Do you get nagged to go biking constantly?



  • borderboy
    borderboy Posts: 161
    Thanks grumsta

    civil war has just broke out Andrew the 10 year old has just told matt what you said and there is going to be a fourx race after tea to sort it out once and for all !!!
    and Haz the 7 year old wants some of the action as well.

    cheers mate :D
    Its all up hill down here
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    we want some footage of this! mini 4x championships!
    I like bikes and stuff
  • grumsta
    grumsta Posts: 994
    Hehe - so what was the result? VIdeo? :lol:
  • borderboy
    borderboy Posts: 161
    Mum stepped in and said the track isn't wide enough to race
    so it was a timed event and the result was as follows

    1st Matt 13 in 13.58

    2nd Andrew 10 in 14.20

    3rd Haz 16.89

    4th at this stage the timing went wrong so dads time wasn't recorded and was therefore asked to do his run again which he wasn't able to do because it was bed time!!!!! :wink:
    Its all up hill down here
  • XxxBFGxxX
    XxxBFGxxX Posts: 1,355
    brill vid mate and awsome track. ya kids are lucky as hell man