Listening to Radio / other audio whilst riding

139sroberts Posts: 14
edited May 2009 in Commuting chat
I would like to listen to the radio and maybe some music whilst going about my commute and have done some research.

Originally, I thought this would be easy, just get a mini portable DAB/FM/AM MP3 player, Job done. However, it would appear this may not a good idea because of course having headphones on will block out some surrounding road noise, which, if not heard, can make riding dangerous. I take this point.

Alternatively, I have come across some radio players with speakers that attach to the handle bars. Most I have seen appear very naff. The Sony ICF-M88B personal bicycle radio looks the pick of the bunch but I believe is now discontinued.

Do any of you guys listen to music/ radio whilst riding? If so, how do you do it?




  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    Ok this thread is not about the 'dangers of cycling with audio right? as it's been done to death

    What about
    lower volume and you can hear traffic and what you're listening to
    only use the left ear piece
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • andy83
    andy83 Posts: 1,558
    just use my ipod and dont have it on too loud

    works fine as can still hear traffic
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    Nope - have tried it a few times, but prefer to hear traffic and be a bit more alert in town and on commute. Will do training rides with Ipod and headphones though.....out of town on major roads.

    Also like to hear people wheezing their way up Filton Hill....always makes me feel just that little bit better about the fact that I don't get knackered to that extent!

    Life in the fast lane for me :-(
  • 139sroberts
    139sroberts Posts: 14
    Clever Pun wrote:
    Ok this thread is not about the 'dangers of cycling with audio right?

    absolutely - I don’t want any comments stating that listening to music is not safe. I have read all that, im now just looking to gauge the best solution based on the response. I should have made that clear.
  • superdry
    superdry Posts: 36
    I have those inner ear-phones and was worried I woudln't hear anything.
    But as long as my mp3 player is at a reasonable level I can still hear road noise and feel safe.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • marksteven
    marksteven Posts: 208
    i cycle listening to wogan i figure im not gonna be squished just coz im listening to music there prob gonna run me over any way so hereing them coming wont make alot of difference
  • Christophe3967
    Christophe3967 Posts: 1,200
    Tried DAB portable radio and it just didn't work in London. Normal headphones are fine as long as the volume's not too high.
  • kyoukoku
    kyoukoku Posts: 105
    You could always go for the AirDrives:

    They don't go in/over your ear, they actually sit on the little flap of skin just in front of the earhole and transmit the sound through that into the bone around the ear, leaving your ear open for all the sounds around you. All the reviews I've seen so far say they do just the job.

    I've not actually tried them myself yet but do have them on order from Amazon. They aren't the cheapest set of earphones, but then compared to my lovely Shure SE530's they are cheap, plus I don't want to wear the expensive shure's while riding as they aren't really sweat resistant.

    The Shure's also block out far too much outside noise to the point where I can't hear a darned thing even with the music turned right down low.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    It`s just rude and annoying and daft and shouldn`t be done.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    antfly wrote:
    It`s just rude and annoying and daft and shouldn`t be done.

    How is it rude? How does it annoy you? Are you imagining a wobbly fair weather commuter in baggy jeans obliviously crossing your path, or an experienced cyclist using radio entertainment to help pass the many hours in the saddle?

    I find listening to music hard, so I don't. Talk radio is okay - I can hear the abuse drivers throw at me just fine. Its also not tonal so it doesn't clash with engine notes.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    It`s just anti-social and inconsiderate especially in traffic, and that`s probably why you are getting abuse,though it`s not as daft as listening to music.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • blu3cat
    blu3cat Posts: 1,016
    It`s just anti-social and inconsiderate especially in traffic, and that`s probably why you are getting abuse,though it`s not as daft as listening to music

    As indicated earlier, this is not about the why's but the how's.

    I personally don't like music while riding as I don't feel as connected to the outside world, but if you do want audio on the move how about some cheap open baked on the ear headphones (as opposed to over the ear)? Sound quality wouldn't be an issue as you are cycling and they'll leak noise both ways like crazy allowing you to hear the traffic.
    "Bed is for sleepy people.
    Let's get a kebab and go to a disco."

    FCN = 3 - 5
    Colnago World Cup 2
  • camerone
    camerone Posts: 1,232
    iphone. can then take calls into and out of work too...... :?
    tried it without earphones once and the traffic noise scared me :roll:
  • woodgob
    woodgob Posts: 96
    I used to when my commute was 90% seafront (non-road) cycle lane. My commute changed when I moved house and now it's the main road into Brighton so lots of traffic - particulalry buses and lorries. I'm simply not as confident on this commute (yep - even after a year) to have my hearing obstructed at all. Nothing to do with right or wrong though.
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    antfly wrote:
    It`s just anti-social and inconsiderate especially in traffic, and that`s probably why you are getting abuse,though it`s not as daft as listening to music.

    How is it antisocial? Isn't sitting in a sealed box antisocial? Do you like to talk to pedestrians and motorists during your commute? Headphones aren't something for the weekend chain gang.

    How is it inconsiderate? My road position and signals are identical with/without and I can hear traffic and so forth, and my eyes still work.

    I'm interested to know who is wronged.

    As as for your "that's why you are getting abuse" line - That was a throw away comment intended to amuse, as you well know. I feel that you are now getting defensive because I am asking you to justify your statements. Assume for the sake of this discussion that I behave myself in every conceivable way on the roads, and I shall do the same for you.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    antfly wrote:
    It`s just anti-social and inconsiderate especially in traffic, and that`s probably why you are getting abuse,though it`s not as daft as listening to music.

    How is it antisocial? Isn't sitting in a sealed box antisocial? Do you like to talk to pedestrians and motorists during your commute? Headphones aren't something for the weekend chain gang.

    How is it inconsiderate? My road position and signals are identical with/without and I can hear traffic and so forth, and my eyes still work.

    Assume for the sake of this discussion that I behave myself in every conceivable way on the roads, and I shall do the same for you.

  • [Tim]
    [Tim] Posts: 64
    antfly wrote:
    It`s just anti-social and inconsiderate especially in traffic, and that`s probably why you are getting abuse,though it`s not as daft as listening to music.

    How is it anti-social? My cycle to work is not a sociable time, I do not cycle with others I simply travel to my place of work. How is it different to listening to audio in a car?

    Please elaborate
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,451
    I don't use headphones but apart from my last little bit into the city centre I can't hear anything because of wind noise anyway, so I cant really see a problem. Maybe headphones might block out the windnoise a bit so as long as the music isn't too loud it may even help, just a thought.
    Saracen Tenet 3 - 2015 - Dead - Replaced with a Hack Frame
    Voodoo Bizango - 2014 - Dead - Hit by a car
    Vitus Sentier VRS - 2017
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    Yes,I do like to chat to cyclists when I pass them and I can`t do that if they have earphones in.Perhaps it`s also just a prejudice of mine but I`m sure it annoys other people too.Here is someone who shares my opinion,for what it`s worth.
    P.S you don`t wear earphones driving in a car,it`s illegal.,7989,s1-15-65-2286-0,00.html
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • 139sroberts
    139sroberts Posts: 14
    redvee wrote:

    If this had AM or DAB as well i may have been tempted! Looks good kit if a bit pricey.

    Im not so interested in sound quality, just something to do the job so i can listen to 5 live/ talk-sport and the odd tune.
  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    kyoukoku's suggestion looks excellent - might get some for listening to radio in the office...

    I find radio on the commute a bit distracting, but like listening to Chris Moyles if he's got a good guest on!
  • Left lughole only and a variety of podcasts mainly from the BBC etc as reception in that London can be a bit flakey and for some reason music gets on my nerves

    As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or cycling helmets approaches one
  • Moomin23
    Moomin23 Posts: 77
    I use headphones, but I don't understand the reaction from others about listening to outside noise. I'm experienced and skilled on my bike and make myself aware of the danger around me.

    To say you're being irresponsible because you can't hear traffic is nonsense, there are plenty of deaf safe cyclists on the road who do just fine aren't there? they may be offended by the suggestion they are unsafe on the road!!
    I want to come back as Niki Gudex's seat
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    It`s not just the not hearing it`s the distraction,becoming disconnected from your environment,going into a world of your own.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • peachos
    peachos Posts: 47
    £5 Phillips over the head jobby's. bought em from morrisons a while back . the band fits under my helmet nicely and sound quality's ok (don't really need to quality sound whilst on the road as wind will interfere anyways). plugged into an ipod.

    to the unsafe/antisocial guy: boring!
    Norco Six-One

    Manchester Mountain Bikers (search on
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    You`re a mountain biker though,not a roadie.
    Your post was boring too.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Parkey
    Parkey Posts: 303
    Left earpiece only and I listen to audiobooks and podcasts on an iPhone.

    No harm at all in it.
    "A recent study has found that, at the current rate of usage, the word 'sustainable' will be worn out by the year 2015"
  • peachos
    peachos Posts: 47
    i am a mountain biker yes. i do also commute to work too. and guess what, i also use my commute bike for training on the road. in fact bikes are my main mode of transport, but if you feel this doesnt qualify me to make comment then fine. there is nothing unsafe about using headphones on the road. fact.
    Norco Six-One

    Manchester Mountain Bikers (search on