and relay information about the sprint section? So could he have noticed that the barriers came in and told Cav where to go to not give Thor a chance to get by- without it looking like he intentionally boxed him in?
    A rather contradictory post!

    could he have...told Cav where to go to not give Thor a chance to get by...

    If he did than his blocking move would not only have been deliberate, but pre-meditated!

    As Robbie McEwen has also said, what did for Cavendish was that he looked back to his right at Hushovd immediately before starting his blocking move.
  • claudb
    claudb Posts: 212
    I have to agree with Wiggo's remark on Thor being a "Gent". The way he has conducted himself in the media since the relegation incident should be a big lesson to Cav - if he can shut himself up long enough to listen. I love Cav but he has a lot to learn. Thor has quietly proven that you have to be more than the best sprinter to win the green jersey but, more especially, you have to go out and grab it (not sit smugly in a Gruppetto as soon as the road climbs). If there are stains on the jersey they are sweat from the endeavour Thor has shown in winning it. I'd still love to see Cav win the final stage but Thor is for me just what Wiggo said - a Gent - and Cav still has a lot of growing-up to do.
  • Philip S
    Philip S Posts: 398
    Agreed. I'm now a big fan of Thor - I've always respected him (and been entertained by Norwegian fans on the few mountian stages I've attended) but he's really been carrying himself with dignity this past week.

    Some of the stuff that was caught on camera yesterday - the "no problem" hand signal after his near crash and acknowledging fans on some of the later climbs showed he has a sense of humour as well. Good to see.
  • greeny12
    greeny12 Posts: 759
    I was raging at Thor for being a real spoilsport after the sprint fiasco, but he's rammed those words right back down my throat, which is absolutely what he intended for all his critics, Mr Cavendish most notably of all....

    Like Contador, his wheels have made the most telling comments possible....
    My cycle racing blog: http://cyclingapprentice.wordpress.com/

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  • thamacdaddy
    thamacdaddy Posts: 590
    claudb wrote:
    I have to agree with Wiggo's remark on Thor being a "Gent". The way he has conducted himself in the media since the relegation incident should be a big lesson to Cav - if he can shut himself up long enough to listen.

    Just playing devils advocate its easy enough to be a gent when you are the cat that got the cream right? Since the DQ the pressure hasn't been on him and he doesn't feel he has been unjustly treated as Cav (in my opinion legitimately) does. What reason would he have to be angry, upset and say something out of turn.

    While he does come across that way now there were two stages for me, the infamous DQ one and the stage the day before http://www.cyclingnews.com/races/96th-t ... otos/79669 where he has a right go at Peter Velits on the line because he contests the sprint. Its like Thor felt he had an automatic right to the points and couldn't be bothered to sprint him for it.

    Yes I like Cav, Yes I think he has been unfairly punished for a debatable issue and yes I think he needs to just bury it for now and do the talking on the road but I don't think Thor is as squeaky clean as he now appears having secured the Green Jersey. The mark I guess when people are put under pressure and so I think you need to take it all in context and when Thor couldn't win the sprints and felt the green slipping away he did his fair share of whinging too.

    I agree yesterday he responded the right way and it can't be disputed that in fact since the DQ he has been doing it the right way but I do get the feeling should he get under pressure a little of that cool exterior will crack too.

    http://www.bikeradar.com/forums/viewtop ... &start=160