Judging Chances after TT *Spoiler*



  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    donrhummy wrote:
    I wouldn't count Levi out (a grand tour is a LONG 3 weeks for the riders) but he's going to need a lot of good luck, amazing rides and some major help from Lance.

    I'm intrigued to hear what you cycling fans think of my posers below...

    To me it looks like LA is getting stronger as the Giro goes on, do you think he can cope with the length of it better? I.e. his time off and injury hampered him initially but as everyone else gets tired he's looking more competitive. Will this be a factor in in the GC (helping LEvi)?

    Surely Sastre's 2 minutes is too much to make up?

    Has Di Luca used up too much effort already? The stage win the other day was quite impressive.

    What can Bradley wiggins acheive in the TDF if he carries on improving at the current rate?

    (I've only really been following pro cycling for the past year, so forgive me if i'm talking rubbish!)

    I think most people gain a bit of speed in a grand tour that isn't the Tour unless they're already at the peak. That Lance is improving so much is quite telling of his underlying fitness. I've been so impressed by him, despite hating him! Lance will be happy doing all he can for Levi, in case the favour needs to be returned later in the year.

    Di Luca tends to be reasonably consistant through the 3 weeks. He tended to loose out in the third week in the past, but that was largely to do with the types of staged the organisers threw in (i.e. proper ridiculous Italian mountain stages). He had a good go last year and really shook the race up (was certainly one of the best days racing of 2008). This year suits him better.

    Wiggins is a bit of an unknown right now because he's never had the slender physique he has now. Lugging a few kilos less over 3,000 odd kilometres certainly makes a difference!

    He'll never be GC material. Could turn out to be quite the breakaway man targeting certain stages if he decides to dump his thick track brain and start racing properly with his head.

    Sastre won't do too much. He'll be kept on a tight enough leash.
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • Cumulonimbus
    Cumulonimbus Posts: 1,730
    Not the most amazing thing to say but surely stage 16 will be the most decisive one? Time can be gained on other ones but this looks like giving the biggest time gaps.

    Blockhaus is a short stage and to me it looks like a relatively steady climb although still fairly steep. Will this suit a certain kind of rider more than others? The earlier stage guide missed out stage 20. This does look fairly innocuous, but that climb up to the finish could be important if it is close at the top of the GC with only the final TT to come. Time gaps may not amount to much but the time bonusses may prove important. Interesting viewing :)

    Oh and since someone mentioned the weather, it looks getting even hotter over the next few days. Bologna will reach about 32C today with temperatures likely to reach 34 or 35 tomorrow and possibly again on Monday. As the mountains they go over are fairly low this is especially bad news and it could be carnage if people decide to start racing straight away.

    From Wednesday onwards it looks as though temperatures will drop back to 25-27 although it should remain largely dry. Long time to go yet though.