Are we missing something?



  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    aurelio wrote:
    DaveyL wrote:
    So he was riding the Giro clean then?
    Who knows?

    Well, according to your previous threads, you do.
  • MrT
    MrT Posts: 260
    Nice one Clemson...the irony is forget 1991 go back to the very start...then work your way forward then try and pick out all of the "clean winners"...and is that clean from today's perspective or clean from the perspective at the time the race was being ridden? Talk about a game of roulette!!!
    Back to the original...will Lance pull something out of the bag...well i'm partly with Napoleon D on this...whatever I'd rather be in Lance's shoes than Gordon Brown's. The former has a much better chance of winning!!!
  • MrChuck wrote:
    aurelio wrote:
    DaveyL wrote:
    So he was riding the Giro clean then?
    Who knows?
    Well, according to your previous threads, you do.
    I think that what you meant to say was, 'I see what you mean. Whilst there is shed loads of evidence showing that Armstrong doped in the past, so far nothing similar has come to light regarding his ride in the Giro.'
  • He was never caught and never will be caught...
    And the UCI will doubtless make damn sure of that, just as they did in the past...
  • MrT
    MrT Posts: 260
    Sadly Aurelio you have hit on the real nub of the issue.....we can balther on about the dopers..the alleged dopers...those that claim to be clean (my elbow!) etc etc etc...but just look at our global governing makes you proud of our upstanding politicians! Indeed the parallels with entering political governance for altruisitic reasons and sporting governance for the love of the sport....draw your own conclusions.